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Messages - Breg

Pages: [1]
QB64 Discussion / Re: Welcome and Presentation?
« on: February 06, 2022, 08:51:34 pm »
Again. Welcome!

Remember: If you are not having fun, you are not doing right..!!

Hi johnno56. Thank you for your welcome.

I am a 66-year-old French retiree, spokesperson for a small group of young retirees who have decided to discover and train in programming.

After much research and discussion, we decided to choose the QB64 language for its ease of learning.

We hope to be able to find here the necessary help to master good practices even if some of our group already have a first experience of different languages ​​including QB 4.5 and PDS 7.1 or even bash.

Our development environments are exclusively different Linux distributions and macOS High Sierra, and sorry but excluding any form of MS Windows with the one and only exception of Windows 11 in the sandbox of a VMware Workstation or Fusion VM.

So here is briefly who I am and the purpose of our small group.

So, if I may, here are my first three questions (of a very long list to come):

1) is there a kind of book like: QB64 for Dummies?

2) is there an exhaustive list of all the commands of the QB64 language with simple examples of use for each command?

3) What is the basic difference between a SUB and a FUNCTION?

Last point: we would like to participate in the translation and localization of QB64 in different languages ​​including French and Italian.

Is it in your plans, for example, to separate all QB64 messages into one (or more) external file(s) to facilitate and allow their translation?
Thanks in advance for your interest.

PS: Breg is my nickname for Bridgett.

QB64 Discussion / Welcome and Presentation?
« on: February 06, 2022, 05:03:30 pm »
Hello everyone.
Is there a section on this forum to introduce yourself?
Kind regards.

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