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Messages - Daniel3D

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** The only thing I need at the moment is an Installer function added to the setup. The (replacement)setup program is written in QB. It has to run in DOS, that is the main goal.**

Ok if the installer only runs in DOS then the game runs in DOS too so Im not sure I follow.  You might want to try messing about with Microsoft XP and see if it works there. To run the same DOS game in QB64 you got to port over the basic source code (if you can get the source) and compile it in QB64.  Now I think you said that the game was written in 16 bit assembler but that wont run on anything later than XP
Only DOS matters.
The game was recompiled for DOS, so the new setup program was written for DOS.
the installer function is only needed for DOS.

It is mostly to make it whole again and for the few bare metal DOS gamers. Most just drag and drop in windows and use DOSBOX to play.

Do you still need help with this?
Well, I'm not sure.  There is a lot of progress, but it has halted in the final stages, it seems.
Hi Daniel3D
fine this function extracting name of car from file of car.
I'll try it so in a second moment I can integrate it.

Soon final version of installer. I'm testing it in Qbasic in DosBox for windows.
See Later
But that was 4 months ago, and he hasn't been online in almost as long.

What I'm looking for (it got a bit more extended in this thread) is basically just a DOS based installer
(DOS is its target, and it only needs to function in DOS, a DOS clone or DOS emulator)
(I don't really care about the programming language, but the game-setup part is done and written in QB.)
The installer must be able to install the game clean (just gamefiles for provided list)
or make a full install (all files and subs in game dir)

Optionally are custom options. (can be simple with wild cards - include all tracks, include all cars, something like that)
But an option to just install the game from any location to any location would be awesome.

I know this is a QB64 forum, but the only one 'basic' forum that is active.
So if you're up for some old school QB Programming, you are very welcome.

No, we (at have rebuild the executable file for the game stunts. That makes the original setup program unable to function. Therefore we made a new setup. That new setup program still needs the installer function.

I know ASM but it is really hard to do ASM in QB64. I'm not saying impossible - and I have tried by disassembling QB64 code but my lack of compiler knowledge makes that a challenge.  I just do not have the time or patience to tweak QB64 code nor would I want to other than for pure amusement.

Your best bet is to try to write the entire game in QB64 which is not easy but a lot easier than trying to emulate ASM code in QB64 or get into the really brainy world of API functions etc.
You can download the QB64 source code which contains all the sub-routines.  You can even review the QB64 output file with the generated basic to C code.  What is there to disassemble in QB64?  Nothing is hidden from you.
Thank you both. But it is not about the game itself in this case, but just the SETUP/INSTALLER program to go with it. Because the executables have changed, the original installer program doesn't function anymore.
The only thing I need at the moment is an Installer function added to the setup. The (replacement)setup program is written in QB. It has to run in DOS, that is the main goal.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Project looking for Programmer (I can't do it myself)
« on: February 22, 2022, 04:34:35 am »
Hi Richard.

TempodiBasic has not been online for a while now. Life happens. I am sure he will come around eventually.

Anyway. @Richard I would appreciate it if you could test the program when it is available. It should work just fine, but I don't have a bare metal setup to test that myself.
In september a new realease is planned (a year later than originally intended) so there is time for TempodiBasic. If it is ready before July I'm happy.

In the meantime, you could check there are some things happening in the STUNTS world.

@TempodiBasic everything alright? Can I do something for you?

O wow.
Amazing 😁

For the car listing.
With the amount of cars and the limited naming possiblity
I would like for you to add the full car name in a separate box (above the list)
The target file is the corresponding car****.Res file.
I posted a script for that before, but that written in freebasic.
I have that script now in a QB version.
If you can add that I would very appreciate it.
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Function ExtractCarName$ (filename$)
  2.  f% = FreeFile
  3.  Open filename$ For Binary Access Read As f%
  4.  s$ = Space$(100)
  5.  Get #f%, , s$
  6.  n% = InStr(s$, "gnam")
  7.  Get #f%, n% + 16, l&
  8.  l& = l& + 39
  9.  s$ = Space$(255)
  10.  Get #f%, l&, s$
  11.  n% = InStr(s$, Chr$(0))
  12.  If n% Then s$ = Left$(s$, n% - 1) Else s$ = Left$(s$, 40)
  13.  Close f%
  15.  ExtractCarName$ = s$
This code that has been used in several programs.
So I don't expect trouble with it.
If there is something with it I can't help you, so leave it then.
Don't worry about it. It's extra and can be fixed later if needed.

Thanks again.

An happy new year to you as well.

I prefer the option with one kind of file.
Multiple columns makes it to complex I think.

So you can install the game (no listings needed)
Or a list of either cars, tracks or all other files (probably containing mod programs like agar)

QB64 Discussion / Re: Project looking for Programmer (I can't do it myself)
« on: December 29, 2021, 06:48:33 pm »
1. Clear.. I get your reasoning. Don't know much about interrupts, just know that they exist. So keep going.

2. I think 500 should be enough. I could increase it later if there is need. But I don't expect so.

3. Just a thought. Let's see how it functions as it is now.
Edit:But if we run into problems it may be a solution.
Edit2: I don't know if it is a lot of work. But filtering out tracks and cars in separate lists saves a lot of space on screen.
Cars are 4files per car. Only one name needs to be shown.
Tracks are 1 to 3 files per track. Also only one name needed.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Project looking for Programmer (I can't do it myself)
« on: December 29, 2021, 01:45:56 pm »
Maybe split lists in groups?
Game files - are known.
Tracks - list only tracks
Cars - list only cars.
Mods. - list files minus game, track and car files

QB64 Discussion / Re: Project looking for Programmer (I can't do it myself)
« on: December 29, 2021, 10:38:18 am »
It looks good. I don't understand it all. So I may ask weird questions.
I think that you use command line for the list.
Can that not also be done with interrupts? Or am I mixing things up?

Your first line f$(1 to1000) does that create 1000 of something to use in list's? I think that may be a bit heavy.
I don't have problems with it. Just an impression..

QB64 Discussion / Re: Project looking for Programmer (I can't do it myself)
« on: December 14, 2021, 06:34:30 am »
Wow. This has become way more complicated than I expected when I posted the original help request.
I really appreciate the work you are doing so short before Christmas.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Project looking for Programmer (I can't do it myself)
« on: December 13, 2021, 06:33:40 am »
I've been searching for this online for the last couple of days. As far as I can make out this should not be possible. So it's either a fluke or a bug (in DOSBox).
I don't believe that this is caused by your code.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Project looking for Programmer (I can't do it myself)
« on: December 09, 2021, 06:18:12 pm »
that sounds like something that should not be possible. I hope you find the problem.

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