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Messages - sarmad

Pages: [1]
QB64 Discussion / Re: whats wrong with this program?
« on: September 21, 2021, 02:11:36 am »
i found the problem .. it was in goto 1000 i put it in seperate line to jump line 100 but i kept the post any way cuz maybe there is a simpler way to get this .. thank you

QB64 Discussion / whats wrong with this program?
« on: September 21, 2021, 01:22:58 am »
hello every one .. i try to make a simple program to seperate numbers from 1 to 100 into odd and even and if the number has a root it ll be a text next to number says that this number has a root .. so i did this

10 For i = 1 To 100
15  _Delay 0.5
20 If i / 2 = Int(i / 2) Then GoTo 30 Else GoTo 100
30 If Sqr(i) = Int(Sqr(i)) Then Print i; "has a root" Else Print i: GoTo 1000
100 If Sqr(i) = Int(Sqr(i)) Then Print , , , i; "has a root" Else Print , , , i
1000 Next

i have a problem .. when even number  has a root it ll be put also in the group of odd numbers as well .. i dont know why? maybe the idea of programming is completly wrong?

QB64 Discussion / Re: any help please?
« on: September 20, 2021, 01:15:56 am »
thank you guys that was amazing !!! thanx alot

QB64 Discussion / any help please?
« on: September 19, 2021, 06:27:03 am »
hello every one
am just a bigenner in qb64  i try to make a program that print numbers from 1 to 40 and draw a circle .. very simple but when i run that i get the numbers from 13 to 40 with no scrollable screen and get the circle inside .. when i use $console:only with aame program i get no thing as shown in pictures.. how can i combine between 1 to 40 scrollable window and the circle in one o/p window?

Pages: [1]