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Messages - Ivan

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QB64 Discussion / Re: QB64 - decisions
« on: June 20, 2021, 05:51:54 am »

Makes sense, but I'm curious to know how the money flow is administered and by who.

If I make donations is it especially because of the great community. Regarding Basic, I think QB64 have most users.

What I think would make QB64 more appealing at least for me:

1. Immediate mode especially because of compile time. The Basics I have used was very fast to run and because of my bad spelling it's very nice.

My current (paided) basic compiles "Hello World" in a blink of second and immediate mode even faster.

Even Code Blocks using C++ (about 300 lines) #include <iostream>, #include <graphics.h>, #include <math.h> compiles in less than a second.

2. Arrays inside types.
3. Increment and decrement.
4. The debugger is not intuitive for me.

I would love to add features to QB64, but I don't have the skills.

I really like the strict setting (saves time) and it reminds of an old Basic/Pascal like language named UniComal. If I could not type a line with correct syntax I had make it as a commend line. UniComal also had arrays in structure and could make instances with arrays.

QB64 Discussion / Re: QB64 - decisions
« on: June 17, 2021, 09:53:21 am »
Thanks SMcNeill for clarifying and others.

I know very little of Github or Discord server and fail to see, how it's better to use Github/Discord, instead of having "the stuff" being stored on

If I understand correctly QB64 is a "democratic organism" and the status is what contributing programmers want QB64 to be.

Regarding donations I expect accountants who are responsible for spending.

QB64 Discussion / QB64 - decisions
« on: June 17, 2021, 04:41:44 am »
I'm trying to understand QB64 a little better.

How is it decided about QB64 characteristics regarding syntax, keywords, features, future ect.

Who are the developers/programmers besides Fellippe Heitor?

How are donations handled?

QB64 Discussion / Re: array in type
« on: June 15, 2021, 03:19:47 pm »
Most code I have just done seems maybe not simple, but clear. Not many days later, when i have look at the same code I think, what is going on...

I think if I dig into your code I would understand how to use it.

But I wish someting like this pseudo code in QB64:

type vector(array)
end type

or the basic I use (not pseudo):

dim vector_{ a(9,9,9), x(9), y(9), z(9) }

QB64 Discussion / Re: array in type
« on: June 14, 2021, 01:29:47 pm »
You can have arrays of types. You just can't have arrays IN types.

The basic i'm currently using don't have types but can have structs of arrays and can have arrays in structs, and I think I mostly can use structs like types.

Exepct that types in QB64 are more precise and more nicely listed and much easier to read.

I' in midst of programming a relational database with one to many relations using arrays with four different files.

QB64 Discussion / Re: array in type
« on: June 14, 2021, 07:42:36 am »
Is arrays of types also missing?

QB64 Discussion / Re: Silly question about EXE size reduction.
« on: June 04, 2021, 05:45:18 am »

It's really great, that you takes time to explain how the compiling process works.

The Basic (BBCBASIC) I'm currently using, gives hello.exe a size of 85 kb.

How this Basic compress, encrypt, abbreviate and crunch, I can't explain.



QB64 Discussion / Re: Trying out QB64
« on: May 12, 2021, 06:36:27 am »
I was programming in QB45 and it has been easy to convert my warehouse management program to QB64, which now uses SQL databases.
One of my programs already has 46,150 lines of code, so there are no problems with the size of the code.


You must use an enormous documentation to admin so much code.

In my present project I have constructed a relational database. For now I have managed to write and read.

I'm exited to try to make search facilities...

QB64 Discussion / Re: Trying out QB64
« on: May 12, 2021, 06:11:45 am »
Hi Ivan.  Your English is great!  I also use Purebasic and have found it a very useful tool.  Hope you continue on with QB64 - it's a very comfortable language and lots of code examples to learn from.

- Dav

Hi Dav,

And thanks.

QB64 is not dropped and I will have more go's at it.



QB64 Discussion / Re: Trying out QB64
« on: May 12, 2021, 06:03:16 am »
I notized you are doing a lot in Linux. I had a few go's trying Linux but all that Sudo and long commands are overwhelming for me. No I did se that, but I think Linus says exactly, what he thinks. :o)

In my view C++ is becoming more and more unreadable. Last time I had a go of C++, I studied type casting. The code almost looked like something from another planet. I think, it would be much easier for me to write op codes in 6205 assembler :o)

The Basic I'm using right now do have OOP, but the implementation does not make it easy for my to write in a clear manner.

I think the Basic language also have to evolve and why not trying to have structures/types with properties AKA OOP or not?



QB64 Discussion / Re: Trying out QB64
« on: May 11, 2021, 04:58:49 am »

As you clearly can see, English is certainly not my first language. English is a language I started to learn after my thirties and issues with midly dyslexia gives me lots of challenges, but never the less I really enjoying English. And thank you for letting me torturing your grammar and thank you for your forgivingness.

The first time I saw QB64 was... Is it a DOS system??? But that is only the old time look and the IDE can be costumized to some extend. The color used for errors is very hard for me to read. It seems that the old Qbasic still have a big place and many references in QB64.

One of the reasons I'm trying out other Basics is the need for a better debugger, more strict typing and better indentions. The indentions works fine for me and option explicit is great, but the debugger is very hard for me to use. It's also very important, that it have an ongoing development.

The community is great and gives me a very good feeling!

I'm currently in the middle of a project and must for now use my time there again although I love trying out basics.

I tried Free Basic with a lot of appealing features, but a very, very old IDE and a obscure installation.

Pure Basic with lots and lots of features and one time fee. It also have a great community. Pure Basic feels different in a way I can't explain and I think it more or less have all the features you can ask for.

The most likeable Basic I had tried is BASIC-256 which is a learning Basic. It is the most user friendly Basic I had ever tried. The debugger is magnificent and intuitively and is viewed inside the IDE. They also provide a fantastic tutorial - with mathematics, file handling, stacks, queues, lists, sorting, error trapping, database, network, sprites and ect.



PS. I'll be back...

QB64 Discussion / Re: option explicit
« on: May 10, 2021, 04:26:06 am »
No problem - I'm trying to minimize my misreading and this lining up is helping me. I love ducklings... :o) And thanks for helping.

I have not figured out how to concantenate text variables, increment/decrement in short notation and using global variables.

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. ' trying qb64 v2
  2. ' Status line says in green: "OK (1 warning - click here or Ctrl to view)
  3. ' But I can't find the error...
  5. dim number as integer
  6. dim abc as string * 8
  7. dim as integer num1                                                  ' if not initialized then default value = 0
  8. dim as single num3                                                   ' how do I declare globel variables?
  10. number = 2
  11. abc    = "de"
  13. print "number before call: "; number
  14. print "abc before call   : "; abc
  15. call test1(number, abc)
  16. print "number after call : "; number
  17. print "abc after call    : "; abc
  20. print "num1 before sub: "; num1
  21. print "abc before sub : "; abc
  22. test2 num1, abc
  23. print "num1 after sub : "; num1
  24. print "abc after sub  : "; abc
  27. sub test1 (num, text as string)                                      ' num is regarded as local aka call by value
  28.   print "1. inside test: num = "; num
  29.   num = num + 1                                                      ' how do I increment? (I'm used to: += add one to a variable)
  30.   print "2. inside test: num = "; num
  31.   text = text + "hj"                                                 ' used to: text += "hj"
  32.   print "text: "; text
  33. end sub 'test
  35. sub test2 (num2 as integer, text2 as string)                         ' call by reference
  36.   num2  = num2 + 5
  37.   print "a. text2: "; text2
  38.   text2 = text2 + "fg"
  39.   print "b. text2: "; text2                                          ' print de     fg     I exspected defg

QB64 Discussion / option explicit
« on: May 09, 2021, 05:08:04 am »

Although I'm in the middle in a program, I can't resist trying out features in qb64. I'm very pleased to discover, that I don't have to use percent or dollar signs. These signs gives me lot of headache in my current basic, because I overlook them.

And indentions in subs are great. My current basic also lack that.

Option explicit could for my behalf be even more strict. I would welcome forced variable name after next and after end sub. The latter is not allowed.

I have to figure out how I change the error color, when typing something wrong. The colors contrast is hard for me to distinguish between.

String argument to sub..?



Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. dim start_int, end_int, counter, step_val as integer
  2. dim abc as string * 2
  4. start_int = 2
  5. end_int   = 5
  6. counter   = 1
  7. step_val  = 1
  8. abc       = "de"
  10. call test(counter, start_int, end_int, abc)
  12. sub test(num1, num2, num3, text1)
  13.   for num1 = num2 to num3
  14.     'print num1;","; abc
  15.     print num1
  16.   next num1
  17. end sub test

QB64 Discussion / Re: Trying out QB64
« on: May 06, 2021, 03:17:46 am »
I'm am sure I can learn a lot from this community. I hope I can return some ideas also. I think of my level as medium, I hope.

I'm still fascinated as I was the first time I wrote two lines of code. Print and input and viewing the results. Thinking about an idea and then write or create code to solve a problem.

A little while ago, I introduced my niece to programming. She is learning about the Cartesian coordinate system. I showed her how to move, plot and drawing lines. About drawing a box (vectors) and use relative positions (x,y) to place the box anywhere in the coordinate. We also made an Unit circle and used cos and sin to draw circles.

For my part documentation is the hardest part. I'm trying to write my code as clear as I possible can, so it speaks or explains if self.

Sometimes when I review some of my code, I'm thinking that is not the most clever code I have seen. It's often because I did not respect the difficulty of the job and the code is taking revenge.

It's very satisfying to have written code, that responds correctly and fast with different arguments, easy to read and relatively easy to expand.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Trying out QB64
« on: May 05, 2021, 02:44:42 pm »

I forgot to mention UniComal. A Danish structured and procedural Basic like language with a very strict syntax check. The IDE forced you to enter each code line before approval. Saved me for a lots of typos.

C++ is also created by a Dane Bjarne Stoustrup. I think he works at a American university.

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