I been working on the problem. This is what I have so far. "sub finder" scans the file, when it finds a match it stops and says found it.
"Sub display", reads the 10 variables in the line, and prints them to the screen. The "IDnumber" is always the first variable in the set of 10.
The next problem is how to combine the 2 subs. The sequence I need is, I input an "IDnumber" to search for. Then scans the file. When that number is found.
The program goes and reads in the 10 variables including the "IDnumber" found on that line and prints them on screen.
I am thinking if I count the variables during the search this would give me an address of sorts, then rescan the file counting the variables and stoping the scan -1 prior to the found variable.
Then load in the next 10 variables I need to print.
INPUT " Profile number to find ", searchnumber
LOCATE 2, 10:
PRINT "Costumer Profile":
PRINT "-----------------------------------------------------------------"