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Messages - CoderVSB12

Pages: [1]
QB64 Discussion / Re: New Game
« on: September 13, 2020, 09:02:50 pm »
Thanks very much! Now i just need them to vanish towards the center of the screen, but you might want to wait as i try to do it by myself before i ask you for help, ok?

QB64 Discussion / Re: New Game
« on: September 12, 2020, 07:22:52 pm »
This game represents the exact perspective i want. The meteors move pretty much like the shoots of fire, but at random positions.

QB64 Discussion / Re: New Game
« on: September 11, 2020, 12:39:07 pm »
That's pretty good, but its not what i intended it to be; the meteors need to go directly from behind the camera, and not falling from the top.

QB64 Discussion / Re: New Game
« on: September 10, 2020, 05:53:59 pm »
I do have some concept drawings...

QB64 Discussion / New Game
« on: September 10, 2020, 04:56:05 pm »
So, i'm planning to make my first public game ever since 2 years ago, but i had some serious dificulties like procrastination in general.
Today, seeing the popularity of games like Fall Guys, i decided to finally start working on my project. It's about a bird that have to jump meteors while he's being chased by a round dinosaur spaceship, and everything in 2.5D; the bird is in its front view, and the meteors shrink down as they get far away, being sucked by the spaceship.
But there are some issues on my first prototype tho. Check my code and see if you can find it for me.

Code: QB64: [Select]
  2. TYPE Birb
  3.     X AS INTEGER
  4.     Y AS INTEGER
  5.     Z AS INTEGER
  6.     Pic AS LONG
  7.     W AS INTEGER
  8.     H AS INTEGER
  9.     JumpSpeed AS INTEGER
  10.     JumpState AS INTEGER
  12. TYPE Meteor
  13.     X AS INTEGER
  14.     Y AS INTEGER
  15.     Z AS INTEGER
  16.     Pic AS LONG
  17.     W AS INTEGER
  18.     H AS INTEGER
  19.     SpawnTime AS INTEGER
  21. TYPE WindowBoi
  22.     W AS INTEGER
  23.     H AS INTEGER
  25. DIM SHARED Birby AS Birb
  26. DIM SHARED Steroids AS Meteor
  27. DIM SHARED Wendow AS WindowBoi
  29. Wendow.W = 1280
  30. Wendow.H = 720
  31. Birby.Pic = _LOADIMAGE("F&S_proto_sources\birby")
  32. Birby.W = 66
  33. Birby.H = 108
  34. Birby.X = (Wendow.W / 2) - (Birby.W / 2) - 1
  35. Birby.Y = (Wendow.H / 2) - (Birby.H / 2) + 1
  36. Steroids.Pic = _LOADIMAGE("F&S_proto_sources\meteor")
  37. Steroids.X = INT(RND * 1250) + 30
  38. Steroids.Y = INT(RND * 690) + 30
  39. Steroids.SpawnTime = 10
  41. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(1280, 720, 32)
  43.     _LIMIT 100
  44.     PCOPY _DISPLAY, 1
  45.     SpawnMeteors
  46.     _DISPLAY
  47.     PCOPY 1, _DISPLAY
  49. SUB SpawnMeteors
  50.     FOR i = 1 TO 20 STEP Steroids.SpawnTime
  51.         _PUTIMAGE (Steroids.X, Steroids.Y), Steroids.Pic
  52.     NEXT

Pages: [1]