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Messages - Taylorover9001

Pages: [1]
QB64 Discussion / Mouse Controls
« on: May 16, 2021, 09:06:10 pm »
Something I've never understood is, why is stuff related to the mouse so janky? With INKEY$ and _KEYDOWN() for example, they just work. If a key is pressed while INKEY$ or _KEYDOWN() are being invoked, they will report it to you accordingly. But with all the mouse commands, such as _MOUSEBUTTON(), why don't they work in the same sort of way? Why do I need to call _MOUSEINPUT for any of the other mouse commands to work at all? As a result, getting mouse controls to work is always much harder than it really should be. I can and have gotten mouse controls to work in two different programs, but in both cases it took me awhile to do, and making changes can easily cause it to stop working.

QB64 Discussion / Comments on same line as start of Function/Sub
« on: May 16, 2021, 12:43:06 am »
Just a couple things related to comments located on the same line as the start of a Function or Sub, in Version 1.5. If the comment contains parentheses, everything contained within them will be shown in the arguments column for that Function/Sub in the F2 menu, if the Function/Sub doesn't have any arguments. The second thing, which is related, why not have a comments column in the F2 menu, specifically for comments on the start of a Function/Sub?

QB64 Discussion / Re: INC Function
« on: February 21, 2020, 08:43:16 pm »
1) By making code shorter (eliminating redundant code), making it less likely for bugs to be created, and easier to fix bugs without creating new bugs. For example, this could happen, either creating new code or trying to fix a bug: X(1,4) = X(1,3) + 1. It could take awhile for such a bug to even be found, depending on the circumstances. With _INC, you just have _INC X(1,4). Sure if you mess that up, it could still take awhile to find, but I think it would be less likely to mess up, especially when modifying code.

2) I have. It's at the top of the post. But different variable types can cause problems, unless I create a Sub for every variable type in the program.

QB64 Discussion / INC Function
« on: February 21, 2020, 08:29:31 pm »
I would love to have a function that can change the value of a variable by an amount. Yes, I can and have created my own Sub to do this in some programs, but I would love for this to be implemented as a QB64 function, especially considering how many variable types exist. It would certainly be more convenient, by only having the variable/array once, instead of twice. If a change needs to be made, it only needs to be made once, not to mention code being shorter. Another language I've used (SmileBASIC) does have such a function, and QB64 also has the SWAP function, so I don't see why QB64 couldn't have an INC function.

VAR = Variable to increment.
STEP = Amount to increment by. If omitted, 1 will be used.

X = 7
_INC X, -3

You can probably see how that would be more convenient, by having _INC X instead of X = X + 1. Or _INC LongAFVariableName(3, 1, 2, 5) instead of LongAFVariableName(3, 1, 2, 5) = LongAFVariableName(3, 1, 2, 5) + 1.

QB64 Discussion / Random Numbers
« on: April 05, 2018, 09:52:40 pm »
Why does random number generation suck in QB64? No matter what tricks and randomization stuff I do, it often doesn't feel right.

QB64 Discussion / QB64 1.2 Audio Files Major Bug
« on: February 26, 2018, 08:55:50 pm »
Okay, I just upgraded my QB64 to 1.2, and immediately I have found it to be unusable with apps that use audio (.WAV). There is about a 40% chance it will play them too fast, and about a 10% to crash the whole program when trying to play them. The previous version of QB64 I used was fine...

I have now downgraded to QB64 1.1 until further notice.

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