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Messages - meerkat

Pages: [1]
QB64 Discussion / Re: client server exe's
« on: February 02, 2021, 07:39:59 am »
Not exactly.. It's not the DB I'm worried about. I want to send a exe file instead of html in a client/server.
No problem with SQLite or mySQL on a server is no problem..

Thanks for your help.

QB64 Discussion / Re: client server exe's
« on: February 01, 2021, 01:27:34 pm »
Thanks for the link. It helped a lot. I don't see where they send a exe to the client. The are using HTML. But it told me a lot, and there may be a way.

Should run on any system. But I'd be interested in how it might work with windows. Maybe it will tell me something I can use with other systems.

I currently trying to do it with red-lang on linux, and RFO basic on fuchsia.os

Thanks for all the help

QB64 Discussion / client server exe's
« on: February 01, 2021, 08:47:59 am »
I'm completely new to QB64 and am interested in client/server apps.
I have a fair knowledge of html.
What I was wondering, is it possible to send a 'exe' to a client instead of sending html.
Could it do interactive stuff. I have a avionics system with lots of dials, and dynamic maps and other stuff that is really complex in html. All the files they need are in SQLite on my server. I'd like to send a 'exe' to the client after a server request instead of html.. The client also needs to upload files such as images, video, text and maybe other media to the server

Thanks for the help..

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