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Messages - AuleMar

Pages: [1]
QB64 Discussion / Re: Sizing screen for graphics
« on: August 03, 2020, 03:21:53 pm »
Found the culprit it was hiding down in the code (CLS: SCREEN 2, 0, 0) that would snap the screen into tiny mode.  Looks like everything is good now,

QB64 Discussion / Re: Sizing screen for graphics
« on: August 03, 2020, 03:10:32 pm »
Thanks for the quick response, Your TV program ran perfect.  But using you code snippets in mine, and it jumped back to the tiny screen again.     I need to run through the code to see if I do anything in it to reset the screen.  last time I ran the code was in 1987.  Its actually amazing that that is the only problem I'm having.  I pulled the programs and data off very old Floppies.

Again thanks.


QB64 Discussion / Sizing screen for graphics
« on: August 03, 2020, 02:36:01 pm »
New user to QB64, I searched the forum but haven't found What I'm looking for.  I did find how to change screen size for text and that has worked.  But, when a graphic object is drawn the screen (window) snaps back to the original tiny size.  What I am doing Is simple graphics, Just a line drawings of an objects finite element grid.  I use it to verify the grid prior to using it in a FORTRAN code. Is there a way to size the screen for graphics. 
PS; New user but retired engineer, trying to teach the grand-kids real world problems using there 64 bit gaming computers.

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