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Messages - jessicajones

Pages: [1]
QB64 Discussion / Re: playing DRO or IMF music files
« on: June 21, 2020, 06:27:15 pm »
great it works!!

Thank you for all the work!

I have send you a PM for another request (if possible)

QB64 Discussion / Re: error in compiling asm SUB
« on: June 20, 2020, 02:45:24 pm »

I try to port this program from FreeBasic to QB64.

Is it possible this BASIC code can run in QB64 (it's made for MS-DOS)?

You can see it has ASM code too.

Here is the program attached too

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QB64 Discussion / Re: playing DRO or IMF music files
« on: June 20, 2020, 02:38:09 pm »
Look to begin the file named ImfLib.h:

There is writed usage. So you don't have to look for documentation. When declaring support programs and functions in the library, you must pay attention to uppercase and lowercase letters in their names, as is common in C, otherwise the program will tell you that the function does not exist in the dynamic library.

You will probably use the QB64 command _MEMNEW in memory to create a block where you will copy a part of the IMF file from the starting position of the music from the hard disk (you have to find it using the link where you have the IMF format layout you put at the beginning of this thread) and to RAM, so you send _OFFSET of this _MEM to the dynamic library. It seems to work because the dynamic link library is reporting an error when sending empty memory instead of music data.

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1.     SUB InitIMFPlayer
  2.     SUB StartIMFMusic (pointer AS _OFFSET)
  5. DIM NewSound AS _MEM
  6. file_music_data_size = 1024 'calculate by file music data size
  7. NewSound = _MEMNEW(file_music_data_size)
  9. 'place file content to this new mem block here
  10. '.
  11. '.
  12. '.
  14. PRINT _OFFSET(NewSound)
  16. InitIMFPlayer
  17. StartIMFMusic _OFFSET(NewSound)

You must run it under 32 bit IDE!


I'm a QB64 beginner and can't do this myself :(
Much things I don't understand... But I really wanted a player in QB64 for imf files.

Is it possible to upload your QB64 code file here that does the following:

- use the IMFLib library in QB64 (code needed to use it)

- load a .IMF file from hard disk: let's say "test.imf"

- plays the file in QB64 using the library

Here is the library:

  [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]  

Here is the source code of the library I found online too!

  [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]  

I hope you can help!


QB64 Discussion / Re: playing DRO or IMF music files
« on: June 20, 2020, 02:31:40 pm »
So. This library is for 32 bit IDE. Please, upload here one sound file for this library, i try run it.


thx for the help

The attachment includes a windows exe player (not made by me, but found online) and 3 IMF test files (I believe "test.imf" is the correct one: I just saved the music in the 3 possible IMF formats available).

You can verify these file play by running the windows exe in the command prompt like this: ImfPlayer filename.imf
(also copy the file SDL.dll to the same folder)

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Please let me know if the library works in QB64!

My goal is to make a QB64 program that can play those IMF files.


QB64 Discussion / Re: error in compiling asm SUB
« on: June 20, 2020, 02:18:10 pm »
Can anybody help?

I need 2 asm SUB's in QB64 but I don't know how to do it.
I also can't find any documentation how to do it.

Is asm possible in QB64 and yes, how?


QB64 Discussion / Re: error in compiling asm SUB
« on: June 20, 2020, 11:42:18 am »
I never wrote asm, so I didn't know!

How to write this asm: in what file and how to "include" it in my project? I need 2 SUB's with asm code as you can see in the file.

I'm a beginner, certainly for asm...


QB64 Discussion / error in compiling asm SUB
« on: June 20, 2020, 11:34:36 am »

I'm trying to compile a project, made in FreeBasic, in QB64.
So far, most syntax is converted but I'm stuck in a BAS file which is included in the project.

This BAS file has SUB's with asm code inside.
One of the SUB's gives this error: "expected ( on line 216"

Attached is the BAS file

  [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]  

thx in advance!

QB64 Discussion / Re: compiling FreeBasic file
« on: June 20, 2020, 11:29:33 am »


QB64 Discussion / compiling FreeBasic file
« on: June 20, 2020, 11:08:44 am »

I'm trying to compile a BASIC file, made in FreeBasic, in QB64.

The following statements give syntax error:

#include "dostime.bas"
#include ""

Is "include" supported in QB64 or how to do these statements in QB64?


QB64 Discussion / Re: playing DRO or IMF music files
« on: June 19, 2020, 10:18:31 pm »
I downloaded it but according to me it's a library for the C language. So not for qb64

QB64 Discussion / Re: playing DRO or IMF music files
« on: June 19, 2020, 10:44:20 am »
You could possibly use a helper DLL to play them, like the old IMFLib.

Where can I download this IMFLib?

Is it open source?

Can IMFLib work inside QB64?


QB64 Discussion / playing DRO or IMF music files
« on: June 18, 2020, 03:02:15 pm »

I want to make a music player in QB64 that can play DRO and/or IMF music files.

I export the DRO and IMF music files from MS-DOS games using a tool Camoto:

The DRO format information:

The IMF formation information:

Is there anybody who has BASIC code to play those files? (which can run in QB64)


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