IN the process of putting together this program to get stock data and display it, I use wGet to retrieve the data into a file, via a SHELL execution of a batch file, then I read the data from each file into the program. Every once and awhile I get errors of each of the file. Error 55 followed by error 62.
I thought it might be that the wGet/batch created files hadn't been closed, so I added a 30 second delay after the line that executes the SHELL command (SHELL _HIDE "CMD /C MoneywGet.bat"). But that hasn't seemed to work.
I also added an error handler routine (ON ERROR GOTO Errhandler)...
Errhandler: 'error handler sub program line label
'RESUME NEXT ' moves program to code following the error.
But that still posts the error popups, and it never really goes back to the beginning (Loop1), it just goes and displays the next error popup. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong; or missing? Thanks, Mike