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Messages - cs1964

Pages: [1]
QB64 Discussion / Re: amd a6 vs i7-8700 processor problem
« on: December 26, 2019, 11:11:35 am »
I am using win 10 on both pc's. 

QB64 Discussion / Re: amd a6 vs i7-8700 processor problem
« on: December 26, 2019, 10:57:12 am »
I am using version 1.3 and the program does not even come up with an opening screen on the pc with i7.  The only other difference is one pc is a hp(amd) and the other is a dell(i7).

This is happening on 4 different programs,  I do have 2 or 3 programs that work on the dell(i7) but not all and I can't seem to find a common link.

Is there anything else I should be checking.

Thank you

QB64 Discussion / amd a6 vs i7-8700 processor problem
« on: December 26, 2019, 10:05:59 am »
I have written a qb64 program that works on the AMD A6 processor but does not work on the i7-8700 processor.  Any ideas why the program does not work on i7??

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