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Messages - random1

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QB64 Discussion / Re: Looking for old program or help recreating it
« on: January 15, 2022, 12:59:21 pm »

I think I have reached the end and although the overall results are better than I expected
they fall short of my needs.  The best result for a single 40 string run have been 38 of 40
correct for a hit rate of 95% but the overall average for 100 back-test runs has been .77%

I think I have exhausted my options for the predictors I am working on and don't see anyway
to improve it beyond it"s current rate.  Predictors 1 and 2 closely mimic the one you built
with minor differences so unless you find something magical to add then I think we can call
it finished.

Anyway, thanks for everything.



QB64 Discussion / Re: Looking for old program or help recreating it
« on: January 13, 2022, 02:50:13 pm »
Here's something interesting, for a while now I have noticed when scrolling through the
mal.txt file that many of the predictors missed (1) predictions fall on every 4th string, ie 
4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40.  This got me to thinking that I need to add a reevaluation
algorithm for these strings, a second look so to say that's based on some other type of
analysis whenever a (1) is predicted for these strings.  Maybe do the same thing for
other strings that produce the most missed (0) predictions.


QB64 Discussion / Re: Looking for old program or help recreating it
« on: January 13, 2022, 11:59:36 am »

In the test above it's set to add the boost weight to the predictors (0) output values.
which is part of blending method 1, blending method 2 adds the boost to the 1's output.
Just wanted to clear that up.  There are 5 different blending methods of which #5 is the
random test option.  The blending methods can also be combined but I have never tested
that option yet.


QB64 Discussion / Re: Looking for old program or help recreating it
« on: January 13, 2022, 11:50:12 am »

I am posting a test from the strings posted above.  The attached pic shows the Mal-9K
predictor tool so that you can see the user settings and the overall results which are
the last line in the lower window.

The user settings are divided by predictors, ie, the 3 in 1 tool.  The first column is for
predictor 1, the second for predictor 2 etc..

The top entries control the string length for each predictor.
The second and third cells in the first column control the length of the pattern, low/high alphas
So for this setup it uses lengths of 4 to 5 digits.

Bwt's = the static boost weights for all 3 predictors

Lm1 to lm3 are _limit values in the main iteration loops used only to make the left process bars
look normal.  These are set to 7000 for speed reasons, makes the bar graph unreadable, just 

The lowest rows first cell set the number of back-test, the 2nd sets the blending method and
the third activates the predictors.  It allows setting active any or all three prediction tool active.
Here it is set to use all 3.

The second column 2nd cell sets the sample size and the 3rd sets the iterations for predictor 2

The second and 3rd values in the third column sets the 3rd predictors gap start and finish.  Here
it is set to just look at every 10th to every 60th value in the string.  The predictor first goes through'
the string counting only every 10th entry then every 11th etc up to gaps of 60. Very simple tool.

The save button causes the program to write the predictor test data to a file.  These are the two
attached files below. 

The first file shows the raw data output with the boost value added.  The second shows the stats
for the 100 test predictions. 

Anyway, just throwing this out if your interested.  Might help you understand my post.  I have a
place dug out for your predictor once your totally finished with it.  Waiting patiently


QB64 Discussion / Re: Looking for old program or help recreating it
« on: January 13, 2022, 10:28:28 am »

It's my fault because I have been jumping around all over the place with respect to
just about everything.  I am working with several different data-sets and with two
different predictors.

Ok, for clarity I will stick to one data set attached file below named Temp.txt.  This file
contains 40 strings each with 750 entries or data-points.

What I did for the random test was to use my prng function that's old as the hills and
needs updated.  It uses a time based seed with a few extra things thrown in to try and
make it more random.

For the test mentioned in that post I simply added the prng at the end of the prediction
process.  What it does is ignore the predicted value and generates a random value.  The
Prng  generates a value from 1 to 100 which I will call (r).  After the value is generated
I use r=r mod 2.  If r > 0 then the prediction is (1), if r=(0) then the prediction is 0.
Because the prng is time based I allow the predictors to run I just swap out the prediction
with the randomly generated value.  I could have used Rand(0,1) to get the value but
by allowing it to first generate a value between 1 and 100 then using mod to get a odd
even value it seems to be more random.  The plan is to swap out the old prng with the
one you posted, just haven't got to it yet.

In the random test the prng managed one 70% correct prediction across the entire 40 string
run.  Most however were in the high 40's but some were as low as 30% correct.  With the
prng I am using the test results were expected.  The overall average gotten from storing the
individual results and then dividing to get a average came out to be something like 50%.  Since
working with 0 or 1 as the prediction I would think the results "were as" expected.

I have been playing around with the 3 in 1 predictor I mentioned early in the topic, specifically
with blending outputs into a single prediction via playing with the weights.  I have two weights
for each predictor, one of which is a sort of static boost that is used when processing strings where
zeros outnumber the ones by a large margin.  Without these boost-weights the zero biased strings
will always be predicted (0).  Probably not a good method, just another rabbit hole grasping a straws
to try and improve the overall.

There is a forth value that is generated for each string which is the population of 0's and 1's within
the entire string being analyzed.  I haven't figured how to use it but think it might be processed into
the main predictions to help with the zero biased strings.

The best test score for the 3 in 1 predictor was one 38 out of 40 or a 95% correct.  Being the
stupid monkey that I am, I did not save the configuration settings for that run.  My best score
since then has been been 92.5%, 37 out of 40 correct.  These 90% plus hits are few and far
between, sad to say.   In general, running 100 test I end up with an average overall score of
77% and a best of 90%. Very few show better than 90%

It seems that I have hit a wall and can't fine tune beyond my current level.  I do however have
hope that I can somehow include the 4th value, ie, the overall counts for both 0's and 1's into
the prediction and push it a little higher.   

If I compare the random test vs the 3 in 1 results then it does seem that I have made some
progress but it turns out it's not enough to meet my needs. 

A couple post back I posted a file that contains the raw outputs for each of the 3 in 1 predictors
plus the 4th overall 0 and 1 counts.  This was generated to allow me to try and fine tune the
predictor without running it.  The first four values are the 0's values, the second 4 are the 1's.
The last entry is the correct value, ie, the value that should be predicted.

The file is comma delimited which makes it easy to load the 3 in 1 predictors outputs which I then
play around with trying to configure the weights in such a way to increase the hits.  Doing a 40
string 100 event test takes several minutes but doing it this way, it takes less than a second when
just working with the predictors raw outputs.

I did find your thoughts on dissipation of patterns interesting.  Patterns emerge, run for some
extended length and then dissolve for some unknown length of time only to reappear.  Will they
start up again and if so when; that's the million dollar question.  Lets say we are working with a
6 digit binary pattern.  The pattern has finite arrangements of 000000 to 111111 6^2=64.  If
dealing with random strings one would expect each to appear 1 in 64 on average +/-  some small
standard deviation. 

Whenever we see patterns repeating at a greater than expected average then it seems that some
thing else may be going on that's not easily derived.  Also the lack of some patterns adds to the

Anyway this is getting long so I will close. 



QB64 Discussion / Re: Looking for old program or help recreating it
« on: January 12, 2022, 05:51:09 pm »
Hi all

I was getting a bit discouraged with my project and decided to do a random test.
I set the prng to generate a integer between 0 and 100 and then used mod 2 to
get a odd / even value, even=0 and odd<>0 =1.  I ran 100 test and it's best hit
rate was 70% with a overall average or just over 50%.

The project's best so far is in the mid 90's with a overall average of .775.  The overall
is showing around 27 points higher on average, maybe I am making more progress
than I thought.   


QB64 Discussion / Re: Looking for old program or help recreating it
« on: January 11, 2022, 03:12:52 pm »

LOL, I had to drag out another portable table and make a u-shaped configuration.
It was too time consuming closing the lids so I could get to the back row to make
adjustments.  Overall the test yielded nothing, after 5 hours the best was around
90% and the overall average was in the high 70's.  Going to have to try something

I hate to bother you with another request but today I came up with another idea
for tuning.  If interested the attached file contains comma delimited entries of
the raw outputs of the 3 predictors plus a 4th that shows the overall hit shows for
both 0's and 1,s and the last entry in each line is the correct prediction value.

This data is compiled by taking the 3 predictors output probabilities and then using
P^2, and nothing else.  The data contains 100 test with a blank line at the end of
each run to separate them.  I used 40 strings in the test so each run contains 40

The first 4 columns are the (0) output probabilities, the second 4 are for the (1's).
The last entry is the actual value that showed in the next update.  The lines that
have all 1'a are the strings that are made up of all zeros, ie, no ones in the string
being processed. 

The idea is to try to find a small range that could be added at the end of each
prediction represented by each row.  As it is now I add the 3 predictors outputs
and then divide by 3 for both 0's and 1's then take whichever is higher and use
that value as the prediction.

Here is one of the best results from yesterday's test.  I was hoping for high 90's or maybe
even 100% No such luck
Test # 64
Total Strings = 40
[P1 =18]  [Hits =14]  [Misses = 4]
[P0 =22]  [Hits =22]  [Misses = 0]
Actual 1's =14   H-Ratio =1
Actual 0's =26   H-Ratio =.8461
Overall hits=36 of 40
Predictors score =.9
1's Missed on string/s ->12,27,31,38
0's Missed on string/s ->
End of prediction.............

The goal of the file below would be to use it as a training set in order to calculate  lower and
upper threshold range that can be applied in the final stage to tip the output in the direction
so to increase the overall hits.  This data was calculated without my so called boost weights.

Anyway, if you have the time to mess with it, otherwise please don't feel any obligation.  Just
throwing it out there.  I am going to calculate a running average then calculate a tipping value
which would be the value needed to off set the predicted enough to swing the prediction in
favor of the correct value.  Sounds simple enough but may need a new training set after each

 File image, explains the data structure.


QB64 Discussion / Re: Looking for old program or help recreating it
« on: January 10, 2022, 08:48:31 am »
All set up to do some serious fine tuning, wife walked in and laughed.
Ever see a old nerd's man cave.  On the bright side,  all seven of the
dell inspiron 6000 booted without a hitch.  Some have not been booted
for five or six years, even the batteries seem to have taken a full charge.
Anyway, I am ready to do some serious testing. 


QB64 Discussion / Re: Looking for old program or help recreating it
« on: January 07, 2022, 04:33:11 pm »
Best score today

Test # 76
Total Strings = 40
[P1 =10]  [Hits = 8]  [Misses = 2]
[P0 =30]  [Hits =29]  [Misses = 1]
Actual 1's = 9   H-Ratio =.8888
Actual 0's =31   H-Ratio =.9354
Overall hits=37 of 40
Predictors score =.925
1's Missed on string =24,32
0's Missed on string =23

Still tinkering


QB64 Discussion / Re: Looking for old program or help recreating it
« on: January 07, 2022, 12:11:57 pm »
I have been tinkering with fine tuning the prediction tool and wanted to post the test results
of my last test run.  So far the best hit rate I have been able to achieve was 38 of 40 correct
for a score of  95% for  40 strings.  Most test show mid 70's with a few 80's in the results
but I am just getting started with the fine tuning.  Below I attached a file showing the results
of 50 back-test that I use to evaluate my configuration settings.  This is not the best but one
the many I have tried so far.  I also attached a picture that shows to read the results. 

Anyway, anyone interested in how the project is going can take a peek.


Picture instructions on reading the results

The results file

QB64 Discussion / Re: Looking for old program or help recreating it
« on: January 06, 2022, 10:51:50 am »

I'm not sure how exactly you're optimizing your solution, but imagine a search in parameter space. Lemme freestyle this... Suppose your models are M1, M2, and M3. Then the nth digit in your sequence is predicted by each model, denoted as M1(n), M2(n), M3(n). Okay, so you talked about switching these on or off. Did you try blending them? Like this:

P(n) = w(1)*M1(n) + w(2)*M2(n) + w(3)*M3(n)

This means the total prediction of the nth bit is the weighted average of all three models, and the question becomes what the hell do we do with w(1), w(2), and w(3)? The most prudent thing possible is to imagine a sphere... actually ya know what? Let me do this in two dimensions first. Suppose for clarity you have only two models. Then we can skip the third everything:

P(n) = w(1)*M1(n) + w(2)*M2(n)

I'm still working on several methods, I added a setting to the configuration so that I and have more
that one option.  Right now it allows up to 4 different methods to be used.  what I did was add the
raw data output, ie, probabilities from each predictor to an array which can be passed directly to the
method set in the config utility.  This way I can test them against each other.  I also automated the
test option so that it's possible to run 100's of test unsupervised.  The results are written to a text
file which can then be analyzed by hand.

If your still tinkering around with this and have some suggestions then I will try them out.  I am in
the process of adding the methods mentioned above.


Picture of the config setting for selecting the blending method.  I suppose it's only limited to the
imagination, but right now it's set to allow 4 different methods.  Who knows, maybe some kind
of crazy strange code will take it over the top.  I am open to anything.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Looking for old program or help recreating it
« on: January 06, 2022, 12:53:57 am »
I think I got everything put together, the picture show the results before any fine tuning
and without the weights set.  Looking good so far.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Looking for old program or help recreating it
« on: January 03, 2022, 03:09:25 pm »

Thanks, it will take me a while to digest everything so as to decide what will best fit
what I am doing right now.  You mentioned my combining the tools but last night I
got to thinking and had the though, what if I added a negative value as the weight.
I set M1 positive but M2 and M3 both to a negative value and guess what?  I saw a
improvement right off.  After toying around I was able to get above 70% and the
big thing was the overall predicted (1's) dropped but the hit ratio improved.

Most days after a data update I check to see how many values repeat from the previous
update.  I have several sets of data but the one set I use most often normally has around
35 to 40 repeats out of 105 strings I track.  Setting the M2 and M3 weights to a negative
value gave the thing a big push.  I am seeing around 35 (1's) in the output with a hit rate
close to 70%.  In one test the program came up with 38 predictions and 32 were correct,
Wow, never seen that coming.   Anyway, still tinkering with the settings, must be millions
of ways to adjust things, each run takes a few minutes so it's a slow slow process and already
thinking of how to automate it.  I have six or seven old Dell 6000 that were configured for
max performance just setting in my closet collecting dust.  I may have to dig them out and
put them to work.  Come to think of it, a couple of them are in like new condition which were
never used.       

Anyway, mucho gracias and will let you know how it all works out.


QB64 Discussion / Re: Looking for old program or help recreating it
« on: January 03, 2022, 05:22:56 am »
Hi all

I figured out my own question, since the predictor predicts both zeros and ones
even though the ones are the only values tracked.  All I had to do was count the
number of correct (0) guesses and add that to the ones then divide the sum by
the number of strings processed.  This gives me a overall hit rate which is really
all I needed.  Stupid monkey, get some sleep. LOL


QB64 Discussion / Re: Looking for old program or help recreating it
« on: January 03, 2022, 04:33:32 am »
Hi all

I need some help with a scoring method for the above mentioned prediction tool.
Below is a picture of the scoreboard so to say but what I want to do is combine
all the data into a overall score so that I can track the overall effects of my fine

This results shown in the picture are based on a real data back-test.  This allows
me to analyze the predictors results to the actual event.  The first item in the pic
shows the back-test number, the second shows the number of strings processed
by the predictor.   The third is the number of predictions made by the predictor.
The forth value shows the actual number of strings that did repeat. The fifth value
shows the number of correct predictions from the possible 42 that did repeat.
The sixth line is the number of incorrect predictions made.  The seventh is a
simple probability gotten form dividing the total correct guesses by the number
of predictions made.  36/67= .5373. 

So out of 105 strings processed, there were a possible 42 correct choices for a (1)
to repeat.  Of these the predictor managed to predict 36 for 36/42=0.857 correct.

I need to combine everything in such a way that I can score the predictors overall
performance.  Also remember the predictor only predicts (1's) ie repeats.
overall predictions = 67/105=.638
correct predictions = 36/67=.537 but we need to factor in the 105 strings processed
at least I think this needs to be included.  etc..

Thanks in advance.

PS.  The predictor guessed correctly 36 times from a pool of the 42 possible in 67 predictions
made from analyzing 105 strings.  Calculate a score given all the variables.


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