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Messages - Leeroy

Pages: [1]
Programs / Re: Assembly code editor
« on: August 07, 2018, 05:41:57 pm »
Hi Leeroy,

Very interesting project! I don't know assembler but this has me hankering again but I don't think I want to get THAT Basic.

Anyway, your file management tools are interesting. I navigated my system and liked how they worked though a problem with long Path names.

Do you come from a land where they spell cancel, cancell?

Really nice app!

Hi Bplus

Thanks for the feedback.. I did know about the long fie names issues. It also seems to have trouble with files with spaces in them ie "test file.asm".
For some reason when i use the code

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1.     pathfile$ = _CWD$ + "\" + currentfile + ".asm"
  2.     shell$ = "DIR " + pathfile$ + " /b > MYTEST.TXT"
  4.     l = LOF(20)
  5.     CLOSE #20
  6.     IF l = 0 THEN ' file does not exist

If the string variable "currentfile" has spaces in it, the MYTEST.TXT file returned by DOS is always empty, even if the file actually exists. 
I don't know why this happens..

The spelling of "cancel" is of course a typo i didn't notice which just got copied and pasted through the program..  :-)
My logical brain has always had trouble with spelling of the English language!
Perhaps QB64 needs a spellchecker? lol.. 

I didn't get to browse files as an Out of Memory error occurred when I clicked on Open.


I get the out of memory error too if i run the exe from my network storage drive.  I have not had a chance to investigate why this happens. 
No errors occur if it's run from a local disk though.
I'll look into it when i get some time..


Programs / Assembly code editor
« on: August 07, 2018, 07:04:54 am »
G'day All

A few weeks ago i was posting in the general discussion section, looking for some help with a GUI library for this project.
Original post here..
Anyway i didn't end up finding much in the way of a suitable GUI Library, so just wrote as much as i needed for this project. 
It all came about from needing a simple way of creating Assembly code for my home brew bread board computer..
Here's a short video of it computing the time tables up to 12.
I've attached the .bas file as well as the times tables assembly program file as a sample..
It seems to work well on my laptop and PC but i'd be interested to hear if anyone experiences any bugs or glitches..
This is just a hobby project so feel free to use any of the code if you like..


QB64 Discussion / Re: Old school text based GUI library?
« on: July 13, 2018, 12:36:36 am »

Thanks for the replies guys.. 

I ended up  just biting the bullet and writing enough code to do what i needed in terms of the GUI.. 

Not that it will be of much interest to most, but 'll post op the code when it's finished..


QB64 Discussion / Old school text based GUI library?
« on: July 06, 2018, 08:25:48 am »
G'day All

First up i am a new member here.  I did a lot of hobby programming in QB PDS 7.0  back in the early to mid 90's, but have been well out of touch since then.. 
I have recently undertaken an electronics project of building a TTL logic breadboard computer and needed a simple way of generating the ROM microcode for the instruction decoder.  I was pleasantly surprised to see QB is still alive and well and has been updated to run on Windows systems. I was able to use QB64 to generate the binary files to load into the EEPROMs for my computer.
My breadboard computer is up and running and I am now in the process of writing an assembler IDE to make it easier to program. I'm currently writing the assembler programs in notepad and then converting the instructions to machine code by hand..   

So onto my main question..
Back in the 90's i found a fantastic set of libraries for creating programs with a text based GUI front end. It worked on QB 4.5 and up.  It could do pull down menus, text boxes with sliders etc etc in basically the same style as the QB64 IDE is now.. 
Can anyone point me to anything similar that's compatible with QB64?   
I did find a few libraries online that were originally for QB 4.5 but i couldn't get them to run. I can't figure out how to include the .lib files.  Back in QB 4.5 you could load the library via  the command line. IE "qb.exe /L library.lib"  however this does not appear to work on QB64..

So can anyone offer some guidance or advice on a suitable GUI library? 

Many thanks



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