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Messages - smokingwheels

Pages: [1]
I tried to run an old program but it seems to only work with 2 files open.
I have not converted it yet

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Rem Updated 7-1-2018
  2. Rem runs at 20 kHz
  3. Rem 30-1-2018
  4. Rem runs at 18.8 kHz
  5. Rem About 7 meg after
  6. Rem found a space #...AND null string in the same day.
  7. Rem fixed some errors 4 NOV 17
  8. On Timer(1) GoSub health
  10. Open "/home/john/Downloads/qb64/pi-hole/Master/w10" For Input As #4
  12. Print "ghjkl"
  13. Rem array
  14. Dim whitelist$(2000)
  16.     i = i + 1
  18.     Print "1234"
  20.     Line Input #4, a$
  21.     Print a$
  22.     whitelist$(i) = a$
  23.     Print Len(whitelist$(i))
  26. Open "/home/john/Downloads/qb64/pi-hole/Master/list5" For Input As #1
  27. Print "file 1 open"
  28. Open "/home/john/Downloads/qb64/pi-hole/Master/piholelist" For Output As #2
  32. Rem chomp 2 try to remove null from gravity.
  34. one = 1
  35. stack = 578
  36.     Line Input #1, a$
  37.     a = a + 1
  39.     For i = 1 To stack
  41.         wline = Len(whitelist$(i))
  42.         Print whitelist$(i)
  43.         'PRINT RIGHT$(a$, 10), whitelistline
  45.         If Right$(a$, wline) = Right$(whitelist$(i), wline) Then GoTo skipoutput
  47.     Next
  48.     lline = Len(a$)
  49.     'IF lline > 71 THEN GOTO skipoutput
  50.     Print #2, a$
  51.     skipoutput:
  52.     Hz = Hz + one
  53. Close #1: Close #2: Close #3: Close #4
  54. Print a, b
  55. Print "Thankyou Happy Hunting..."
  57. health:
  58. Print Hz, a, b
  59. Hz = 0

ok will give it a go soon. Thank you

I open my list then compare each line with a array of urls from my whitelist.
The problem is the longer my whitelist is the longer it takes to complete the task.

Should I try 1 url at a time then replace the list for each url?
This means I would need to read and write 200 mb of data for each url.

Currently I have to compare each line to 80 urls that I would like whitelisted or removed from my blocklist
The list is over 6 million lines of text.

Blocklist link

Ok Thank you I will give it a go.

I have a few programs that generate BASH files at the moment to various things like cp and mv.

I am having trouble when there is a space in the command line eg cp ~Wagnwash/Dog 21-11-18/imagexxxxx1.JPG ~thrashdrive/tmp/
I would like to populate the SHELL command and run it under program control but atm I have to execute
I also make videos out of images using FFMPEG and would like to have that under program control as well.

Atm I Add new images to a folder and will have QB64 generate all the BASH commands and folders to produce a Phone quality mp4 and a HD quality video from new images.

I would like to be able to have QB64 be a Video maker of some description.

I am working on using a base program to modify another program adding new lines, you update the data then use the first program to write the mods to the second program then run the second program.

Note: Its in my usual English this post sorry if you find it hard to follow.

A program I have is to take a 30 FPS Video from a phone and add it into the main video running at 15 FPS eg use every second frame from the 30 FPS video.

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