Author Topic: QB64 Wiki Keyword Generator  (Read 3824 times)

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Offline SMcNeill

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QB64 Wiki Keyword Generator
« on: November 03, 2018, 06:36:54 am »
This is a little tool of mine which Dav might like for his IDE (or, for other folks who want to keep a list of keywords in our wiki, for whatever reason.)

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. CONST SleepSet = 0 'to sleep between each keyword so we can see them and read them
  2. CONST SaveTo = "wiki.txt" '"SCRN:" to display to the screen, or insert a filename to save the list to disk
  4. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(1024, 720, 256)
  6. file$ = "QB64WikiList.txt"
  7. 'Increase the 2-second time limit here if you need to.
  8. DownloadRSS "", file$, 2
  12. OPEN file$ FOR BINARY AS #1
  13. temp$ = SPACE$(LOF(1))
  14. GET #1, , temp$
  15. l = 0
  16. finish$ = "<div id=" + CHR$(34) + "symbols" + CHR$(34) + "></div>"
  17. finish = INSTR(temp$, finish$) 'No need to parse anything after we get down to the symbol section of the wiki page
  19. OPEN SaveTo FOR OUTPUT AS #1
  22.     l = INSTR(l, temp$, "<li>")
  23.     IF l >= finish THEN EXIT DO
  24.     IF l THEN
  25.         l2 = INSTR(l + 5, temp$, "</li>"): IF l2 = 0 THEN l2 = LEN(temp$)
  26.         work$ = MID$(temp$, l + 4, l2 - l - 5)
  27.         li1 = INSTR(work$, CHR$(34)): li2 = INSTR(li1 + 1, work$, CHR$(34))
  28.         link$ = MID$(work$, li1 + 1, li2 - li1 - 1)
  29.         IF INSTR(link$, "&amp") THEN link$ = "Page does not exist yet."
  30.         link$ = StripCRLF(link$)
  31.         k1 = INSTR(li2 + 1, work$, ">"): k2 = INSTR(k1 + 1, work$, "<")
  32.         keyword$ = MID$(work$, k1 + 1, k2 - k1 - 1)
  33.         keyword$ = StripCRLF(keyword$)
  34.         d = INSTR(k2 + 1, work$, "<span"): d1 = INSTR(d + 1, work$, ">"): d2 = INSTR(d1 + 1, work$, "</span")
  35.         desc$ = MID$(work$, d1 + 1, d2 - d1 - 1)
  36.         desc$ = StripCRLF(desc$)
  37.         PRINT #1, keyword$
  38.         PRINT #1, ""; link$
  39.         PRINT #1, "         "; desc$
  40.         IF SleepSet THEN SLEEP
  41.         l = l2 + 1
  42.     END IF
  43. LOOP UNTIL l = 0
  47. SUB DownloadRSS (url$, file$, timelimit)
  48.     link$ = url$
  50.     url2$ = RTRIM$(LTRIM$(link$))
  51.     url4$ = RTRIM$(LTRIM$(link$))
  52.     IF LEFT$(UCASE$(url2$), 7) = "HTTP://" THEN url4$ = MID$(url2$, 8)
  53.     x = INSTR(url4$, "/")
  54.     IF x THEN url2$ = LEFT$(url4$, x - 1)
  55.     NewsClient = _OPENCLIENT("TCP/IP:80:" + url2$)
  56.     IF NewsClient = 0 THEN EXIT FUNCTION
  57.     e$ = CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) ' end of line characters
  58.     url3$ = RIGHT$(url4$, LEN(url4$) - x + 1)
  59.     x$ = "GET " + url3$ + " HTTP/1.1" + e$
  60.     x$ = x$ + "Host: " + url2$ + e$ + e$
  61.     PUT #NewsClient, , x$
  63.     OPEN file$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1: CLOSE #1
  64.     OPEN file$ FOR BINARY AS #1
  66.     t! = TIMER ' start time
  67.     head$ = ""
  68.     cont_type$ = ""
  69.     DO
  70.         _LIMIT 20
  71.         GET #NewsClient, , a$
  72.         IF LTRIM$(a$) > "" THEN PUT #1, , a$
  73.     LOOP UNTIL TIMER > t! + timelimit AND timelimit > 0 ' (in seconds)
  74.     CLOSE #NewsClient
  75.     CLOSE #1
  77. FUNCTION StripCRLF$ (text$)
  78.     'The wiki seems to contain stray CRLF characters at the dangest spots.
  79.     'Why it has them, I don't know, but we need to filter them out so our information will load and display properly.
  80.     li1 = 0
  81.     DO
  82.         li1 = INSTR(li1 + 1, text$, CHR$(13) + CHR$(10))
  83.         IF li1 THEN
  84.             l$ = LEFT$(text$, li1 - 1)
  85.             r$ = MID$(text$, li1 + 2)
  86.             text$ = l$ + r$
  87.         END IF
  88.     LOOP UNTIL li1 = 0
  90.     'Also some of the descriptions and such contain links to different keywords.
  91.     'We want to just strip those links and use a normal word replacement for ease of display, since we're not going to be displaying in
  92.     'an html editor/viewer.
  94.     li1 = 0
  95.     DO
  96.         li1 = INSTR(li1 + 1, text$, "<a href")
  97.         IF li1 THEN
  98.             li2 = INSTR(li1 + 1, text$, "</a>")
  99.             li3 = INSTR(li1 + 1, text$, ">")
  100.             l$ = LEFT$(text$, li1 - 1)
  101.             m$ = MID$(text$, li3 + 1, li2 - li3 - 1)
  102.             r$ = MID$(text$, li2 + 4)
  103.             text$ = l$ + m$ + r$
  104.         END IF
  105.     LOOP UNTIL li1 = 0
  107.     StripCRLF$ = text$

Change SleepSet to 0 if you don't want to be bothered with the need to press a key between keywords.
Change SaveTo to a filename (like "wiki.txt") if you want to save the list to an external file on your hard drive.

This gives us 3 pieces of information for each entry in the wiki:

Keyword name.
Link to the wiki page where we can go to get detailed information about that keyword.
And a brief summery of what the keyword does.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2018, 07:02:52 am by SMcNeill » — A github collection of all things Steve!


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Re: QB64 Wiki Keyword Generator
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2018, 06:45:24 am »
Does it work with no changes with the new wiki? I've had to do some reworking with the IDE's parsing routines for the wiki because we use a newer version of MediaWiki than Galleon had installed and some new formatting/tagging got in the way.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2018, 08:25:44 am by FellippeHeitor »

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: QB64 Wiki Keyword Generator
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2018, 06:56:21 am »
Here's a small sample of how it outputs information for us -- as far as I can tell, it processes everything fine, without glitching out anywhere.

         arccosine function returns the angle in radians based on an input COSine value range from -1 to 1.
         Returns the nonnegative arc hyperbolic cosine of x, expressed in radians.
         returns the alpha channel transparency level of a color value used on a screen page or image.
         returns the alpha channel transparency level of a color value used on a 32 bit screen page or image.
         is the inverse function of the cotangent. .  <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href="">[/url]
         is the inverse function of the cosecant.  <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href="">[/url]
         is the inverse function of the secant.  <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href="">[/url]
         Returns the principal value of the arc sine of x, expressed in radians.
         Returns the arc hyperbolic sine of x, expressed in radians.
         Returns the principal value of the arc tangent of y/x, expressed in radians.
         Returns the arc hyperbolic tangent of x, expressed in radians.
         enables the automatic display of the screen image changes previously disabled by _DISPLAY.
_AUTODISPLAY (function)
         returns the current display mode as true (-1) if automatic or false (0) if per request using _DISPLAY.
         returns a SINGLE value between -1 and 1 indicating the maximum distance from the device axis center, 0.

Edit: You were right; it required some changing to the links to each keyword.  They're no longer in the "Keyword_Reference_-_Alphabetical" subfolder, as each now falls directly into "". 

Changed and links should now be valid again.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2018, 07:05:23 am by SMcNeill » — A github collection of all things Steve!