Here comes the dedicated homethread of
Ефиалти a.k.a.
epiALTES - the Linux/Windows GUI audio application allowing simplistic navigation through your audio tree while visualizing the magnitude of the frequencies and the dynamic range of both channels:
As the thread title goes, the playing of .WAV files bigger than 4GB is supported, the header limits the size to 4 bytes, however e-pi-ALTES has two modes - when the file is bigger than 1GB (arbitrarily chosen) it switches to RAW mode which disregards the header and reads ON-THE-FLY (without loading the file into RAM), thus enabling 4+GB support. For instance, I downloaded an YouTube video, converted/extracted the audio (with VLC) and for a 32+hours long audio it became 20GB (try to navigate in those 100+ thousand seconds with [Shift+|Ctrl+]Arrows, the skip step is 1s/10s/100s), the funny thing is that neither KMP/POT player, nor Winamp and even VLC can play the 20GB .WAV - they stupidly read only some 5 hours of it:
The case-insensitive filter (shown at the bottom left corner) is applied instantaneously, the allowed keys are 'Backspace', 'Enter' and all letters, for scrolling: Up/Down/Home/End/PgUp/PgDn:
The idea is to discard all unnecessary window pop-ups (as I saw Winamp doing) and lower the key pressings to the maximum minimum. In next revisions I intend to add mouse support similar to the Masakari code, then the left hand will deal with the filtering whereas the right rolling the wheel and clicking the third button instead of pressing 'Enter'... Often, I wonder why the hell the skilled coders cannot see how nifty the simplicism is, inhere, not stressing the eyes with different colors/fonts/windows is a key to ... easy on the eyes GUI. Along with simplistic approach, as a "by-product" comes the file-explorer-like list of your (usually) highly nested tree of files, seeing the "fullpath" gives the feeling of ... accessing library.
The .ZIP package contains .EXE and .ELF i.e. the executables for Linux and Windows (32bit and 64bit).
Just extract the package in the parent folder of all your folders containing .MP3 and .WAV i.e. in the root of the tree of your phonotheque:
Make a link/shortcut to the .exe or .elf, place it on your desktop and enjoy!
Suggestions, feedback or critics are welcome... the idea is one unique player to be written in QB64 language showcasing the BASIC i.e. SIMPLISTIC approach to audio.
Edit, 2022-Jan-14:
Updated, fixed the path error by adding quotes, the bug happened for paths with spaces. Still, if no .MP3s or .WAVs in the current tree then an error will be thrown.