Author Topic: A demo about Paradox of Zenone (the first and the third specifically)  (Read 3071 times)

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Offline TempodiBasic

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this is a thread for who loves mathematica and phylosophy, please go away towards other thread if you don't have this kind of love.

In the ancient greek a philosopher of the school of Parmenide from Elea (so they had been called Eleatics) uses logic thinking to bring the student to a logical deduction contrary to the experience of the life of every day.
We cannot move to reach a target because between we and the target there are infinite halfpaths. (First paradox)
We cannot hit with an arrow a target because the arrow cannot move towards target because its movement is the sum of infinitesimal state of standing stopped into a infinitesimal slice of time. (third paradox)

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _Title "Paradox of Zenone: concepts of limit and infinitesimal"
  2. Const Limit = 400
  3. Dim As Single Sum, Lenght, cycle
  5. Lenght = Limit / 2
  6. Sum = Sum + Lenght
  7.     cycle = cycle + 1
  8.     Lenght = Lenght / 2
  9.     Sum = Sum + Lenght
  10.     Print Sum, cycle
  12. Loop While Sum < Limit
  13. Print cycle

we got 23....
while this one seems to be infinite
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _Title "Paradox of Zenone: concepts of limit and infinitesimal"
  2. Const Limit = 400
  3. Dim As Single Sum, Lenght, cycle
  5. Lenght = Limit / 2
  6.     cycle = cycle + 1
  7.     Lenght = Lenght / 2
  8.     Sum = Sum + Lenght
  9.     Print Sum, cycle
  11. Loop While Sum < Limit
  12. Print cycle

These arguments lead us to the mathematical concepts of limit and infinitesimal calculus.
In the while many ancient and modern phylosophers have tried to solve the Zenone's paradoxes without a mathematical approach.
here some solutions of these paradoxes
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