Hello! I'm a newbie to programming.
I while ago, inspired by the SchoolFreeware QBASIC tutorials on YT, I put together a Morse translator program (and other things, but those are in a much less presentable state.)
It's mostly string manipulations, DATA search, and a fancy UI.
I know the code could be much more streamlined (especially after making a Commodore BASIC port), but it functions well and doesn't strain modern PCs, so I Ieave it at that.
It doesn't use any enhanced QB64 features, just plain DOS QBASIC, so I'm not sure if it belongs here, but I release it.
-It can translate from text to Morse, or from Morse to text.
-The input can be typed in, or loaded from a file.
-It has different modes of operation, in how it uses the signal marks.
I have implemented 3 modes based on what I saw in different programs.
The characters of the signal marks can be specified by the user.
-Sound output can be configured too.
-The character output can be saved to disk.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/04voj860n9v1x0s/MORSE.BAS/file(How do I link attachments?)