The neat thing about making a complicating program like Paint Pixels 8, is that I keep learning new stuff. Today I looked through the forum to see if anyone has made transparent backgrounds for text. And you guys have! I had no idea it was possible all this time. There was a post by Pete back in May 2019 (1 month before I started or so) asking about it and you guys put up some examples. Well, I just made my own example. It's the first time I've ever used Windows Fonts for QB64 as well. This will be added to Paint Pixels 8 soon so keep a look out for it. But for now, here is my example for you programmers out there to use and learn by. It is Windows only I believe. It brings up a bunch of different colored circles all over the screen and then it asks for any text and then a size for the font. Then you place it by left clicking anywhere on the screen. And you can keep doing that on the screen for as many of them as you want. To write different text, right click instead. I might add a color picker for Paint Pixels 8 as well. But for now it's only in white because it shows up the best with the black screen and the colors.
t = t + 1
INPUT "Size (12-72):", sz
font$ = "Arial.ttf"
= ENVIRON$("SYSTEMROOT") 'normally "C:\WINDOWS"fontfile$ = rootpath$ + "\Fonts\" + font$ 'TTF file in Windows
_TITLE "Left click area to place text." mouseWheel = 0
mouseLeftButton = 0
_TITLE "Right click to make more text."
Here is the forum post from May of last year: