Hi Steve,
I tried your game and then lowered the limit and then lowered it again... yep there is delayed reaction to a key press, it always moves one more step (at least) before responding to keypress. Oh hey I will try _KEYCLEAR here too. BTW, your mod has a whole different spirit to Snake Game than I am use to; it reminds me of Terry Richie's game with falling red and white squares.
Append: nope, there is definite delay, you have to press a whole square in advance of changing direction.
“It’s not a bug; it’s a feature.” ;)
Most folks won’t believe that, but in this case, it’s true. I was intending for the snake to be a square behind, so it’d increase the navigation difficulty. When playing, I found it much more entertaining to cuss my screen every time I tried to line up one of the feed dots and instead ran circles around it, always off by a single position.
You can correct the issue by letting it move/display THEN eat, while mine instead moves/displays/eats all in the same step. It’s not an issue _KEYCLEAR can solve, as it’s built into the processing commands instead, and suits the “vision of this version”. Think of it like being the driver of a train down city streets — when in the middle of a city block, do you turn, or wait until the next intersection?
I just liked the gameplay (and inevitable frustration) inherent in the delayed processing. It’s the type of game you pull out and tell your friends, “Try this! You can’t beat me at it!”, once you notice and train yourself to respond a second earlier than your eyes tell you to... ;D