Author Topic: program to displays stars (and other objects) within a constellation  (Read 3799 times)

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Offline mynameispaul

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program to displays stars (and other objects) within a constellation

This program displays stars (and other objects) within a selected constellation.
Uses Right ascension and Declination values. However, due to limited precision (limited screen size) the seconds for Right ascension and Declination are not used.
Most of the Right ascension and Declination values i got from Wiki. If you have better data you want to use feel free to update/modify the .DAT files.
The .INF files contain the object names to connect when you want to see the lines within a constellation. These names need to be found in the constellations .DAT file.

The fields in the .DAT files are:
. object type
. constellation name
. object name(s)
. Right ascension Hour.Minute
. Declination Degree.Minute
. Appearant/Visual Magnitude
. spectral class or object type

Create EXE for '$OpenFile.bas' and 'constellations-Single.bas'. ($OpenFile is a kind of sub-program that is called by constellations-Single.bas to give you a list of names to pick from.)

Create a sub-folder within the folder where you put this program called 'constellations'. However, you can use a different name. If you do, be sure to spacify this in the config file 'constellations-Single.ini'. (label 'ConstsFolder'). Put the contents of the 2 zip files in this sub-folder.

Then run constellations-Single.

The mouse can be used in both '$OpenFile.bas' and 'constellations-Single.bas'.
Clicking on an object in 'constellations-Single' will display a little bit of info about the object you clicked on.

I hope i have supplied sufficient help and instructions.
* $OpenFile.bas (Filesize: 15.44 KB, Downloads: 238)
* constellations-Single.bas (Filesize: 22.57 KB, Downloads: 240)
* constellations-Single.ini (Filesize: 1.13 KB, Downloads: 253)
* (Filesize: 13.73 KB, Downloads: 215)
* const-single-2.png (Filesize: 12.27 KB, Dimensions: 700x716, Views: 300)
* const-single-1.png (Filesize: 10.83 KB, Dimensions: 754x722, Views: 313)
* const-single-3.png (Filesize: 18.02 KB, Dimensions: 701x720, Views: 327)
* (Filesize: 215.87 KB, Downloads: 207)