Author Topic: International Characters Input Routine  (Read 4220 times)

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International Characters Input Routine
« on: September 25, 2018, 02:19:46 pm »
This is limited to the accented characters available in the builtin ascii table. Hit the accent, then hit the letter.

´ + a should result in á.

No warranties. Tested on a Windows machine set to Brazilian Portuguese.

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. DIM replEntries AS LONG
  2. REDIM replTableSource(1 TO 100) AS STRING, replTableDest(1 TO 100) AS STRING
  3. RESTORE replTable
  4. i& = 0
  5.     READ a$
  6.     IF a$ = "**END**" THEN EXIT DO
  7.     READ b%
  8.     i& = i& + 1
  9.     IF i& > UBOUND(replTableSource) THEN
  10.         REDIM _PRESERVE replTableSource(1 TO UBOUND(replTableSource) + 100) AS STRING
  11.         REDIM _PRESERVE replTableDest(1 TO UBOUND(replTableDest) + 100) AS STRING
  12.     END IF
  13.     replTableSource(i&) = a$
  14.     replTableDest(i&) = CHR$(b%)
  15.     replEntries = replEntries + 1
  17. ON TIMER(.4) GOSUB blinkCursor
  19. PRINT "International Characters Input Routine"
  20. row = CSRLIN
  21.     GOSUB showText
  22.     GOSUB showCursor
  24.     k& = _KEYHIT
  26.     SELECT CASE k&
  27.         CASE -222
  28.             IF _KEYDOWN(100303) OR _KEYDOWN(100304) THEN 'shift
  29.                 IF LEN(nextAccent$) > 0 THEN
  30.                     nextChar$ = nextAccent$ + "^"
  31.                 ELSE
  32.                     nextAccent$ = "^"
  33.                 END IF
  34.             ELSE
  35.                 IF LEN(nextAccent$) > 0 THEN
  36.                     nextChar$ = nextAccent$ + "~"
  37.                     nextAccent$ = ""
  38.                 ELSE
  39.                     nextAccent$ = "~"
  40.                 END IF
  41.             END IF
  42.         CASE -219
  43.             IF _KEYDOWN(100303) OR _KEYDOWN(100304) THEN 'shift
  44.                 IF LEN(nextAccent$) > 0 THEN
  45.                     nextChar$ = nextAccent$ + "`"
  46.                     nextAccent$ = ""
  47.                 ELSE
  48.                     nextAccent$ = "`"
  49.                 END IF
  50.             ELSE
  51.                 IF LEN(nextAccent$) > 0 THEN
  52.                     nextChar$ = nextAccent$ + "'"
  53.                     nextAccent$ = ""
  54.                 ELSE
  55.                     nextAccent$ = "'"
  56.                 END IF
  57.             END IF
  58.         CASE 32 TO 126, 209, 241, 199, 231
  59.             nextChar$ = nextAccent$ + CHR$(k&)
  60.             nextAccent$ = ""
  61.         CASE 8
  62.             IF LEN(text$) > 0 THEN text$ = LEFT$(text$, LEN(text$) - 1)
  63.         CASE 13
  64.             GOSUB showText
  65.             cursor = 0
  66.             GOSUB showCursor
  67.             text$ = ""
  68.             row = row + 1
  69.     END SELECT
  71.     FOR i = 1 TO replEntries
  72.         IF replTableSource(i) = nextChar$ THEN
  73.             nextChar$ = replTableDest(i)
  74.             EXIT FOR
  75.         END IF
  76.     NEXT
  77.     text$ = text$ + nextChar$
  78.     IF LEN(nextChar$) > 0 THEN nextChar$ = "": nextAccent$ = ""
  79.     _LIMIT 30
  81. blinkCursor:
  82. cursor = NOT cursor
  84. showText:
  85. LOCATE row, 1
  86. PRINT text$;
  88. showCursor:
  89. IF cursor THEN PRINT "_ " ELSE PRINT "  "
  91. replTable:
  92. DATA ^a,131,"'a",160,`a,133
  93. DATA "'E",144
  94. DATA ^e,136,"'e",130,`e,138
  95. DATA "'i",161,`i,141
  96. DATA ^o,147,"'o",162,`o,149
  97. DATA ^u,150,"'u",163,`u,151
  98. DATA ~N,165,Ñ,165,~n,164,ñ,164
  99. DATA "'C",128,"'c",135
  100. DATA Ç,128,ç,135
  101. DATA **END**
« Last Edit: September 25, 2018, 02:23:38 pm by FellippeHeitor »

Marked as best answer by on Yesterday at 08:18:16 pm

Offline freetrav

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Re: International Characters Input Routine
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2018, 03:50:36 pm »
  • Undo Best Answer
  • Why would I use this instead of simply loading the appropriate keyboard driver at the OS level?

    (I have my Windows and Linux keyboards set to US-International, by default.)


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    Re: International Characters Input Routine
    « Reply #2 on: September 25, 2018, 03:52:58 pm »
    If you won't ever need international characters to be input, you won't use this.

    If you've ever tried entering international characters into a QB64 program, you'll know why this could be useful, as there is no support for this natively currently, even if your OS is properly set.

    Offline freetrav

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    Re: International Characters Input Routine
    « Reply #3 on: September 26, 2018, 07:13:10 am »
    Indeed, you appear to be correct - but the question now becomes why QB64 doesn't honor the OS setting?