just messing around with smooth scrolling ascii text mode..
screendata$(holds then entire screen map) no need to print to screen. use mid$ to store x,y data instead to screendata$
adjust the timer to adjust speed of frame being drawn
in screen draw routine take out dr%=0 in line 65 to have continued scroll
to disable wrap around change line 43 to b$=" " and line 57 to a$=" "
Screen _NewImage(32 * 8, 24 * 16, 256)
Timer On
On Timer(0.0066) GoSub MVE:
Randomize Timer
Dim screendata$(24)
For i = 1 To 24
For j = 1 To 32
screendata$(i) = screendata$(i) + Chr$(Int(Rnd(1) * 26) + 65)
Next j
Print screendata$(i)
Next i
dr% = 0
ZX% = 8
If Int(Rnd(1) * 75500) = 100 Then GoSub RAND
I$ = InKey$
If I$ = "Q" Then dr% = 1: I$ = ""
If I$ = "E" Then dr% = 2: I$ = ""
If I$ = "W" Then dr% = 0: I$ = ""
Loop While I$ = ""
Timer Off
If dr% = 0 Then
For i = 1 To 24
Color 1: _PrintString (ZX%, i * 16 - 15), screendata$(i)
Color 2: Locate i, 1: Print "Û";: Locate i, 32: Print "Û";
Next i
End If
If dr% = 1 Then
For i = 1 To 24
Color 1: _PrintString (ZX%, i * 16 - 15), screendata$(i)
Color 2: Locate i, 1: Print "Û";: Locate i, 32: Print "Û";
Next i
ZX% = ZX% - 1
If ZX% < 0 Then
For i = 1 To 24
A$ = Right$(screendata$(i), 31)
B$ = Left$(screendata$(i), 1)
screendata$(i) = A$ + B$
Next i
ZX% = 7
End If
End If
If dr% = 2 Then
For i = 1 To 24
Color 1: _PrintString (ZX%, i * 16 - 15), screendata$(i)
Color 2: Locate i, 1: Print "Û";: Locate i, 32: Print "Û";
Next i
ZX% = ZX% + 1
If ZX% > 8 Then
For i = 1 To 24
A$ = Right$(screendata$(i), 1)
B$ = Left$(screendata$(i), 31)
screendata$(i) = A$ + B$
Next i
ZX% = 1
End If
End If
dr% = 0
X = Int(Rnd(1) * 24 + 1)
Y = Int(Rnd(1) * 31 + 1)
Mid$(screendata$(X), Y, 1) = "\"