Author Topic: decfloat 2.0  (Read 11505 times)

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Offline bplus

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Re: decfloat 2.0
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2021, 11:28:56 pm »
if someone were to actually use this

I have this thread book marked to return to later to study more closely.

Is the Bernoulli thing for his equation used in physics for fluid flow?

Offline jack

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Re: decfloat 2.0
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2021, 11:44:23 pm »
bplus, the example program simply computes the Bernoulli numbers, as you may know the numbers come up frequently in power series, aside from that I don't know.
but thank you for your interest :-)
here's a Float version, should be easier to follow the flow
notice how quickly the numbers become inaccurate
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Dim As String f: f = "###  ####.############"
  2. Print "  Bn      computed"
  3. Const n = 20
  4. Dim As Long i, j
  5. Dim As _Float b(0 To n)
  6. For i = 0 To n
  7.     b(i) = 1 / (i + 1)
  8.     For j = i To 1 Step -1
  9.         b(j - 1) = j * (b(j - 1) - b(j))
  10.     Next j
  11.     Print Using f; i; b(0)
« Last Edit: October 12, 2021, 11:53:43 pm by jack »

Offline bplus

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Re: decfloat 2.0
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2021, 12:01:55 am »
the example program simply computes the Bernoulli numbers, as you may know the numbers come up frequently in power series,

Ah even better, always liked Taylor series. That was how I was going to do higher functions for String Math.

Offline jack

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Re: decfloat 2.0
« Reply #18 on: October 14, 2021, 06:51:16 am »
did a major upgrade, fixed several bugs and renamed the sub's and functions to be easier to remember
added trig functions see
list of sub's/functions
Code: [Select]
Sub fpadd (result As decfloat, x As decfloat, y As decfloat, digits_in As Long)
Sub fpsub (result As decfloat, x As decfloat, y As decfloat, digits_in As Long)
Sub fpmul (result As decfloat, x As decfloat, y As decfloat, digits_in As Long)
Sub fpmul_si (result As decfloat, x As decfloat, y As Integer64, digits_in As Long)
Sub fpdiv (result As decfloat, x As decfloat, y As decfloat, digits_in As Long)
Sub fpdiv_si (result As decfloat, num As decfloat, den As Long, digits_in As Long)
Sub fpinv (result As decfloat, m As decfloat, digits_in As Long)
Sub fpipow (result As decfloat, x As decfloat, e As Integer64, digits_in As Long)
Sub fppow (result As decfloat, lhs As decfloat, rhs As decfloat)
Sub fpnroot (result As decfloat, x As decfloat, p As Long, digits_in As Long)
Sub fpsqr (result As decfloat, num As decfloat, digits_in As Long)
Sub fplog (result As decfloat, x As decfloat, digits_in As Long)
Sub fpexp (result As decfloat, x As decfloat, digits_in As Long)
Sub fpsin (result As decfloat, x As decfloat, digits_in As Unsigned Long)
Sub fpcos (result As decfloat, z As decfloat, digits_in As Unsigned Long)
Sub fptan (result As decfloat, z As decfloat, digits_in As Unsigned Long)
Sub fpasin (result As decfloat, x As decfloat, digits_in As Unsigned Long)
Sub fpacos (result As decfloat, x As decfloat, digits_in As Unsigned Long)
Sub fpatn (result As decfloat, x As decfloat, digits_in As Unsigned Long)
Sub fpabs (result As decfloat, n As decfloat)
Sub fpneg (result As decfloat, n As decfloat)
Sub fpfix (result As decfloat, num As decfloat)
Sub fpfrac (result As decfloat, num As decfloat, digits_in As Long)

Sub si2fp (result As decfloat, m As Integer64, digits_in As Long)
Sub str2fp (result As decfloat, value As String)
Function fp2dbl# (n As decfloat)
Function fp2str$ (n As decfloat, places As Long)
Function fp2str_exp$ (n As decfloat, places As Long)
Function fp2str_fix$ (n As decfloat, places As Long)

Offline jack

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Re: decfloat 2.0
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2022, 10:15:47 pm »
here's a program that calculates the first and last 40 digits of insanely huge Fibonacci numbers, in this example it's for Fibonacci( 2 ^ 1024)
the fib program is based on a program in page 14 of this document
result on my PC
you will need the bi and bm from
Code: [Select]
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. 'you must use $NoPrefix
  2. Dest Console
  4. Option Explicit
  6. Const NUMBER_OF_DIGITS = 620 ' you must have NUMBER_OF_DIGITS defined -- not to exceed 1024
  7. '                             before including
  8. '$include: ''
  10. '======================================================================
  11. ' your code follows
  13. Dim As decfloat first, last, fn, m, x, y, z, v
  14. t = Timer(.001)
  15. 'str2fp fn, "4784969" ' "4784969"
  16. si2fp fn, 2, NUM_DWORDS
  17. fpipow fn, fn, 1024, NUM_DWORDS
  18. str2fp m, "10000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  19. si2fp x, 5, NUM_DWORDS
  20. fpsqr x, x, NUM_DWORDS
  21. si2fp z, 1, NUM_DWORDS
  22. fpadd y, x, z, NUM_DWORDS
  23. fpdiv_si y, y, 2, NUM_DWORDS
  24. fplog y, y, NUM_DWORDS
  25. fpmul y, y, fn, NUM_DWORDS
  26. fplog z, x, NUM_DWORDS
  27. fpsub y, y, z, NUM_DWORDS
  28. si2fp x, 10, NUM_DWORDS
  29. fplog v, x, NUM_DWORDS
  30. fpdiv y, y, v, NUM_DWORDS
  31. fpfrac z, y, NUM_DWORDS
  32. fppow y, x, z
  33. s = fp2str(y, 40)
  34. dp = InStr(s, ".")
  35. s = Left$(s, dp - 1) + Mid$(s, dp + 1)
  36. fib fn, m, last
  37. t = Timer - t
  38. s = fp2str(last, NUMBER_OF_DIGITS)
  39. dp = InStr(s, ".")
  40. Print Left$(s, dp - 1)
  43. Sub fib (k As decfloat, m As decfloat, fibonacci As decfloat)
  44.     Dim As decfloat b, x, y, xx, temp, tmp, rn
  45.     Dim As Long i, bit_length
  46.     str2fp rn, ".05"
  47.     si2fp tmp, 1, NUM_DWORDS
  48.     If fpcmp(k, tmp, NUM_DWORDS) <= 0 Then
  49.         fibonacci = k
  50.         Exit Sub
  51.     End If
  52.     si2fp x, 1, NUM_DWORDS
  53.     si2fp y, 0, NUM_DWORDS
  54.     fplog tmp, k, NUM_DWORDS
  55.     si2fp temp, 2, NUM_DWORDS
  56.     fplog xx, temp, NUM_DWORDS
  57.     fpdiv b, tmp, xx, NUM_DWORDS
  58.     fpfix tmp, b
  59.     bit_length = fp2dbl(tmp)
  60.     si2fp b, 2, NUM_DWORDS
  61.     fpipow b, b, bit_length - 1, NUM_DWORDS
  62.     For i = bit_length - 1 To 0 Step -1
  63.         fpmul xx, x, x, NUM_DWORDS
  64.         fpdiv xx, xx, m, NUM_DWORDS
  65.         fpfrac xx, xx, NUM_DWORDS
  66.         fpmul xx, xx, m, NUM_DWORDS
  67.         fpadd xx, xx, rn, NUM_DWORDS
  68.         fpfix xx, xx
  69.         fpmul x, x, y, NUM_DWORDS
  70.         fpmul_si x, x, 2, NUM_DWORDS
  71.         fpadd x, xx, x, NUM_DWORDS
  72.         fpdiv x, x, m, NUM_DWORDS
  73.         fpfrac x, x, NUM_DWORDS
  74.         fpmul x, x, m, NUM_DWORDS
  75.         fpadd x, x, rn, NUM_DWORDS
  76.         fpfix x, x
  77.         fpmul y, y, y, NUM_DWORDS
  78.         fpadd y, y, xx, NUM_DWORDS
  79.         fpdiv y, y, m, NUM_DWORDS
  80.         fpfrac y, y, NUM_DWORDS
  81.         fpmul y, y, m, NUM_DWORDS
  82.         fpadd y, y, rn, NUM_DWORDS
  83.         fpfix y, y
  84.         fpdiv temp, k, b, NUM_DWORDS
  85.         If fpfix_is_odd(temp) Then
  86.             temp = x
  87.             fpadd x, x, y, NUM_DWORDS
  88.             fpdiv x, x, m, NUM_DWORDS
  89.             fpfrac x, x, NUM_DWORDS
  90.             fpmul x, x, m, NUM_DWORDS
  91.             fpadd x, x, rn, NUM_DWORDS
  92.             fpfix x, x
  93.             y = temp
  94.         End If
  95.         fpdiv_si b, b, 2, NUM_DWORDS
  96.     Next
  97.     fibonacci = x
  99. ' end of your code
  100. ' you must include
  101. '$include: ''