this is a thread for who loves mathematica and phylosophy, please go away towards other thread if you don't have this kind of love.
In the ancient greek a philosopher of the school of Parmenide from Elea (so they had been called Eleatics) uses logic thinking to bring the student to a logical deduction contrary to the experience of the life of every day.
We cannot move to reach a target because between we and the target there are infinite halfpaths. (First paradox)
We cannot hit with an arrow a target because the arrow cannot move towards target because its movement is the sum of infinitesimal state of standing stopped into a infinitesimal slice of time. (third paradox)
_Title "Paradox of Zenone: concepts of limit and infinitesimal"
Lenght = Limit / 2
Sum = Sum + Lenght
cycle = cycle + 1
Lenght = Lenght / 2
Sum = Sum + Lenght
we got 23....
while this one seems to be infinite
_Title "Paradox of Zenone: concepts of limit and infinitesimal"
Lenght = Limit / 2
cycle = cycle + 1
Lenght = Lenght / 2
Sum = Sum + Lenght
These arguments lead us to the mathematical concepts of limit and infinitesimal calculus.
In the while many ancient and modern phylosophers have tried to solve the Zenone's paradoxes without a mathematical approach.
here some solutions of these paradoxes