The below code uses the standard setup of asking command prompt if the scope of the current session is user or admin. Then, if not admin, prints a statement saying "please run as administrator". Press enter and then the program uses
ShellExecute from
Shell32 to apply the "runas" verb to
0) (which is the executable's full path). Then you just press yes on the UAC prompt and voila; an elevated program without using PowerShell. I used to use PowerShell to achieve this but of course that is much slower.
ShellExecute isn't only limited to this but I figured I'd at least share this bit with y'all before I do more usage and put it in my API collection.
= ">nul 2>&1 " + Chr$(34) + "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" + Chr$(34) + " " + Chr$(34) + "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system" + Chr$(34) Print "please run as administrator."