' Steve's RPG-like thing.
' Written in 2018.
' Version 0.1-dev (pre-alpha)
' Short term to do: figure out what's wrong with attack:, Add npc inventory, recognize death condition for npc, stop respawning npc every time player enters a room.
' Longer term goals: Get the non-weapon slots working. Show inventory. exchange weapons between slots. drop items.
DIM object
AS STRING ' For the parser, it's whatever is after the first word. DIM cmderror
AS INTEGER ' This is for parse. cmdeerror set to 1 when a command successfully executes. DIM WeaponTable
(5) AS weapon
' Weapons in the game. DIM curroom
AS room
' Room player is currently in. DIM curnpc
AS playertype
' Room NPC is currently in.
doneroom = 0
cmderror = 0
GOSUB roomsetup:
' Create starting room, intialize other rooms. GOSUB weapongen:
' Create the weapon table! GOSUB npcgen:
' Create the npc table! GOSUB playergen:
' Player Generation routine croom = 1 'starts in room 1.
GOSUB setroom:
' Set initial room properties.
Main: ' Main loop
INPUT "What do you do? ", res
IF cmderror
= 0 THEN PRINT "Invalid Command." ' This isn't working but it's to minor of a thing for me to dwell on at this stage.
GOTO Main:
' Shut up. I know.
phrase = "null"
object = "null"
IF phrase
= "null" THEN ' If phrase wasn't changed from null, that means the command is only one word. Set the word to be processed. phrase = res
= LCASE$(phrase
) ' Set it to be lowercase to avoid parsing issues.IF object
<> "null" THEN object
= LCASE$(object
) ' Only set to lowercase if it isn't null. ie, if an object was part of the command.
' This will be replaced with a SELECT CASE eventually.
IF phrase
= "xyzzy" THEN cmderror
= 1:
PRINT "Seriously? I don't think so." IF phrase
= "quit" OR phrase
= "exit" THEN cmderror
= 1:
GOSUB quit:
IF phrase
= "north" OR phrase
= "n" THEN cmderror
= 1:
GOSUB roomchange:
IF phrase
= "south" OR phrase
= "s" THEN cmderror
= 1:
GOSUB roomchange:
IF phrase
= "east" OR phrase
= "e" THEN cmderror
= 1:
GOSUB roomchange:
IF phrase
= "west" OR phrase
= "w" THEN cmderror
= 1:
GOSUB roomchange:
' I feel like there must be a better way to do this.
attack: ' Attacking isn't balanced and needs extensive work, but the very basic framework of a round is in place.
' npc in room 3 seems to have too many HP. Attack is buggy and weird in general.
DIM npcinit
AS INTEGER ' NPC's initiative. May change one of those names, they're real easy to confuse or mess up. DIM turn
AS INTEGER ' turn = 1 means player goes next, turn = 0 means npc goes next. DIM defense
AS INTEGER ' Defense role. Also used for player & pc
PRINT "There is nothing here to attack."
PRINT "Entering fight mode." PRINT "Your Initiative: "; pcinit;
" npc's Initiative: "; npcinit
IF pcinit
> npcinit
THEN turn
= 1 IF pcinit
< npcinit
THEN turn
= 0
FightLoop: ' Main fight loop. It's true turn based right now with no auto attack. npcs currently cannot initiate combat.
IF turn
= 1 THEN ' This is always the players' turn attack = rolldice%(1, 20)
' There'll eventually me modifiers based on class/race
defense = rolldice%(1, 20)
' Just d20 vs d20 now. Higher number wins.
damage = rolldice%(WeaponTable(pcinv.weapon1).dice, WeaponTable(pcinv.weapon1).sides)
curnpc.hp = curnpc.hp - damage
damage = 0
curnpc.hp = curnpc.hp - damage ' Done this way because there may evemtually be modifiers that add damage even if hit misses.
PRINT RTRIM$(curnpc.
" took "; damage;
" and has "; curnpc.hp;
" left." IF pcinit
> npcinit
THEN turn
= 0 ' pcinit being higher means player went first. If it's lower, it means player is going second and doesn't need to trigger npc's turn. attack = rolldice%(1, 20)
' There'll eventually me modifiers based on class/race
defense = rolldice%(1, 20)
' Just d20 vs d20 now. Higher number wins.
damage = rolldice%(WeaponTable(pcinv.weapon1).dice, WeaponTable(pcinv.weapon1).sides) ' Uses player's weapon for now.
player.hp = player.hp - damage ' Player damage
damage = 0
player.hp = player.hp - damage ' Player damage
PRINT "You've taken "; damage;
" to your hitpoints! You now have "; player.hp;
" left." IF pcinit
< npcinit
THEN turn
= 1:
GOTO FightLoop:
' I can't figure out how to do this without using goto.
PRINT "You do that weird pointy dance people in leisure suits did in the 70s. Is this really becoming of an adventurer such as yourself?"
PRINT "Game in Development. Move with standard cardinal directions. Do not, under any circmstances, attempt to dance. Quit or Exit to quit." cmderror = 1
cmderror = 1
INPUT "Are you sure? (y/N) ", answer
AS INTEGER ' Durability, aka basis of hitpoints
AS INTEGER ' Corresponds to the WeaponTable entry. slot1
AS INTEGER ' Eventually there'll be a General Inventory table, not implemented yet.
AS INTEGER ' number of sides of damage dice. d4, d6, etc. desc
AS STRING * 20 ' not used yet, but maybe some kind of descriptive name, such as "gleaming"
TYPE npc
' This is totally cosmetic. I'll figure out better stuff to put here later. name AS STRING * 25 ' Race name. eg, hobgoblin, kobold, dragon, etc. dur
AS INTEGER ' Durability, aka basis of hitpoints
AS INTEGER ' Right now it supports 1 NPC per room. The number references the NPC Table. Will expand this in the future. weapon
AS INTEGER ' Game currently supports one weapon and one item in each room. item
AS INTEGER ' Item table not implemented yet. north
AS INTEGER ' Leads to this room number.
' INPUT "What is your name? ", player.name
player.str = rolldice%(3, 6)
player.dur = rolldice%(3, 6)
player.hp = rolldice%(1, 10) ' Roll 1d10
PRINT "Strength: "; player.str;
" Stamina: "; player.dur;
" Hitpoints: "; player.hp
pcinv.weapon1 = 2 ' Starting weapon is a short sword.
PRINT "Press a key to start playing." _LIMIT 5 ' Don't need it eating up all the CPU.
' I really want this to be a Constant so it can't be modified accidentally, but that doesn't seem possible.
name = "Long Sword"WeaponTable(1).sides = 8
WeaponTable(1).dice = 1
name = "Short Sword"WeaponTable(2).sides = 6
WeaponTable(2).dice = 1
name = "Mace"WeaponTable(3).sides = 4
WeaponTable(3).dice = 1
name = "Dagger"WeaponTable(4).sides = 3
WeaponTable(4).dice = 1
name = "Lance"WeaponTable(5).sides = 6
WeaponTable(5).dice = 2
npcgen: ' These numbers are all made up and are changing at some point.
name = "Kobold"NPCTable(1).str = rolldice%(3, 6) ' 3d6 is standard ability roll
NPCTable(1).dur = rolldice%(3, 6) ' 3d6
NPCTable(1).hp = rolldice%(1, 6) ' 1d6 for HP
name = "Hobgoblin"NPCTable(4).str = rolldice%(3, 6) ' 3d6 is standard ability roll
NPCTable(4).dur = rolldice%(3, 6) ' 3d6
NPCTable(4).hp = rolldice%(1, 6) ' 1d6
NPCTable(4).str = rolldice%(3, 6) ' 3d6 is standard ability roll
NPCTable(4).dur = rolldice%(3, 6) ' 3d6
NPCTable(4).hp = rolldice%(1, 6) ' 1d6
name = "Skeleton"NPCTable(4).str = rolldice%(3, 6) ' 3d6 is standard ability roll
NPCTable(4).dur = rolldice%(3, 6) ' 3d6
NPCTable(4).hp = rolldice%(1, 6) ' 1d6
name = "Gold Dragon"NPCTable(4).str = rolldice%(3, 6) + 2 ' Dragon gets 3d6 + 2
NPCTable(4).dur = rolldice%(3, 6) + 2
NPCTable(4).hp = rolldice%(4, 8) + 5 ' 4d8+5 because dragons be strong.
createnpc: ' Sets up NPCs based off NPCTable.
name = NPCTable
namecurnpc.hp = NPCTable(curroom.npc).hp
curnpc.dur = NPCTable(curroom.npc).dur
curnpc.str = NPCTable(curroom.npc).str
gameworld(1).roomid = 1 ' Starting room. You always start in 1.
gameworld(1).shortd = "The start of a dungeon of fear"
gameworld(1).longd = "You see bones strewn about. This is surely the entrance to somewhere pretty horrible."
gameworld(1).south = 2
gameworld(1).west = 3
gameworld(2).roomid = 2
gameworld(2).shortd = "Another room of roominess"
gameworld(2).longd = "It's pretty scary here. You see a boogie woogie skeleton in the corner."
gameworld(2).npc = 4 ' Skeleton
gameworld(2).north = 1
gameworld(3).roomid = 3
gameworld(3).shortd = "The Armory"
gameworld(3).longd = "You stand in an old forgotten armory. Most the weapons look old and unusuable. This place hasn't been properly tended to in decades, if not centuries."
gameworld(3).weapon = 5
gameworld(3).east = 1
curroom.roomid = gameworld(croom).roomid
curroom.shortd = gameworld(croom).shortd
curroom.longd = gameworld(croom).longd
curroom.npc = gameworld(croom).npc
curroom.weapon = gameworld(croom).weapon
curroom.item = gameworld(croom).item
curroom.north = gameworld(croom).north
curroom.south = gameworld(croom).south
curroom.east = gameworld(croom).east
curroom.west = gameworld(croom).west
IF curroom.npc
<> 0 THEN GOSUB createnpc:
' Bring the room's npc, if any, into existence. Drawback is npc respawns every time you enter room. Will fix that later. doneroom = 0
doneroom = 0 ' Make sure it's set to 0, which effectively means you can't exit.
IF LEFT$(phrase
, 1) = "n" AND curroom.north
<> 0 THEN croom
= curroom.north: doneroom
= 1 ' Done this way as the parser accepts either "north" or "n" to move. IF LEFT$(phrase
, 1) = "s" AND curroom.south
<> 0 THEN croom
= curroom.south: doneroom
= 1 IF LEFT$(phrase
, 1) = "e" AND curroom.east
<> 0 THEN croom
= curroom.east: doneroom
= 1 IF LEFT$(phrase
, 1) = "w" AND curroom.west
<> 0 THEN croom
= curroom.west: doneroom
= 1
IF curroom.weapon
= 0 AND curroom.item
= 0 THEN PRINT "There is nothing here to get."
IF object
= RTRIM$(LCASE$(WeaponTable
name)) THEN ' Such ugly code. make it all lower case and cut the extra spaces off so it (potentially) matches object. PRINT "You have no room for the ";
name) pcinv.weapon1 = curroom.weapon
PRINT "You have placed the ";
" in slot 1." IF pcinv.weapon1
<> 0 AND pcinv.weapon2
= 0 THEN pcinv.weapon2 = curroom.weapon
PRINT "You have placed the ";
" in slot 2." ELSE PRINT "There is no "; object;
" here to pick up."
) = INT(RND * sides%
) + 1 ' total should now contain an array of all dice rolls. Now we add them up.
rolldice% = rolldice% + total(counter)
' I feel like there's probably a much better way of doing this.