One side of my coin says 1, the other says 2. Predict what the next flip will be 1 or 2, right or wrong we keep flipping until the flip doesn't match the first flip. That will be the amount you've won or lost if you matched the first flip or not.
I did not RANDOMIZE TIMER (like Kiara did) so you can learn to "predict" 2 for awhile and then 1 for awhile to get a little ahead in the game ;-))
_TITLE "1 for 1 and 2 for 2 PLUS" 'b+ 2020-09-11 INPUT "Enter 1 for 1, 2 for 2, or 0 to quit this silly game > ", choice
ELSEIF choice
= 1 OR choice
= 2 THEN ' alrighty! let's play! count = count + 1
yourPoints = yourPoints + count
yourPoints = yourPoints - count
PRINT "Your Points ="; yourPoints
count = 0