Author Topic: New feature request and guidance for InForm  (Read 6077 times)

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Offline LOfaday

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New feature request and guidance for InForm
« on: April 20, 2019, 05:38:17 pm »
Hi. Superb job. Ingenious Simplicity (Einstein said "any fool can make complexity, but it takes genius to simplify" - or words to that effect). Although I have not tried cross platform usage and have only used in Windows, cross platform is important to me as a means of future proofing and so is much appreciated.

In order of my personal wishes...

  • MsgBox (pref conforming to VBA / VB6 norms)
  • InputBox (pref ditto)
  • Multiple form interaction, like 2 forms, the second shown from the first (may already be there, but I don't know how)
  • RTF (Rich Text Box) View
  • Grid View
  • Tree View
  • Improved Event integration allowing form revisions etc

I could list more, but I like your focus on essentials, and these extras seem to me to be "show starters" and hopefully will be helpful in terms of deciding your priorities.

Anyone else with "show starters"? (By this I mean a positive spin on the negative "Show Stopper" .. ie: things that would permit you to really start going to bed with the product as opposed to noting their absence might stop you).

Thank you!


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Re: New feature request and guidance for InForm
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2019, 07:24:04 pm »
Hi there, LOfaday. Welcome to the forum!

Thank you so much for your interest and especially for your words on InForm.

Also, thank you for the suggestions. Of all of them, one is already there: MessageBoxes:

FUNCTION MessageBox& (Message$, Title$, Setup AS LONG)

Not specifying Title$ will have the message box inherit the main form's title/caption.

Setup is a combination (button + icon) of:
  • Buttons, which can be MsgBox_OkOnly, MsgBox_OkCancel, MsgBox_AbortRetryIgnore, MsgBox_YesNoCancel, MsgBox_YesNo, MsgBox_RetryCancel, MsgBox_CancelTryagainContinue, MsgBox_CancelTryagainContinue.
  • Icons, which can be MsgBox_Critical, MsgBox_Question, MsgBox_Exclamation, MsgBox_Information

The possible return values are: MsgBox_Ok, MsgBox_Cancel, MsgBox_Abort, MsgBox_Retry, MsgBox_Ignore, MsgBox_Yes, MsgBox_No, MsgBox_Tryagain, MsgBox_Continue.

All combinations of the above work as expected in Windows. For macOS and Linux, you only get OkOnly and YesNo for buttons.

Sample usage:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1.                 Answer = MessageBox("Do you love QB64?", "", MsgBox_YesNo + MsgBox_Question)
  2.                 IF Answer = MsgBox_No THEN
  3.                     Caption(Label1) = "I'll give you some more time to fall in love."
  4.                 ELSE
  5.                     Caption(Label1) = "We do too!"
  6.                 END IF