I think all AIs have to start first with the programmer's bias, and then evolve from there. Consider something like a predictive spellchecker:
First, you'd program it with a dictionary. Then you'd tell it what YOU thought the common words should be, and a few basic rules of grammer. "Joe ATE dinner", instead of "Joe EAT dinner." In this case, you're teaching it some basic tense structure....
And the user goes back and corrects the issue by making it, "Joe, EAT dinner". Now instead of saying what Joe did in the past, it's a direct command for him to do something in the present...
The AI started with what you taught it, but it records the user's actual style of typing/writing, and in time it changes the response from "change EAT to ATE", to become, "ADD comma after subject".
It starts with what we -- the programmers -- know/think to be correct, and then it "learns" from there.