Author Topic: Welcome and Presentation?  (Read 4154 times)

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Offline Breg

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Welcome and Presentation?
« on: February 06, 2022, 05:03:30 pm »
Hello everyone.
Is there a section on this forum to introduce yourself?
Kind regards.
Macos & Linux forever... No MS crap!

Offline johnno56

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Re: Welcome and Presentation?
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2022, 07:11:50 pm »
An "Introduction" section? No. Not really...

This part of the forum is probably the best place to start.

First. Welcome! I hope that your stay with us will be beneficial for all.
We are a well balanced forum... I know of at least 'one' that is slightly unbalanced... It won't take you long to figure out who I am referring too... lol

By all means, tell us about yourself and the goals that you have, in regards to QB64.

We are all here to help. Any questions, big or small, I am certain that you will be answered promptly... If you are a coding guru... your coding style will be added to our distinctiveness... resistance is...  mental block... where was I? Oh yes... There are several "Torvaldians" on this forum that will appreciate all that you may have to offer....

Again. Welcome!

Remember: If you are not having fun, you are not doing right..!!
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Offline Breg

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Re: Welcome and Presentation?
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2022, 08:51:34 pm »
Again. Welcome!

Remember: If you are not having fun, you are not doing right..!!

Hi johnno56. Thank you for your welcome.

I am a 66-year-old French retiree, spokesperson for a small group of young retirees who have decided to discover and train in programming.

After much research and discussion, we decided to choose the QB64 language for its ease of learning.

We hope to be able to find here the necessary help to master good practices even if some of our group already have a first experience of different languages ​​including QB 4.5 and PDS 7.1 or even bash.

Our development environments are exclusively different Linux distributions and macOS High Sierra, and sorry but excluding any form of MS Windows with the one and only exception of Windows 11 in the sandbox of a VMware Workstation or Fusion VM.

So here is briefly who I am and the purpose of our small group.

So, if I may, here are my first three questions (of a very long list to come):

1) is there a kind of book like: QB64 for Dummies?

2) is there an exhaustive list of all the commands of the QB64 language with simple examples of use for each command?

3) What is the basic difference between a SUB and a FUNCTION?

Last point: we would like to participate in the translation and localization of QB64 in different languages ​​including French and Italian.

Is it in your plans, for example, to separate all QB64 messages into one (or more) external file(s) to facilitate and allow their translation?
Thanks in advance for your interest.

PS: Breg is my nickname for Bridgett.
Macos & Linux forever... No MS crap!

Offline bplus

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Re: Welcome and Presentation?
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2022, 09:35:29 pm »
Welcome @Breg

1) is there a kind of book like: QB64 for Dummies?

2) is there an exhaustive list of all the commands of the QB64 language with simple examples of use for each command?

3) What is the basic difference between a SUB and a FUNCTION?

1. Not  a book but a link to a tutorial

2. Commands, in alpha order the ones with _underlines are not compatible with earlier QB's
Also you can lookup Command names by their function

3. The main differencs between a Sub and a Function is that a Function returns a value when you call it
eg MyFunctionValue = MyFunction(x, y, z)

a Sub call looks like this:
MySub x, y, z

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Welcome and Presentation?
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2022, 09:47:44 pm »
1) I've started work on a QB64 book, but I don't think it's for dummies.  It's more a combination reference tool and personal thoughts/insights into the commands and language of mine.  I just started it, so give me a few months before you expect anything grand at all from it.  ;)

2) The wiki is the best place for our commands, or the IDE Help files.

3)  SUBs *DO* something, FUNCTIONS *RETURN* something.

Examples of SUBS:

CLS -- clears the screen.
PRINT "whatever" -- prints whatever on the screen.
INPUT user$ -- has the user input a string and stores that string as user$

Examples of FUNCTIONS:
ScreenFont = _LOADFONT("courbd.ttf", 32) -- Loadfont is the function and it returns the handle to the font it loads into memory, and in this case assigns it to the variable ScreenFont

X = COS(1) -- COS is the function and it returns the cosine of 1 radian, and assigns it to X.

PRINT _WIDTH, _HEIGHT -- _Width and _Height are both functions, returning your screens width and height settings.   PRINT is a sub which prints those values to the screen.

SUBs *DO* something.

FUNCTIONs *RETURN* a value for something. — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline johnno56

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Re: Welcome and Presentation?
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2022, 10:16:19 pm »
Hi Breg,

Way back in May of 1994, author Douglas A. Hergert, published "QBasic Programming for Dummies" (ISBN: 978-1-568840-93-2). I know, it's not QB64 per se, but may be helpful. Anyway, the links and references the others have given you will serve you well... Also, QB64's built-in 'Help', is a valuable source of information for command description and code examples...

Here in Australia, the retirement age is 66.5... I'm not quite there yet... lol

The development team would be the best ones to answer your translation questions... I am only a user... *sigh*

Female? Cool... and a Linux user! YES!! (Linux Mint for the last 7 years)

More questions? ask away!
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Offline Richard Frost

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Re: Welcome and Presentation?
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2022, 04:01:47 pm »
Welcome to nerd heaven.

QB64 is QB4.5 with a rocket attached, and more bells & whistles. The biggest addition, I find, is the
ease with which QB64 handles images, an image being any area of the screen or loaded picture.  A great
way to learn is to study code downloaded from the Forums here.  Some of it is even documented.  Here's
an example of fun with images:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Screen _NewImage(768, 324, 32)
  2. p& = _LoadImage("nixie1.jpg") '                  picture is 750*600
  3.     For i = 0 To 5
  4.         nn = Val(Mid$(Time$, Val(Mid$("124578", i + 1, 1)), 1))
  5.         _PutImage (i * 128, 0)-Step(128, 326), p&, 0, ((nn Mod 5) * 150, Int(nn / 5) * 300)-Step(150, 300)
  6.     Next i
It works better if you plug it in.

Offline bombblasterz

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Re: Welcome and Presentation?
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2022, 04:04:43 pm »
queue bee sixty four

Offline CharlieJV

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Re: Welcome and Presentation?
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2022, 07:07:39 pm »
Although I do see the value and usefulness of any technology, even MS products, for me myself and I and my world: you had me at MS crap.

Welcome aboard, and pardon me as I just cannot pass up the opportunity:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. dim la_seducation_delicate as integer
  2. for la_seducation_delicate = 1 to 3
  3. print "BIENVENUE !!!"
  4. next la_seducation_delicate

Offline OldMoses

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Re: Welcome and Presentation?
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2022, 04:47:27 pm »

The only point I would add to this is regarding SUB/FUNCTION differences.

It might also be noted that a FUNCTION can do many SUB-like things, even calling on other SUBs. In its attempt to obtain a value to return it can handle quite complex tasks. Manipulate images, display data lists, access files, obtain mouse and key inputs, etc.