No, I have not released the source code for this yet (still messy) I started to work off the
older source, however, there were so many changes I wanted to make, I threw it in the proverbial trashcan and (once again) started from scratch.
TL-V is my fav. Everything works as I wanted. Search by name, next/prev page works on larger collections, uses an external ini file that is much more organized (need dos commands that work internal of QB64 instead of shell - just askin :-P), much cleaner execution. and several other improvements over the older one.
Hats off to SPRIGGYSPRIG for his clever string.split and SMcNiel for his best solution to an "IsNum()" function
If I get enough requests, I'll put the source up as is. (its messy, almost done cleaning it). Currently MUCH MUCH smaller at 450+ lines of code, and some external files as well.
edit: forgot to add a download :-)