Author Topic: [video] QB64 v2 - Stepping  (Read 3039 times)

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[video] QB64 v2 - Stepping
« on: October 22, 2021, 07:44:36 pm »
So you added the new $Debug metacommand in your program. Now what?

Offline Pete

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Re: [video] QB64 v2 - Stepping
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2021, 08:13:47 pm »
Ah, so F6 is really only for people who make mistakes. Well, no wooreis hear. Knot sumthiinng I sea myselph kneading.

Hey have you ever thought of getting an animated dog to do these spots? We could call him QB Doo 🐶

Just a thought...

Kidding aside, love it. Keep um coming. OH, and have you thought about a video library section for these?

« Last Edit: October 22, 2021, 10:41:48 pm by Pete »
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Re: [video] QB64 v2 - Stepping
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2021, 11:17:05 pm »
Thanks, Pete.

I don’t think an extra section is needed, since these are all grouped in the YouTube channel, but I’ll leave it to the librarians.

Marked as best answer by on Today at 04:26:20 am

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: [video] QB64 v2 - Stepping
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2021, 12:15:46 am »
  • Undo Best Answer
  • Hey have you ever thought of getting an animated dog to do these spots? We could call him QB Doo 🐶

    How about an animated paper clip?  Call him Qlippy-B64! — A github collection of all things Steve!

    Offline Pete

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    Re: [video] QB64 v2 - Stepping
    « Reply #4 on: October 23, 2021, 12:57:09 am »
    How about an animated paper clip?  Call him Qlippy-B64!

    Nope! I'll stick with QB-Doo, for Version 2!

    Code: QB64: [Select]
    1. title$ = "QB-Doo Version 2"
    2. _TITLE title$
    3. Screen0 = _NEWIMAGE(80, 25, 0)
    4. SCREEN Screen0
    7. COLOR 0, 7
    8. FOR x = 1 TO 25
    9.     LOCATE x, 1: PRINT STRING$(80, 176);
    11. _DEST overlay
    12. COLOR MidnightBlue, 0
    14. REDIM text$(6)
    15. i = 0
    16.     i = i + 1
    17.     DO
    18.         READ a
    19.         IF a = 0 THEN EXIT DO
    20.         text$(i) = text$(i) + CHR$(a)
    21.     LOOP
    22. LOOP UNTIL i = 6
    24. font = _LOADFONT("lucon.ttf", 25, "monospace")
    25. IF font <= 0 THEN font = 16
    26. _FONT font
    28. 'music$ = "L6n33n33n31n31L2n29L6n31n33L3n26P4L4n31L6n28L2n24L6n33n33L4n31L2n29"
    29. 'music$ = "MBO4" + music$ + music$
    30. music$ = "MBO4" + "L7n33n33n31n31L4n29 P8 L8n31L7n33L4n26 P6 L5n31L8n28L4n24L7n33n33n31L4n29"
    31. music$ = music$ + "P6 L7n33n33n31n31L4n29 P8 L6n31n33L4n34 P6 L5n31L8n28L4n24L7n33n33n31L4n29"
    33. PLAY music$
    35. startrow = 2
    36. FOR k = 1 TO 6
    37.     t$ = text$(k)
    38.     y = startrow + k * 2 - 1 ' Double space.
    40.     pslc y, t$, overlay, Overlay_hardware
    42.     _DELAY 1.9
    44. _FONT 16 'select inbuilt 8x16 default font
    45. _FREEFONT font ' Must be placed after the font is changed.
    47. COLOR Black, 0
    48. msg$ = "Press space bar to toggle overlay. Press Esc to end."
    50. psl 25, 1, msg$, overlay, Overlay_hardware
    52. _DELAY .75
    53.     _LIMIT 30
    54.     b$ = INKEY$
    55.     IF LEN(b$) THEN
    56.         IF b$ = CHR$(27) THEN EXIT DO
    57.         IF Show_Overlay THEN _PUTIMAGE (0, 0), Overlay_hardware
    58.         Show_Overlay = NOT Show_Overlay
    59.         _DISPLAY
    60.     END IF
    62. _FREEIMAGE Overlay_hardware
    63. _DEST 0 'Reset dest back to the normal screen 0.
    64. COLOR 0, 7
    65. _DELAY .75
    66. COLOR 1, 7
    67. LOCATE 2, 2
    68. PRINT "Hi, back in SCREEN 0. Bye!"
    69. _DELAY 2.25
    71. DATA 81,66,32,86,101,114,115,105,111,110,32,50,0
    72. DATA 89,111,117,39,114,101,32,98,114,97,110,100,32,110,101,119,0
    73. DATA 65,32,112,105,99,107,101,114,32,97,110,100,32,97,32,99,104,111,111,115,101,114,0
    74. DATA 65,110,100,32,119,101,32,97,108,108,32,119,97,110,116,32,116,111,32,117,115,101,0
    75. DATA 81,66,44,32,116,111,111,0
    76. DATA 39,67,97,117,115,101,32,70,66,39,115,32,115,117,99,104,32,97,32,108,111,115,101,114,0
    78. SUB psl (y, x, t$, overlay, Overlay_hardware)
    79.     _PRINTSTRING ((x - 1) * _FONTWIDTH, (y - 1) * _FONTHEIGHT), t$
    80.     Overlay_hardware = _COPYIMAGE(overlay, 33)
    81.     _PUTIMAGE (0, 0), Overlay_hardware
    82.     _DISPLAY
    84. SUB pslc (y, t$, overlay, Overlay_hardware)
    85.     _PRINTSTRING ((_WIDTH - _PRINTWIDTH(t$)) \ 2, (y - 1) * _FONTHEIGHT), t$
    86.     Overlay_hardware = _COPYIMAGE(overlay, 33)
    87.     _PUTIMAGE (0, 0), Overlay_hardware
    88.     _DISPLAY

    Pete 🎶

    Edit: We really need that QB45 PLAY(0) function implemented one of these versions.
    « Last Edit: October 25, 2021, 04:45:20 pm by Pete »
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