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Offline SMcNeill

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Match Three
« on: October 20, 2021, 01:26:27 pm »
So I've finally rounded up a little free time and have decided to play around with the little "one key input" Halloween contest that's currently going on.  What I've decided to shoot for is a simple little strategy game of a match-3 style.

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Dim Shared WS, GridSize
  2. ReDim Shared Grid(0, 0) As _Byte
  4. GridSize = 30
  5. MakeGrid
  6. DisplayGrid
  10. Sub DisplayGrid
  11.     For x = 1 To GridSize: For y = 1 To GridSize
  12.         Locate y, x: Print _Trim$(Str$(Grid(x, y)));
  13.     Next y, x
  14.     AutoScale
  16. Sub MakeGrid
  17.     If GridSize Mod 3 <> 0 Then Error 5: End
  18.     If WS <> 0 Then _FreeImage WS
  20.     WS = _NewImage(GridSize * 8, GridSize * 8 + 16, 32)
  21.     Screen WS
  22.     _Font 8 'this creates a 30x32 screen
  23.     ReDim Grid(1 To GridSize, 1 To GridSize) As _Byte
  25.     count = 3
  26.     For x = 1 To GridSize: For y = 1 To GridSize
  27.         count = (count + 1) Mod 3 + 1
  28.         Grid(x, y) = count 'Assign values of 1 to 3 equally amongst the grid
  29.     Next y, x
  30.     For x = 1 To GridSize: For y = 1 To GridSize
  31.         xswap = Int(Rnd * GridSize) + 1: yswap = Int(Rnd * GridSize) + 1
  32.         Swap Grid(xswap, yswap), Grid(x, y) 'Shuffle the grid
  33.     Next y, x
  35. Sub AutoScale
  36.     Static DisplayScreen
  37.     If DisplayScreen = 0 Then
  38.         DW = _DesktopWidth
  39.         DH = _DesktopHeight
  40.         Scale = (DH - 80) / 640
  41.         DisplayScreen = _NewImage(640 * Scale, 640 * Scale, 32)
  42.         Screen DisplayScreen
  43.         _ScreenMove (DW - _Width(DisplayScreen)) \ 2, 0
  44.         _Source WS: _Dest WS
  45.     End If
  46.     _PutImage , WS, DisplayScreen
  47.     _Display

Now, all this is doing at the moment is tossing a bunch of numbers up on the screen for us, with values of 1, 2, or 3.  The goal here would be to clear the screen of all numbers, making matches from the bottom up as you go.  Simple enough game play, but one which many people end up failing to do properly. All you need to do to fail is to get stuck with something like 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3 for the bottom numbers of the last six columns, and you've lost.  It's impossible to make another match-3 with those 6 numbers!  There's a few hiding behind those that you need to access, so you didn't clear the rest of the puzzle properly to get a win!  :(

Of course, at this point, there's no actual game here -- just a way to toss the numbers up on the screen.  You can't match them or eliminate them in and way, shape, or form so far.  :P

All I'm curious about at this point is how the AutoScale works out for everyone.  This should make a rather small screen, then scale over to fit any desktop out there -- and it shouldn't cover your Window's Taskbar, leaving a little room open at the bottom of the screen.  Can folks test this little snippet out for me and let me know how things work with the scaling department for you guys? I don't know of a simple way to get Taskbar height that's cross compatible for all OSes, so I'm just eyeballing it with my display and hoping it doesn't cover anything. 

The goal, if scaling works properly, is to substitute numbers for images of candy, and then it'll become a match-3 candy puzzle!  (Expandable to Match-4, 5, 6, ect, if I want to add harder levels as a player progresses.)  I just need to find a good candy spritesheet somewhere, which shouldn't be too hard to come up with with all the Candy Crush type games out there, and then I can turn this little concept into a Halloween-themed game!  (And come Christmas, I can swap candies for reindeer, snowmen, presents, and snowflakes!) — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline bplus

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Re: Match Three
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2021, 02:03:25 pm »
OK here's what it looks like on my screen, Title with desktop dimensions:

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Match Three
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2021, 02:08:11 pm »
Your QB64 IDE is hiding the taskbar, but from the size and all, it looks like it's properly sizing and positioning itself on your screen.  👍 — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline Pete

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Re: Match Three
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2021, 03:37:21 pm »
Too hard for me. I lost 10 times in a row. Barely pressed a key and it indicated game over... Press any key to end, I believe it said. Can you dumb it down a bit for us non-farm professionals? :D

Hey Steve, looks the same on mine as on Mark's. Yes, I can see my Windows task bar at the bottom, and the title bar, of the app, at the top. My only concern is the numbers appear blurry with that font, size, and the close approximation of characters.

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Offline bplus

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Re: Match Three
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2021, 04:47:57 pm »
Your QB64 IDE is hiding the taskbar, but from the size and all, it looks like it's properly sizing and positioning itself on your screen.  👍

I have my task bar on the left side (You can see half), there is so much more width than height on my laptop I save every pixel of height I can for QB64 programs!

But the sizing does seem to work OK, so far ;-))

Offline Dav

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Re: Match Three
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2021, 07:47:02 pm »
The Autoscale works well here.  Looks great.  Doesn't hide taskbar, and i can see title bar.

- Dav

Offline Pete

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Re: Match Three
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2021, 08:25:02 pm »
Steve does know we mean this Halloween, right???

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Offline Richard

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Re: Match Three
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2021, 08:41:15 pm »

This is what it looks like on my display (native resolution 3200 x 1800)


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Can you make a    Match One    version for me?

Offline Dav

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Re: Match Three
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2021, 08:14:00 am »
Here's my screenshot.  The autoscale works well on my 1366x768 laptop.

- Dav

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Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Match Three
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2021, 09:40:57 am »
Thanks guys.  Seems like it's scaling properly for everyone.  Now I just need some little candy icons and the input loop, and I can turn it into a game with just a few hours work.  Scaling has been bugging the crap out of me lately, mainly because I hurt my back again and have been doing a lot more stuff on the 4k ultra-high def laptop where I can lounge in my recliner, than I have been on my PC with the less comfortable office chair associated with it. 

Having to upscale/downscale/resize everything was turning into a real PITA, so I have a feeling that little AutoScale snippet is going to end up in a lot of my stuff for the next couple of months.  It's a pleasure to see that it's properly sizing things on various displays properly, without any issues. 

Many thanks for testing and posting screenshots, one and all.  😘 — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Match Three
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2021, 02:58:32 am »
A very simple first version of this little One Click Match program:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Dim Shared WS, GridSize, Choice, Matches, Center, Guess$, Guess, DisplayScreen
  2. ReDim Shared Grid(0, 0) As _Byte
  3. Choice = 1
  5.     Function taskbar_height& ()
  7. GridSize = 8: Matches = 3
  9. renewgrid = -1
  10.     If renewgrid Then MakeGrid: renewgrid = 0
  11.     DisplayGrid
  12.     UserInput
  13.     _Limit 2
  14.     Choice = (Choice + 1) Mod GridSize
  15.     If Choice = 0 Then Choice = GridSize
  16. Loop Until checkwin
  17. WS = _NewImage(240, 240, 32)
  20. _FreeImage DisplayScreen
  21. DisplayScreen = 0
  22. AutoScale
  26. Function checkwin
  27.     For x = 1 To GridSize
  28.         For y = 1 To GridSize
  29.             If Grid(x, y) <> 0 Then Exit Function
  30.     Next y, x
  31.     checkwin = -1
  33. Sub UserInput
  34.     C = Choice - 1
  35.     If C = 0 Then C = GridSize
  36.     k = _KeyHit
  37.     Select Case k
  38.         Case 27
  39.             Screen 0: _FreeImage WS
  40.             WS = _NewImage(240, 240, 32)
  41.             Screen WS
  42.             _Font 8
  44.             Cls
  45.             Print "YOU ARE A BIG LOSER!! HAHAHAHA!!"
  46.             _FreeImage DisplayScreen
  47.             DisplayScreen = 0
  48.             AutoScale
  49.             _KeyClear
  50.             Sleep
  51.             System
  54.         Case 32
  55.             For y = GridSize To 1 Step -1
  56.                 If Grid(C, y) <> 0 Then Exit For
  57.             Next
  58.             If y <> 0 Then
  59.                 '             If Grid(C, y) <> 0 Then
  60.                 If Grid(C, y) = Guess Or Guess = 0 Then
  61.                     Guess = Grid(C, y)
  62.                     Guess$ = Guess$ + _Trim$(Str$(Guess))
  63.                     Grid(C, y) = 0
  64.                     If Len(Guess$) = Matches Then
  65.                         Guess$ = ""
  66.                         Guess = 0
  67.                     End If
  68.                     DisplayGrid
  69.                 End If
  70.                 '        End If
  71.             End If
  72.     End Select
  73.     _KeyClear
  76. Sub DisplayGrid
  77.     Cls
  78.     For x = 1 To GridSize: For y = 1 To GridSize
  79.         If Grid(x, y) Then Locate y, x: Print _Trim$(Str$(Grid(x, y)));
  80.     Next y, x
  81.     Locate y, Choice: Print "^";
  82.     Center = 640 - _PrintWidth(String$(Matches, " ")) / 2
  83.     Line (0, GridSize * 8 + 8)-Step(639, 16), -1, BF
  84.     PW = _PrintWidth(String$(Matches, " "))
  85.     Line ((GridSize * 8 - PW) \ 2, GridSize * 8 + 8)-Step(PW, 8), &HFF000000, BF
  86.     _PrintString ((GridSize * 8 - PW) \ 2, GridSize * 8 + 8), Guess$
  87.     AutoScale
  89. Sub MakeGrid
  91.     If WS <> 0 Then Screen 0: _FreeImage WS
  93.     WS = _NewImage(GridSize * 8, GridSize * 8 + 16, 32)
  94.     Screen WS
  95.     _Font 8 'this creates a 30x32 screen
  96.     ReDim Grid(1 To GridSize, 1 To GridSize) As _Byte
  98.     count = -1: value = -1
  99.     For x = 1 To GridSize: For y = 1 To GridSize
  100.         count = (count + 1) Mod Matches
  101.         If count = 0 Then value = (value + 1) Mod Matches
  102.             Grid(y, x) = value + 1
  103.     Next y, x
  104.     If count <> Matches - 1 Then
  105.         For i = count To 0 Step -1
  106.             Grid(GridSize - i, GridSize) = 0
  107.         Next
  108.     End If
  111.     For x = 1 To GridSize: For y = 1 To GridSize
  112.         xswap = Int(Rnd * GridSize) + 1: yswap = Int(Rnd * GridSize) + 1
  113.         If Grid(x, y) <> 0 And Grid(xswap, yswap) <> 0 Then Swap Grid(xswap, yswap), Grid(x, y) 'Shuffle the grid
  114.     Next y, x
  115.     Guess$ = ""
  116.     Guess = 0
  118. Sub AutoScale
  119.     If DisplayScreen = 0 Then
  120.         DW = _DesktopWidth
  121.         DH = _DesktopHeight
  123.         Scale = (DH - taskbar_height) / 640
  124.         DisplayScreen = _NewImage(640 * Scale, 640 * Scale, 32)
  125.         Screen DisplayScreen
  126.         ScreenMove (DW - _Width(DisplayScreen)) \ 2, 0
  127.         _Source WS: _Dest WS
  128.     End If
  129.     _PutImage , WS, DisplayScreen
  130.     _Display
  132. Sub ScreenMove (x, y)
  133.     $If BORDERDEC = UNDEFINED Then
  134.         $Let BORDERDEC = TRUE
  135.         Declare Library
  136.             Function glutGet& (ByVal what&)
  137.         End Declare
  138.     $End If
  139.     BorderWidth = glutGet(506)
  140.     TitleBarHeight = glutGet(507)
  141.     _ScreenMove x - BorderWidth, y - BorderWidth - TitleBarHeight

There's a few internal variables which you guys can mess around with to affect difficulty and numbers of matches required:

 GridSize = 8: Matches = 3

Gridsize changes the size of our grid, Matches changes the number that an user has to meet for a match.

Surprisingly, I find the game to be harder than it first appears, at least for myself.  If I'm not careful, I end up boxing myself in and not being able to form a proper match to clear the values from the board, ending up with me getting stuck and having to forfeit the game.  :(

Still to come (if I find time between now and Halloween -- this has always been a crazy busy time here on the farm) is a substitution of candy sprites instead of numbers, a level system which gets progressively harder (level one might be gridsize 8, match 3.  level two would be gridsize 12, match 3.  level three might be gridsize 12, match 4.  level four might be gridsize 8, match 4...  And so on until the user barfs at the attempt to match an almost impossible level and quits.), and once we have levels, I can install a highscore system.

The basic gameplay is there for a one-button game (with a second button emergency exit with the ESC key, but does that *really* count towards gameplay??  IF necessary, I can swap the exit condition to something rather simple such as simply letting the selector pass the screen three times without choosing a number to remove, but personally I like the "QUICK, QUIT" use of the ESC key.  :P

Anywho, the hard part is done here with the mechanics.  Everything from this point forward is just bells and whistles. 

I *did* manage to create a little game before Halloween after all.  LOL!   ;D — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline bplus

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Re: Match Three
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2021, 09:50:23 am »
Doesn't work for people (like me) who have their taskbar along the side of their screen, scale = 0 so errors out when scale is applied to resize or create screen.

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Match Three
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2021, 10:12:18 am »
Doesn't work for people (like me) who have their taskbar along the side of their screen, scale = 0 so errors out when scale is applied to resize or create screen.

Evil sidebar!  I'll need to put an exemption in there for crazy machines with set-ups like that.  😤 — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline bplus

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Re: Match Three
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2021, 11:47:51 am »
This fixed it for me, interesting game, I am "A BIG WEENER!! YAAAYYY!!" thanks for that LOL

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Sub AutoScale
  2.     If DisplayScreen = 0 Then
  3.         DW = _DesktopWidth
  4.         DH = _DesktopHeight ' usuallly the le
  6.         If DH = taskbar_height Then
  7.             If DH < DW Then scale = DH / 640 Else scale = DW / 640
  8.         Else
  9.             scale = (DH - taskbar_height) / 640
  10.         End If
  11.         'Cls
  12.         'Print DH, scale, taskbar_height ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<< taskbar_height is DH !!!
  13.         'End
  18.         DisplayScreen = _NewImage(640 * scale, 640 * scale, 32) '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< error
  19.         Screen DisplayScreen
  20.         ScreenMove (DW - _Width(DisplayScreen)) \ 2, 0
  21.         _Source WS: _Dest WS
  22.     End If
  23.     _PutImage , WS, DisplayScreen
  24.     _Display

Offline Pete

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Re: Match Three
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2021, 06:46:43 pm »
Quit playing games and vote! That one VA candidate is a real...

***         ***  (ASCII Hat).

Sorry, I had to hack your Kobayashi Maru app. It turns out me and Kirk have that much in common; so now, "I'm a BIG WINNER!"

Pete 😉
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