Hi QB64 community,
Hi Qb64 Developers Team,
Hi Qb64 coders
My congratulations to Qb64 community to get this new empowered QB64 version!
Now debug has been integrated into IDE!!!
This is fantastic and it makes more professional QB64 as development tool.
It lacks just a bit to be better of original QB45: creating executable library to link, so you can share the product of your private projects without be forced to share the code of them (in Qb45 times it was possible creating .OBJ library).
Bad news for who uses external IDE if you debug by using VWatch of Fellippe, you must hope it will be adjourned.
Or in a better way, you can accept the ASCII aspect of IDE and its features and you can enjoy yourself with all these new gifts to emprove your programming style.
I have little knowledge of professional programming or industrial programming...but the next step seems to have a tool to build a project like wizard of C++/ VB/JavaBuilder.
@QB64 developers team (I use this so I'm sure to not leave out nobody of developers )
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