I think I did quite a good job on it.
@Jaze Yes beautifully laid out and all the ways to give hints plus you can save a game in progress.
I did have troubles using the hints, got very confused because the hints did not update the Letters used.
I think I needed the original coded version with the working line right underneath, that's the first thing I did with the version I came up with completely overhauling your start in this thread.
Now that you are satisfied with yours I will show you what I came up with from your start. It's in a zip because you have to have the txt file that goes with it.
PS to
@johnno56 some minor changes to what I posted elsewhere eg elsewhere changed characters in the txt file!
PPS the clues are: remember these are one liner jokes plus and when you get an lower case letter right in the answer it will show as lower case in the working line under the coded line.