Ciao Tempodibasic
Obviously I left out the necessary steps for conversion between the various types of variable.
The TYPE structure is necessary and preparatory for the archives.
I built a system designed to work in any case study that relies - at the time of data entry - on indexed variables.
In practice, write and enter what you want - according to the pre-established forms and also generated automatically - and in the end everything is reduced to dealing with a single indexed variable.
If I dealt every time and from the beginning only the variables defined TYPE could not exist a universal system valid for any form!
However, it is obviously that when I have to deal with the archives those variables must be associated with precise variables defined with TYPE - END TYPE and the problem of assigning them arises.
Until today I am forced to write a piece of ad hoc code that associates the variables. so, for example, the var$(123) will correspond - in that archive and for that form - xxx.vartype, and var$(15) to yyy.vartype.
It would be nice and useful if there could be a system to do it within a procedure and maybe with a DO-LOOP or similar without writing the appropriate code every time.
I'm afraid it's not possible... but you never know...
who knows if the BING translator was useful...