I come back to bring my experiences...
1. installing the program and compiling it:
I have followed your gitub link and I have got the .ZIP, so as declared at gitub I have extracted this zipfile into QB64 folder
getting a folder Vedit main.
1.1 I have to correct the path of ICO file with a relative path
and I have to use an absolute path for the path of direntry in the included file UM.BI
well using F11 I got quickly the compiled.EXE
2. running the program
at start it runs showing a window in which you can start to work with a new or saved file OR you can change setting.
So i have changed the settings choosing Targon set of colors.
Now I have clicked on SAVE button and then on BACK button... and I got this window with bad managing of button and labels on the left top of the windows. See attachment