I've been working on this library for a few days but I actually started a long time ago when I first discovered their existence. At the time, I believed Task Dialogs were impossible to implement in QB64.
Very cool! I don't need this right now, but I bookmarked this in case I ever do.
Now, here is a question / challenge for you or any Linux or Mac-based QB64 programmers:
Can this be somehow duplicated for those operating systems?
And even if it can't be duplicated right now, is the interface for it "agnostic"
so that a Mac or Linux version of the include files could just be dropped in,
without having to make any changes to a person's main program?
One thing I like about QB64 is that it runs on all the major PC operating systems.
Even if some underlying functionality has to be programmed in an OS-specific way,
as long as it's put in an include file with non-OS-specific signatures/interfaces,
then theoretically all you have to do to get it to work in a different OS is
drop swap in the include file for the desired OS, without any changes to the rest of the program
(assuming someone figures out how to do whatever functionality in that OS!)