Since I been out all week with covid (end of march 2021), I was reviving and old project of a password manager. This kicked in more so because of Lastpass selling out, and now having to pay. This as I just don't like the idea of storing my credentials on someone elses computer. Right? So I looked as some other open source PWM, but none really worked for me. KeePass was popular, but a little too heavy. So I decided to make my own, it is after all just a simple database.
As usual, my nostalgic self stuck to QB64 since it is great for that. Was going to do it vbnet or vb6, but just had too many dependencies for what it does.
This is a work in progress FYI.
You can add/edit right now, and it works pretty flawless at that so far.
Right off the bat you will see I used a flatfile vs RANDOM file with records. I did the record version, and then a week later had to tear down the whole project. I began to realize that if I wanted to add, or change anything in the record, it would totally mess it up. This was first noticed when I did not allocate enough space for my blockchain id which are very long and found that it cut the length off. Of course changing that size also changed the record size and the file size. Now QB is not my native language (PHP/SQL is what I use the most - and currently learning Python), and I might have over looked something. So I changed it to a flat file, encrypting EVERYTHING before it is saved. That is probably the BIGGEST debatable decision I made. but it works and is expandable. However, since I am a nobody, and nothing is saved online, it is secure enough for what i created it for.
The screens are all done with - YUP - T H E D R A W ! ! !
THEDRAW artist wanted. I used the REMOTEACCESS BBBS theme for a base. Looks clean.
So in conclusion - are there better ways to do some of these routines and subs? YUP, does it make a difference in the result? not really. walks like a duck... But by all means PLEASE send me any changes. I am always learning QB64,
As a bonus - there is a very nice set of tools called UTILS.BI (required), hopefully you will find some cool routines in there - I've been adding to that since the late 90's (mostly from pascal).