I thought he was talking about CONST's that are automatically SHARED, we've been talking about SHARED all along.
He's talking about:
SUB example
... do junk
It's a way to share information between subs and the main module, without having to rely on passing via parameters. For me, I generally tend to go this way when there's unchanging variables like the ScreenX, ScreenY resolutions which I talked about above, or when my parameter list has gotten so long it's unwieldly to keep as a single line, such as below:
SUB Boxed_Text (x, y, wide, tall, text$)
Shared font, fontcolor, fontbackground, workscreen, framecolor, framethickness, fontplacement
Shared fontstyle, captionstyle, captionthick, captionfont, captionfontcolor, captioncolor
Shared close_button, minimize_button, maximize_button, move_button, scrollbar_vert, scrollbar_hort
... do stuff
Many of these things might not change from call to call to the SUB, and it'd be impossible to keep up with all those dang options and ever use the command properly, so the main changeable stuff is passed via parameter, and the rest is passed via SHARED inside the sub itself.