Author Topic: How many rotations does Earth make in a year?  (Read 6470 times)

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Offline STxAxTIC

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How many rotations does Earth make in a year?
« on: November 20, 2020, 12:05:34 pm »
This is not a question about leap year. Let's pretend one "standard" year is 365.25 "days" and let us not think about it for now.

Punchline first: The "year" you've pictured your whole life is *technically* wrong, and my clock program will prove it to you.

Taking a coordinate system where the sun is stationary, note that the earth does *two* things: it revolves (around the sun) and it rotates (about its center axis, the 23-degree tilt does not matter). Now check it out: If the earth did not rotate at all, then the "standard" year would be 365.25 days, that's fair. However if you factor in the rotation of the earth, you will get plus or minus one full day, depending on if the rotation direction opposes or agrees with the revolution direction.

The *actual* number of days in the year cannot be 365.25, it must be 364.25 or 366.25. So which is it? Let's ask Google whether the rotation direction of the Earth is the same as its revolution direction, because surely that's been measured. The top result asserts:

One of the most remarkable features of our solar system is that nearly all of the revolutions and rotations are in the same direction.

So then, it just so happens that the rotation is "helping" the revolution, speeding the year up. The truth, boys, is that there are 364.25 days in one year.

Don't believe me yet? I'm going to attach a screenshot of the curious clock just posted on a neighboring thread. We have an analog clock, with the minute hand attaching to the top of the hour hand, and the second hand attaching to the minute hand. This is analogous to a solar system, where one hand is "in orbit" with respect to its parent. Of  course, again just like the solar system, the rotation direction of each hand is in agreement.

The red circles track the hours 1-12, no problem there... But watch the minute hand. It's an honest minute hand: up means 12, down means 6, just like a regular clock. However, when we count the number of "loops" the minute hand makes per 12 hours, we clearly get 11, not 12. What? The pattern followed by the minute hand repeats precisely 11 times. Not what you would expect on a 12-hour clock.

The remedy to all this is even more subtle than the problem. The reason there are not *actually* 11 hours per half-day, is because analog clock hands are always printed on some kind of reference frame. There is always some indication of where 12 is, and from there, you can map the entire face of the clock. You can even build the clock, rotate it any way you want, it it will still be accurate. Whenever you move the clock, you drag the coordinate system around with it.

When it comes to defining the astronomical year, the local solar system doesn't have a notion of "12 o'clock". The best thing we can do is draw an imaginary line between Earth and the sun on any particular day (easily done with mountains, megaliths, and their shadows), and then wait for that moment to repeat itself, calling that moment "one year later". Indeed, this is where the Earth year of 365.25 days comes from. It's measured from Earth on a moving coordinate system. Okay, so for *our* Earthly purposes, there are 365.25 days per year. Take your calendars out of the recycle bin, everything is fine.

So why is that somehow wrong, and what's this 364.25 business? It's the length of an Earth year when you fix an absolute coordinate system. That is, if I took something "fixed", like the stars, and measured all of my coordinates from those, then I would look at Earth and surely measure the length of the year to be 364.25 days. (If Earth rotated backwards, I would get 366.25, but it doesn't.)

Who needs this? People who study cosmic rays. If your concern is massive particle beams whizzing through space, you shouldn't be trying to tune everything on "Earth time". Instead, they have a thing called "Anti-sidereal time":

Anti-sidereal time

... Anyway, at the very least, I hope you can see why my 12-hour clock seemingly runs on an 11-hour cycle.

EDIT: Code:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  2. _TITLE "Very Analog Clock"
  4. DIM MainScreen AS LONG
  5. DIM BackScreen AS LONG
  6. MainScreen = _NEWIMAGE(600, 600, 32)
  7. BackScreen = _NEWIMAGE(600, 600, 32)
  8. SCREEN MainScreen
  10. pi = 4 * ATN(1)
  11. phi = (1 + SQR(5)) / 2
  13. TYPE TimeValue
  14.     Hour AS DOUBLE
  15.     Minute AS DOUBLE
  16.     Second AS DOUBLE
  18. TYPE Vector
  19.     x AS DOUBLE
  20.     y AS DOUBLE
  22. TYPE ClockHand
  23.     Center AS Vector
  24.     HandPosition AS Vector
  25.     Length AS DOUBLE
  26.     Angle AS DOUBLE
  27.     Shade AS _UNSIGNED LONG
  29. DIM SHARED TheTime AS TimeValue
  30. DIM SHARED HourHand AS ClockHand
  31. DIM SHARED MinuteHand AS ClockHand
  32. DIM SHARED SecondHand AS ClockHand
  34. HourHand.Center.x = 0
  35. HourHand.Center.y = 0
  36. HourHand.Length = 140
  37. HourHand.Shade = _RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255)
  38. MinuteHand.Length = HourHand.Length / phi
  39. MinuteHand.Shade = _RGBA(0, 255, 0, 255)
  40. SecondHand.Length = HourHand.Length / (phi ^ 2)
  41. SecondHand.Shade = _RGBA(255, 0, 255, 255)
  43. _DEST BackScreen
  44. FOR k = 0 TO 12 * 3600 - (3600) STEP (3600)
  45.     CALL UpdateTime(k)
  46.     CALL UpdateClock
  47.     CALL ccircle(HourHand.HandPosition.x, HourHand.HandPosition.y, 5, _RGBA(_RED32(HourHand.Shade), _GREEN32(HourHand.Shade), _BLUE32(HourHand.Shade), 200))
  48. FOR k = 0 TO 12 * 3600 - (12 * 3) STEP (12 * 3)
  49.     CALL UpdateTime(k)
  50.     CALL UpdateClock
  51.     CALL ccircle(MinuteHand.HandPosition.x, MinuteHand.HandPosition.y, 3, _RGBA(_RED32(MinuteHand.Shade), _GREEN32(MinuteHand.Shade), _BLUE32(HourHand.Shade), 100))
  53. _DEST MainScreen
  54.     CALL UpdateTime(TIMER)
  55.     CALL UpdateClock
  57.     CLS
  58.     _PUTIMAGE (0, 0)-(_WIDTH, _HEIGHT), BackScreen, MainScreen, (0, 0)-(_WIDTH, _HEIGHT)
  59.     CALL DrawClockHands
  61.     _DISPLAY
  62.     _LIMIT 60
  65. SUB UpdateClock
  66.     HourHand.Angle = -((TheTime.Hour + (TheTime.Minute / 60)) / 12) * 2 * pi + pi / 2
  67.     MinuteHand.Angle = -((TheTime.Minute + (TheTime.Second / 60)) / 60) * 2 * pi + pi / 2
  68.     SecondHand.Angle = -(TheTime.Second / 60) * 2 * pi + pi / 2
  69.     HourHand.HandPosition.x = HourHand.Center.x + HourHand.Length * COS(HourHand.Angle)
  70.     HourHand.HandPosition.y = HourHand.Center.y + HourHand.Length * SIN(HourHand.Angle)
  71.     MinuteHand.Center.x = HourHand.HandPosition.x
  72.     MinuteHand.Center.y = HourHand.HandPosition.y
  73.     MinuteHand.HandPosition.x = MinuteHand.Center.x + MinuteHand.Length * COS(MinuteHand.Angle)
  74.     MinuteHand.HandPosition.y = MinuteHand.Center.y + MinuteHand.Length * SIN(MinuteHand.Angle)
  75.     SecondHand.Center.x = MinuteHand.HandPosition.x
  76.     SecondHand.Center.y = MinuteHand.HandPosition.y
  77.     SecondHand.HandPosition.x = SecondHand.Center.x + SecondHand.Length * COS(SecondHand.Angle)
  78.     SecondHand.HandPosition.y = SecondHand.Center.y + SecondHand.Length * SIN(SecondHand.Angle)
  80. SUB DrawClockHands
  81.     CALL ccircle(SecondHand.HandPosition.x, SecondHand.HandPosition.y, 3, SecondHand.Shade)
  82.     CALL lineSmooth(SecondHand.Center.x, SecondHand.Center.y, SecondHand.HandPosition.x, SecondHand.HandPosition.y, SecondHand.Shade)
  83.     CALL ccircle(MinuteHand.HandPosition.x, MinuteHand.HandPosition.y, 3, MinuteHand.Shade)
  84.     CALL lineSmooth(MinuteHand.Center.x, MinuteHand.Center.y, MinuteHand.HandPosition.x, MinuteHand.HandPosition.y, MinuteHand.Shade)
  85.     CALL ccircle(HourHand.HandPosition.x, HourHand.HandPosition.y, 3, HourHand.Shade)
  86.     CALL lineSmooth(HourHand.Center.x, HourHand.Center.y, HourHand.HandPosition.x, HourHand.HandPosition.y, HourHand.Shade)
  88. SUB UpdateTime (t AS DOUBLE)
  89.     TheTime.Hour = t \ 3600
  90.     t = t - TheTime.Hour * 3600
  91.     IF (TheTime.Hour > 12) THEN TheTime.Hour = TheTime.Hour - 12
  92.     TheTime.Minute = t \ 60
  93.     t = t - TheTime.Minute * 60
  94.     TheTime.Second = t
  96. SUB cpset (x1, y1, col AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
  97.     PSET (_WIDTH / 2 + x1, -y1 + _HEIGHT / 2), col
  100.     LINE (_WIDTH / 2 + x1, -y1 + _HEIGHT / 2)-(_WIDTH / 2 + x2, -y2 + _HEIGHT / 2), col
  102. SUB ccircle (x1 AS DOUBLE, y1 AS DOUBLE, rad AS DOUBLE, col AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
  103.     CIRCLE (_WIDTH / 2 + x1, -y1 + _HEIGHT / 2), rad, col
  105. SUB lineSmooth (x0, y0, x1, y1, c AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
  106.     'translated from
  107.     '
  109.     DIM plX AS INTEGER, plY AS INTEGER, plI
  111.     DIM steep AS _BYTE
  112.     steep = ABS(y1 - y0) > ABS(x1 - x0)
  114.     IF steep THEN
  115.         SWAP x0, y0
  116.         SWAP x1, y1
  117.     END IF
  119.     IF x0 > x1 THEN
  120.         SWAP x0, x1
  121.         SWAP y0, y1
  122.     END IF
  124.     DIM dx, dy, gradient
  125.     dx = x1 - x0
  126.     dy = y1 - y0
  127.     gradient = dy / dx
  129.     IF dx = 0 THEN
  130.         gradient = 1
  131.     END IF
  133.     'handle first endpoint
  134.     DIM xend, yend, xgap, xpxl1, ypxl1
  135.     xend = _ROUND(x0)
  136.     yend = y0 + gradient * (xend - x0)
  137.     xgap = (1 - ((x0 + .5) - INT(x0 + .5)))
  138.     xpxl1 = xend 'this will be used in the main loop
  139.     ypxl1 = INT(yend)
  140.     IF steep THEN
  141.         plX = ypxl1
  142.         plY = xpxl1
  143.         plI = (1 - (yend - INT(yend))) * xgap
  144.         GOSUB plot
  146.         plX = ypxl1 + 1
  147.         plY = xpxl1
  148.         plI = (yend - INT(yend)) * xgap
  149.         GOSUB plot
  150.     ELSE
  151.         plX = xpxl1
  152.         plY = ypxl1
  153.         plI = (1 - (yend - INT(yend))) * xgap
  154.         GOSUB plot
  156.         plX = xpxl1
  157.         plY = ypxl1 + 1
  158.         plI = (yend - INT(yend)) * xgap
  159.         GOSUB plot
  160.     END IF
  162.     DIM intery
  163.     intery = yend + gradient 'first y-intersection for the main loop
  165.     'handle second endpoint
  166.     DIM xpxl2, ypxl2
  167.     xend = _ROUND(x1)
  168.     yend = y1 + gradient * (xend - x1)
  169.     xgap = ((x1 + .5) - INT(x1 + .5))
  170.     xpxl2 = xend 'this will be used in the main loop
  171.     ypxl2 = INT(yend)
  172.     IF steep THEN
  173.         plX = ypxl2
  174.         plY = xpxl2
  175.         plI = (1 - (yend - INT(yend))) * xgap
  176.         GOSUB plot
  178.         plX = ypxl2 + 1
  179.         plY = xpxl2
  180.         plI = (yend - INT(yend)) * xgap
  181.         GOSUB plot
  182.     ELSE
  183.         plX = xpxl2
  184.         plY = ypxl2
  185.         plI = (1 - (yend - INT(yend))) * xgap
  186.         GOSUB plot
  188.         plX = xpxl2
  189.         plY = ypxl2 + 1
  190.         plI = (yend - INT(yend)) * xgap
  191.         GOSUB plot
  192.     END IF
  194.     'main loop
  195.     DIM x
  196.     IF steep THEN
  197.         FOR x = xpxl1 + 1 TO xpxl2 - 1
  198.             plX = INT(intery)
  199.             plY = x
  200.             plI = (1 - (intery - INT(intery)))
  201.             GOSUB plot
  203.             plX = INT(intery) + 1
  204.             plY = x
  205.             plI = (intery - INT(intery))
  206.             GOSUB plot
  208.             intery = intery + gradient
  209.         NEXT
  210.     ELSE
  211.         FOR x = xpxl1 + 1 TO xpxl2 - 1
  212.             plX = x
  213.             plY = INT(intery)
  214.             plI = (1 - (intery - INT(intery)))
  215.             GOSUB plot
  217.             plX = x
  218.             plY = INT(intery) + 1
  219.             plI = (intery - INT(intery))
  220.             GOSUB plot
  222.             intery = intery + gradient
  223.         NEXT
  224.     END IF
  226.     EXIT SUB
  228.     plot:
  229.     ' Change to regular PSET for standard coordinate orientation.
  230.     CALL cpset(plX, plY, _RGB32(_RED32(c), _GREEN32(c), _BLUE32(c), plI * 255))
  231.     RETURN
* ss.png (Filesize: 33.62 KB, Dimensions: 601x626, Views: 196)
« Last Edit: November 20, 2020, 12:21:39 pm by STxAxTIC »
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Re: How many rotations does Earth make in a year?
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2020, 12:53:11 pm »
3d visualization from Russia 1/3 MB

Russia looks world from future. big data is peace data.
i never recommend anything to anyone and always write only about myself

Offline _vince

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Re: How many rotations does Earth make in a year?
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2020, 04:01:23 pm »
3d visualization from Russia 1/3 MB


Nice! Which Russian space probe was this filmed from?

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: How many rotations does Earth make in a year?
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2020, 04:30:07 pm »
How many rotations does Earth make in a year?


The Earth is stable and unmoving — it’s the rest of the universe that’s rotating around us.  How else do you think people keep from flying off, or getting dizzy, from all that spinning? — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline TempodiBasic

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Re: How many rotations does Earth make in a year?
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2020, 05:54:32 pm »
Earth, Sun, rotations...
I think that we must ask to Focault another pendulum more sophisticated versus the first!
But is that linear movement of the Sun in what direction in respect of Milk galaxy?

A very fashinated  person by Astronomy
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Offline SierraKen

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Re: How many rotations does Earth make in a year?
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2020, 06:52:44 pm »
Edit: I have no idea.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2020, 07:01:36 pm by SierraKen »

Offline david_uwi

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Re: How many rotations does Earth make in a year?
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2020, 11:14:43 am »
But one rotation of the earth only takes 23 hours and 56 minutes. That extra 4 minutes makes up for the extra rotation (around the sun during the year).

Offline STxAxTIC

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Re: How many rotations does Earth make in a year?
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2020, 12:52:31 pm »
That's right david - the correction for anti-sidereal time goes all the way down.

Nice to hear from you by the way! I still remember your... what was it... very fast square root function or something, back on *.net like 5.5 years ago.
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Re: How many rotations does Earth make in a year?
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2020, 02:36:23 pm »

Offline STxAxTIC

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Re: How many rotations does Earth make in a year?
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2020, 02:51:22 pm »

I guess the image was still technically sent from Russia...

That video goes super new age the minute it says "vortex". Ahem, if I take circular motion, and then stretch it out, that's a helix, not a vortex. Two totally different things. Then they wanna show us flowers and imply some kind of lesson there... Watch for psuedoscience, folks. No real connection going on between the things in the video.
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Re: How many rotations does Earth make in a year?
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2020, 03:03:29 pm »
Yeah, I don't endorse anything. Just posting for the animation in better quality.

Offline johnno56

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Re: How many rotations does Earth make in a year?
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2020, 08:07:08 pm »
Regardless of the animated "models" and the theories, I still find Astronomy fascinating... Do you remember the line from Men in Black (paraphrased),"The stars. They're beautiful. We never really take the time and just look."  Thoughts of 'Vortex' or 'Helix' tend to pale into insignificance when you are at the business end of a big pair of binoculars or a descent telescope....

Interesting tidbits... Did you know that a "day" on Venus is longer than it's "year" and it rotates in the opposite direction to all the other planets and it is hotter than Mercury. We have never yet seen Pluto complete a full "year". The Earth's axis "tilts" at about 23 degrees (reason for seasons) but Uranus tilts at about 97 degrees. Which means it "North Pole" points towards the Sun. Which means it kind of "rolls" around the Sun.

So I'm a nerd...

« Last Edit: November 21, 2020, 08:14:27 pm by johnno56 »
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Offline doppler

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Re: How many rotations does Earth make in a year?
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2020, 09:18:28 pm »
Is this a "Round the world in 80 days." kinda question ?  Where he forgot the direction of travel made for a miscalculation in time.  So I say 364.25 days not 365.25 !

And I am sticking to it.  On the flat side of earth my butt is in.  I still insist if you dig a hole straight down to the other side.  And jump in gravity will take you to the other side where you arrive all crispy from the magma.

Offline johnno56

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Re: How many rotations does Earth make in a year?
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2020, 12:51:51 am »
Mmm... Crispy!
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.

Offline OldMoses

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Re: How many rotations does Earth make in a year?
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2020, 08:20:55 am »
Seems plausible. If the Earth didn't rotate at all and simply orbited the sun, you'd go through a day/night cycle in the course of a year. Ergo, 365.25 "days" in a year, minus 1 orbital "day" equals 364.25 rotations in a year.

Damn, now I have to change all the rotation parameters in my system simulator. Gee, thanks alot. ;)