Here are the best answers I have for you:
What is tool tips ?
Tool tips are little message boxes that display when your mouse hovers over a field in a program window. For instance, when you hover your mouse over a program in your task bar and it shows the name of the program under your cursor.
How do I include my own code as part of the build
You will put the code that you want executed in the event that will call it. For instance, if you want to print a file when someone presses a button called "Print" on your form, you would need to put the code that would handle the printing in the
__UI_Click sub under the
CASE for the name of the button. For instance,
If I want a field 30 Characters wide .. what do I make the field length
This is dependent on font size and font family. You can check this in the preview by changing the caption to some example text and seeing how it fits once you change to the desired font and size.
How do I set focus for a field. When the form starts I want the cursor in a particular field (which may not be the first field)
In the editor, there is an option for Z-ordering.
This allows you to set the order in which the focus is set in when you are doing things like tab. You should also be able to set focus like this:
Why doesn’t the Inform generate code for each field
I have 40 + fields but the code produced shows only..
You probably saved the form and then added more fields to it. Look at the top of the BAS code generated by InForm and you will see this:
'>> The controls in the list below may have been added or renamed,
'>> and previously existing controls may have been deleted since
'>> this program's structure was first generated.
'>> Make sure to check your code in the events SUBs so that
'>> you can take your recent edits into consideration.
You will need to follow the syntax of the other controls that were there and add the new ones to your BAS code in the events that will be calling them. For instance, if they are buttons then you probably want them in the
__UI_Click sub.
How do I start the form off in the middle of the screen
That, or in the
__UI_OnLoad sub do this:
Why does QB64 start when I am displaying a form ?
It isn't starting when you are editing a form. The icon you are seeing in the bottom is from the preview form having the same icon as the IDE. The only time QB64 actually starts from InForm is when you press save and it asks if you want to exit to QB64.
How do I make a field display only .. show an error message
With this, are you wanting it to display a QB64 error or a custom error that you are determining in your code? If you are wanting to show an actual QB64 error, here is some code for that:
': External modules: ---------------------------------------------------------------
': Event procedures: ---------------------------------------------------------------
ERROR 97 'or whatever error you are wanting to display. I'm just invoking one manually.
SUB __UI_BeforeUpdateDisplay
'This event occurs at approximately 30 frames per second.
'You can change the update frequency by calling SetFrameRate DesiredRate%
Text(TextBox1) = ErrorLog
ErrorLog = ""
And a screenshot:
Make sure you put the
ON ERROR just below the
DIM SHARED so you can have it in the main module.
How do I create a date mask in a field .. DD/MM/YYYY
On short notice, this is what I came up with. In the
__UI_TextChanged sub, put something along these lines:
) = MID$(Text
), 1, 2) + "/" + MID$(Text
), 3, 2) + "/" + MID$(Text
), 5, 4)