SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(Width, Height, 0)
F = _LOADFONT(“cour.ttf”, 32, “monospace”)
The combination of the three commands above may be what you’re looking for. Set the width and height of rows and columns with _NEWIMAGE, and choose your fontsize with _LOADFONT and _FONT.
A normal SCREEN 0 is 8 x 16 characters, with 80 columns and 25 rows, with a total size of 640x480 pixels.
If you want 80 columns and 25 rows of double sized characters, to increase scale for readability, _LOADFONT(desiredfont$, 32, “monospace”).
A 100x100 pixel-sized screen as you described, would be 12x6 columns and rows. Simply loading a size 32 font of 1:2 ratio would be enough to scale the screen to 200x200 in size.