Thank you all for your generous and successful help. How I want to continue: (if anyone has any suggestions on how to do it even better, write it here)
Now that we get the valid subdirectory names (and thank you again), I want to go through the individual folders and do list the files in each of them. If the file in a particular folder contains a name with a valid mask extension (this is at the beginning of this thread), the file name, including the path, will be added to the field.
After I get the valid names of all these files by mask, I will open each individual file for reading in binary mode and retrieve some information from the files (according to the file type), I will need to study the entries in the heads of specific files or, if someone knows about to any library that would do this for us, it would be another great easing of work. This information is:
- ID3 TAG - records in music files such as WAV, MP3, MP2, MP4 (I have already written this program, but it does not support all possible tags, it will need a heavy upgrade), but it can extract a photo from the file, if it is attached,
- sound length (this is the simplest, QB64 returns it to us with its own function)
- sound format (in some music formats it will be a purely sadomasochistic work)
- resolution (for video formats)
- number of frames per second
and other information, as required. Of course, this is a long job.
It would also like to set a rule for related photos right at the beginning. Suppose you want to add a photo of the band to the list (in this band folder), this photo will not be part of ID3. What rules do we set? Does the photo have to have the same name as its folder? Or will any photo in this folder be used? Or make it optional?
As you can see, there is still a lot.