Well isn't that the cat's ascii! Now all you need is to construct one of your maze routines, electrify the walls, put a piece of cheese in the maze, add a drag feature.... and if the player's mouse can successfully navigate the maze to find, pick up, and drag the cheese out, without touching the sides and getting zapped, he wins! Of course it would need a timer to track high score, and a number of increasing in complexity mazes. Oh, I suppose the "shock" could either cost a life and the mouse starts over or gets reborn at the same location, or it could just stun the mouse for 3 seconds, to cost the player some time on the clock. Hey, you could even make the maze blow up if the player doesn't complete the task in time. Yeah that's right. I'm not really Dr. Doofenshmirtz, from the TV cartoon series, Phineas and Ferb, but I play one in real life...