Okay, so this binary operations addition, in the latest development build, is one very much appreciated new feature, which I sorely missed before. In the past, I had to go back to basics, when entering binary strings. I've been testing the new features out, and was pleased to see that we can enter binary numbers like this:
num = &B11110000
which works fine.
Or as string variables
binstring$ = "11110000"
which we can then decode as a decimal by doing
bindecconv = VAL("&b" + binstring$)
So far, so good. And, since the LEN of string variables can easily be determined, you should then be able to scale that binary number, if it's a fixed point. Cool.
What I can't seem to do, is what one can do in hex. Which is, how to create the binary number from a decimal input value. As in
HexNum$ = HEX$(dec)
Granted, that last one assumes the hex number is an integer (rounding any decimal fraction), although interestingly enough, you can enter a negative decimal and it assumes a 16-bit two's complement. I attempted this
BinNum$ = BIN$(dec)
No dice. Was this intentional? In theory, I was thinking, could be done much as the hex operation, also assuming integer and perhaps two's complement, 16-bit, for negative decimals? Just wondering. Obviously, we can work around that. Thanks again!