Thanx for your interest b+,
the next release (v0.11) is almost ready, just need to finish some documentation. That's the most annoying part with coding, just write and write and write, but get not one line of code done :)
Well I hope it's your own high quality standards of documentation that you are finding annoying because documentation is so critical to make a great impact with great code.
I've downloaded last night your last set of GUITools to "prepare" for your next release and the first thing after skimming the folder is a beeline to your docs to see what is what. I am curious how your Tools compare to Fellippes' full fledged InForm GUI system and some Libraries Steve shares with us. I am guessing these tools are in between. I haven't even managed the Intro yet and wasn't going to write anything until I did but maybe you could use pep talk in favor of documentation ;-))
I myself have become interested in problem of keyboard and mouse input when you have several "controls" on a window since Tiny Navigator and Scrollbar Thread when those issues came up. Dang now that I think of it, it should have come up with my Word Search Editor that I started... no? no typing involved with buttons or "picture boxes" it's all mouse... anyway, I suspect your work already done might be very instructive.
One of the problems is showing the user which control has focus for key input, who wants to move a mouse, type, move a mouse type... using the mouse always to indicate the control intended for key presses. So you dim/dull controls out of focus AND Color /light up the One that Is in focus. I think I saw some of that with the Mastermind clone.
Maybe writing docs is annoying because you have no idea who your audience is, you have to assume a most elemental knowledge base, maybe because it is a total monologue, a very long one. Dialogue would be so much easier because you have specific questions to answer instead of a wide open throw up of everything dependent on some sort of structure to keep organized and easy to lookup.
Well onto reading... :)