Author Topic: Bug, which stop IDE working  (Read 4737 times)

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Offline Petr

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Bug, which stop IDE working
« on: August 01, 2019, 09:51:33 am »
Fellippe, i am so sorry, but again i found bug.

Try write this code to QB64 1.3. If you leave row, on which is this writed, IDE stop working:


Originally it was just a typo and ended up unexpectedly.

Offline Cobalt

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Re: Bug, which stop IDE working
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2019, 10:50:02 am »
just gives me an" invalid CONST expression.8" but the IDE does not stop responding.
Granted after becoming radioactive I only have a half-life!

Offline Petr

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Re: Bug, which stop IDE working
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2019, 10:55:48 am »
It do version 1.3 from git 96937f0

Offline Petr

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Re: Bug, which stop IDE working
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2019, 11:00:33 am »
I downloaded current last DEV version from QB64.ORG with the same bug. (git e0c9185)

Offline bplus

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Re: Bug, which stop IDE working
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2019, 11:06:52 am »
Wow that completely blows off the IDE! for me, v1.3 Windows laptop.

Offline Pete

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Re: Bug, which stop IDE working
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2019, 11:40:29 am »
I have too much unsaved stuff to try it now, but I wonder if it is putting the IDE in an endless loop?

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Offline Petr

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Re: Bug, which stop IDE working
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2019, 11:52:46 am »
Hi Pete. No. If you write this to IDE, Windows draw message, that application QB64.EXE stop working and then end it.

Offline Cobalt

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Re: Bug, which stop IDE working
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2019, 12:01:00 pm »
I can get a "Division by Zero" error that does crash the app. does seem to be introduced in 1.3 only.
Granted after becoming radioactive I only have a half-life!

Offline Pete

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Re: Bug, which stop IDE working
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2019, 12:31:53 pm »
OK, I just tried it. Win 10 with QB64 Version 1.3. It froze, and crashed the IDE 5 seconds after I pasted in the code. The IDE window closed itself. It won't crash if you type a forward slash. That just generates the invalid CONST error. If you use the backslash like Petr discovered, it crashes. Funny, it asks if you want to recover the program when you try to reopen the IDE. I highly recommend you answer "NO!" to that prompt. :D


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Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Bug, which stop IDE working
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2019, 12:42:50 pm »
It's a glitch in the math evaluation routine which I built into QB64.

Try the following:

Code: [Select]
REDIM SHARED OName(0) AS STRING 'Operation Name
Set_OrderOfOperations 'This will also make certain our directories are valid, and if not make them.

math$ = "&HFFFF0000\"
math$ = "3+5"
PRINT Evaluate_Expression(math$)

'Steve Subs/Functins for _MATH support with CONST
FUNCTION Evaluate_Expression$ (e$)
    t$ = e$ 'So we preserve our original data, we parse a temp copy of it

    b = INSTR(UCASE$(e$), "EQL") 'take out assignment before the preparser sees it
    IF b THEN t$ = MID$(e$, b + 3): var$ = UCASE$(LTRIM$(RTRIM$(MID$(e$, 1, b - 1))))

    QuickReturn = 0
    PreParse t$

    IF QuickReturn THEN Evaluate_Expression$ = t$: EXIT FUNCTION

    IF LEFT$(t$, 5) = "ERROR" THEN Evaluate_Expression$ = t$: EXIT FUNCTION

    'Deal with brackets first
    exp$ = "(" + t$ + ")" 'Starting and finishing brackets for our parse routine.

        Eval_E = INSTR(exp$, ")")
        IF Eval_E > 0 THEN
            c = 0
            DO UNTIL Eval_E - c <= 0
                c = c + 1
                IF Eval_E THEN
                    IF MID$(exp$, Eval_E - c, 1) = "(" THEN EXIT DO
                END IF
            s = Eval_E - c + 1
            IF s < 1 THEN PRINT "ERROR -- BAD () Count": END
            eval$ = " " + MID$(exp$, s, Eval_E - s) + " " 'pad with a space before and after so the parser can pick up the values properly.
            ParseExpression eval$

            eval$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(eval$))
            IF LEFT$(eval$, 5) = "ERROR" THEN Evaluate_Expression$ = eval$: EXIT SUB
            exp$ = DWD(LEFT$(exp$, s - 2) + eval$ + MID$(exp$, Eval_E + 1))
            IF MID$(exp$, 1, 1) = "N" THEN MID$(exp$, 1) = "-"

            temppp$ = DWD(LEFT$(exp$, s - 2) + " ## " + eval$ + " ## " + MID$(exp$, E + 1))
        END IF
    LOOP UNTIL Eval_E = 0
    c = 0
        c = c + 1
        SELECT CASE MID$(exp$, c, 1)
            CASE "0" TO "9", ".", "-" 'At this point, we should only have number values left.
            CASE ELSE: Evaluate_Expression$ = "ERROR - Unknown Diagnosis: (" + exp$ + ") ": EXIT SUB
        END SELECT
    LOOP UNTIL c >= LEN(exp$)

    Evaluate_Expression$ = exp$

SUB ParseExpression (exp$)
    DIM num(10) AS STRING
    'We should now have an expression with no () to deal with
    IF MID$(exp$, 2, 1) = "-" THEN exp$ = "0+" + MID$(exp$, 2)
    FOR J = 1 TO 250
        lowest = 0
        DO UNTIL lowest = LEN(exp$)
            lowest = LEN(exp$): OpOn = 0
            FOR P = 1 TO UBOUND(OName)
                'Look for first valid operator
                IF J = PL(P) THEN 'Priority levels match
                    IF LEFT$(exp$, 1) = "-" THEN op = INSTR(2, exp$, OName(P)) ELSE op = INSTR(exp$, OName(P))
                    IF op > 0 AND op < lowest THEN lowest = op: OpOn = P
                END IF
            IF OpOn = 0 THEN EXIT DO 'We haven't gotten to the proper PL for this OP to be processed yet.
            IF LEFT$(exp$, 1) = "-" THEN op = INSTR(2, exp$, OName(OpOn)) ELSE op = INSTR(exp$, OName(OpOn))
            numset = 0

            IF OName(OpOn) = "-" THEN 'check for BOOLEAN operators before the -
                SELECT CASE MID$(exp$, op - 3, 3)
                    CASE "NOT", "XOR", "AND", "EQV", "IMP"
                        EXIT DO 'Not an operator, it's a negative
                END SELECT
                IF MID$(exp$, op - 3, 2) = "OR" THEN EXIT DO 'Not an operator, it's a negative
            END IF

            IF op THEN
                c = LEN(OName(OpOn)) - 1
                    SELECT CASE MID$(exp$, op + c + 1, 1)
                        CASE "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ".", "N": numset = -1 'Valid digit
                        CASE "-" 'We need to check if it's a minus or a negative
                            IF OName(OpOn) = "_PI" OR numset THEN EXIT DO
                        CASE ELSE 'Not a valid digit, we found our separator
                            EXIT DO
                    END SELECT
                    c = c + 1
                LOOP UNTIL op + c >= LEN(exp$)
                E = op + c

                c = 0
                    c = c + 1
                    SELECT CASE MID$(exp$, op - c, 1)
                        CASE "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ".", "N" 'Valid digit
                        CASE "-" 'We need to check if it's a minus or a negative
                            c1 = c
                            bad = 0
                                c1 = c1 + 1
                                SELECT CASE MID$(exp$, op - c1, 1)
                                    CASE "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "."
                                        bad = -1
                                        EXIT DO 'It's a minus sign
                                    CASE ELSE
                                        'It's a negative sign and needs to count as part of our numbers
                                END SELECT
                            LOOP UNTIL op - c1 <= 0
                            IF bad THEN EXIT DO 'We found our seperator
                        CASE ELSE 'Not a valid digit, we found our separator
                            EXIT DO
                    END SELECT
                LOOP UNTIL op - c <= 0
                s = op - c
                num(1) = MID$(exp$, s + 1, op - s - 1) 'Get our first number
                num(2) = MID$(exp$, op + LEN(OName(OpOn)), E - op - LEN(OName(OpOn)) + 1) 'Get our second number
                IF MID$(num(1), 1, 1) = "N" THEN MID$(num(1), 1) = "-"
                IF MID$(num(2), 1, 1) = "N" THEN MID$(num(2), 1) = "-"
                num(3) = EvaluateNumbers(OpOn, num())
                IF MID$(num(3), 1, 1) = "-" THEN MID$(num(3), 1) = "N"
                'PRINT "*************"
                'PRINT num(1), OName(OpOn), num(2), num(3), exp$
                IF LEFT$(num(3), 5) = "ERROR" THEN exp$ = num(3): EXIT SUB
                exp$ = LTRIM$(N2S(DWD(LEFT$(exp$, s) + RTRIM$(LTRIM$(num(3))) + MID$(exp$, E + 1))))
                'PRINT exp$
            END IF
            op = 0


SUB Set_OrderOfOperations
    'PL sets our priortity level. 1 is highest to 65535 for the lowest.
    'I used a range here so I could add in new priority levels as needed.
    'OName ended up becoming the name of our commands, as I modified things.... Go figure!  LOL!

    'Constants get evaluated first, with a Priority Level of 1
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_PI"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 1
    'I'm not certain where exactly percentages should go.  They kind of seem like a special case to me.  COS10% should be COS.1 I'd think...
    'I'm putting it here for now, and if anyone knows someplace better for it in our order of operations, let me know.
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "%"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 5
    'Then Functions with PL 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_ACOS"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_ASIN"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_ARCSEC"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_ARCCSC"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_ARCCOT"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_SECH"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_CSCH"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_COTH"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "COS"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "SIN"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "TAN"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "LOG"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "EXP"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "ATN"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_D2R"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_D2G"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_R2D"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_R2G"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_G2D"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_G2R"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "ABS"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "SGN"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "INT"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_ROUND"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "FIX"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_SEC"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_CSC"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_COT"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "ASC"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "CHR$"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10

    'Exponents with PL 20
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "^"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 20
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "SQR"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 20
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "ROOT"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 20
    'Multiplication and Division PL 30
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "*"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 30
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "/"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 30
    'Integer Division PL 40
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "\"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 40
    'MOD PL 50
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "MOD"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 50
    'Addition and Subtraction PL 60
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "+"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 60
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "-"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 60

    'Relational Operators =, >, <, <>, <=, >=   PL 70
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "<>"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 70
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "><" 'These next three are just reversed symbols as an attempt to help process a common typo
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 70
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "<="
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 70
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = ">="
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 70
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "=<" 'I personally can never keep these things straight.  Is it < = or = <...
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 70
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "=>" 'Who knows, check both!
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 70
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = ">"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 70
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "<"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 70
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "="
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 70
    'Logical Operations PL 80+
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "NOT"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 80
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "AND"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 90
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "OR"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 100
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "XOR"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 110
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "EQV"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 120
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "IMP"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 130


FUNCTION EvaluateNumbers$ (p, num() AS STRING)
    DIM n1 AS _FLOAT, n2 AS _FLOAT, n3 AS _FLOAT
    SELECT CASE OName(p) 'Depending on our operator..
        CASE "_PI": n1 = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288## 'Future compatable in case something ever stores extra digits for PI
        CASE "%": n1 = (VAL(num(1))) / 100 'Note percent is a special case and works with the number BEFORE the % command and not after
        CASE "_ACOS": n1 = _ACOS(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_ASIN": n1 = _ASIN(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_ARCSEC": n1 = _ARCSEC(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_ARCCSC": n1 = _ARCCSC(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_ARCCOT": n1 = _ARCCOT(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_SECH": n1 = _SECH(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_CSCH": n1 = _CSCH(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_COTH": n1 = _COTH(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "COS": n1 = COS(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "SIN": n1 = SIN(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "TAN": n1 = TAN(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "LOG": n1 = LOG(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "EXP": n1 = EXP(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "ATN": n1 = ATN(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_D2R": n1 = 0.0174532925 * (VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_D2G": n1 = 1.1111111111 * (VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_R2D": n1 = 57.2957795 * (VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_R2G": n1 = 0.015707963 * (VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_G2D": n1 = 0.9 * (VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_G2R": n1 = 63.661977237 * (VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "ABS": n1 = ABS(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "SGN": n1 = SGN(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "INT": n1 = INT(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_ROUND": n1 = _ROUND(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "FIX": n1 = FIX(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_SEC": n1 = _SEC(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_CSC": n1 = _CSC(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_COT": n1 = _COT(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "^": n1 = VAL(num(1)) ^ VAL(num(2))
        CASE "SQR": n1 = SQR(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "ROOT"
            n1 = VAL(num(1)): n2 = VAL(num(2))
            IF n2 = 1 THEN EvaluateNumbers$ = RTRIM$(LTRIM$(STR$(n1))): EXIT FUNCTION
            IF n1 < 0 AND n2 >= 1 THEN sign = -1: n1 = -n1 ELSE sign = 1
            n3 = 1## / n2
            IF n3 <> INT(n3) AND n2 < 1 THEN sign = SGN(n1): n1 = ABS(n1)
            n1 = sign * (n1 ^ n3)
        CASE "*": n1 = VAL(num(1)) * VAL(num(2))
        CASE "/": n1 = VAL(num(1)) / VAL(num(2))
        CASE "\": n1 = VAL(num(1)) \ VAL(num(2))
        CASE "MOD": n1 = VAL(num(1)) MOD VAL(num(2))
        CASE "+": n1 = VAL(num(1)) + VAL(num(2))
        CASE "-": n1 = VAL(num(1)) - VAL(num(2))
        CASE "=": n1 = VAL(num(1)) = VAL(num(2))
        CASE ">": n1 = VAL(num(1)) > VAL(num(2))
        CASE "<": n1 = VAL(num(1)) < VAL(num(2))
        CASE "<>", "><": n1 = VAL(num(1)) <> VAL(num(2))
        CASE "<=", "=<": n1 = VAL(num(1)) <= VAL(num(2))
        CASE ">=", "=>": n1 = VAL(num(1)) >= VAL(num(2))
        CASE "NOT": n1 = NOT VAL(num(2))
        CASE "AND": n1 = VAL(num(1)) AND VAL(num(2))
        CASE "OR": n1 = VAL(num(1)) OR VAL(num(2))
        CASE "XOR": n1 = VAL(num(1)) XOR VAL(num(2))
        CASE "EQV": n1 = VAL(num(1)) EQV VAL(num(2))
        CASE "IMP": n1 = VAL(num(1)) IMP VAL(num(2))
        CASE ELSE
            EvaluateNumbers$ = "ERROR - Bad operation (We shouldn't see this)" 'Let's say we're bad...
    EvaluateNumbers$ = RTRIM$(LTRIM$(STR$(n1)))

FUNCTION DWD$ (exp$) 'Deal With Duplicates
    'To deal with duplicate operators in our code.
    'Such as --  becomes a +
    '++ becomes a +
    '+- becomes a -
    '-+ becomes a -
    t$ = exp$
        bad = 0
            l = INSTR(t$, "++")
            IF l THEN t$ = LEFT$(t$, l - 1) + "+" + MID$(t$, l + 2): bad = -1
        LOOP UNTIL l = 0
            l = INSTR(t$, "+-")
            IF l THEN t$ = LEFT$(t$, l - 1) + "-" + MID$(t$, l + 2): bad = -1
        LOOP UNTIL l = 0
            l = INSTR(t$, "-+")
            IF l THEN t$ = LEFT$(t$, l - 1) + "-" + MID$(t$, l + 2): bad = -1
        LOOP UNTIL l = 0
            l = INSTR(t$, "--")
            IF l THEN t$ = LEFT$(t$, l - 1) + "+" + MID$(t$, l + 2): bad = -1
        LOOP UNTIL l = 0
    DWD$ = t$
    VerifyString t$

SUB PreParse (e$)

    t$ = e$

    'First strip all spaces
    t$ = ""
    FOR i = 1 TO LEN(e$)
        IF MID$(e$, i, 1) <> " " THEN t$ = t$ + MID$(e$, i, 1)

    t$ = UCASE$(t$)
    IF t$ = "" THEN e$ = "ERROR -- NULL string; nothing to evaluate": EXIT SUB

    'ERROR CHECK by counting our brackets
    l = 0
        l = INSTR(l + 1, t$, "("): IF l THEN c = c + 1
    LOOP UNTIL l = 0
    l = 0
        l = INSTR(l + 1, t$, ")"): IF l THEN c1 = c1 + 1
    LOOP UNTIL l = 0
    IF c <> c1 THEN e$ = "ERROR -- Bad Parenthesis:" + STR$(c) + "( vs" + STR$(c1) + ")": EXIT SUB

    'Modify so that NOT will process properly
    l = 0
        l = INSTR(l + 1, t$, "NOT")
        IF l THEN
            'We need to work magic on the statement so it looks pretty.
            ' 1 + NOT 2 + 1 is actually processed as 1 + (NOT 2 + 1)
            'Look for something not proper
            l1 = INSTR(l + 1, t$, "AND")
            IF l1 = 0 OR (INSTR(l + 1, t$, "OR") > 0 AND INSTR(l + 1, t$, "OR") < l1) THEN l1 = INSTR(l + 1, t$, "OR")
            IF l1 = 0 OR (INSTR(l + 1, t$, "XOR") > 0 AND INSTR(l + 1, t$, "XOR") < l1) THEN l1 = INSTR(l + 1, t$, "XOR")
            IF l1 = 0 OR (INSTR(l + 1, t$, "EQV") > 0 AND INSTR(l + 1, t$, "EQV") < l1) THEN l1 = INSTR(l + 1, t$, "EQV")
            IF l1 = 0 OR (INSTR(l + 1, t$, "IMP") > 0 AND INSTR(l + 1, t$, "IMP") < l1) THEN l1 = INSTR(l + 1, t$, "IMP")
            IF l1 = 0 THEN l1 = LEN(t$) + 1
            t$ = LEFT$(t$, l - 1) + "(" + MID$(t$, l, l1 - l) + ")" + MID$(t$, l + l1 - l)
            l = l + 3
            'PRINT t$
        END IF
    LOOP UNTIL l = 0

    'Check for bad operators before a ( bracket
    l = 0
        l = INSTR(l + 1, t$, "(")
        IF l AND l > 2 THEN 'Don't check the starting bracket; there's nothing before it.
            good = 0
            FOR i = 1 TO UBOUND(OName)
                IF MID$(t$, l - LEN(OName(i)), LEN(OName(i))) = OName(i) AND PL(i) > 1 AND PL(i) <= 250 THEN good = -1: EXIT FOR 'We found an operator after our ), and it's not a CONST (like PI)
            IF NOT good THEN e$ = "ERROR - Improper operations before (.": EXIT SUB
            l = l + 1
        END IF
    LOOP UNTIL l = 0

    'Check for bad operators after a ) bracket
    l = 0
        l = INSTR(l + 1, t$, ")")
        IF l AND l < LEN(t$) THEN
            good = 0
            FOR i = 1 TO UBOUND(OName)
                IF MID$(t$, l + 1, LEN(OName(i))) = OName(i) AND PL(i) > 1 AND PL(i) <= 250 THEN good = -1: EXIT FOR 'We found an operator after our ), and it's not a CONST (like PI)
            IF MID$(t$, l + 1, 1) = ")" THEN good = -1
            IF NOT good THEN e$ = "ERROR - Improper operations after ).": EXIT SUB
            l = l + 1
        END IF
    LOOP UNTIL l = 0 OR l = LEN(t$) 'last symbol is a bracket

    'Turn all &H (hex) numbers into decimal values for the program to process properly
    l = 0
        l = INSTR(t$, "&H")
        IF l THEN
            E = l + 1: finished = 0
                E = E + 1
                comp$ = MID$(t$, E, 1)
                SELECT CASE comp$
                    CASE "0" TO "9", "A" TO "F" 'All is good, our next digit is a number, continue to add to the hex$
                    CASE ELSE
                        good = 0
                        FOR i = 1 TO UBOUND(OName)
                            IF MID$(t$, E, LEN(OName(i))) = OName(i) AND PL(i) > 1 AND PL(i) <= 250 THEN good = -1: EXIT FOR 'We found an operator after our ), and it's not a CONST (like PI)
                        IF NOT good THEN e$ = "ERROR - Improper &H value. (" + comp$ + ")": EXIT SUB
                        E = E - 1
                        finished = -1
                END SELECT
            LOOP UNTIL finished OR E = LEN(t$)
            t$ = LEFT$(t$, l - 1) + LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(VAL(MID$(t$, l, E - l + 1))))) + MID$(t$, E + 1)
        END IF
    LOOP UNTIL l = 0

    'Turn all &B (binary) numbers into decimal values for the program to process properly
    l = 0
        l = INSTR(t$, "&B")
        IF l THEN
            E = l + 1: finished = 0
                E = E + 1
                comp$ = MID$(t$, E, 1)
                SELECT CASE comp$
                    CASE "0", "1" 'All is good, our next digit is a number, continue to add to the hex$
                    CASE ELSE
                        good = 0
                        FOR i = 1 TO UBOUND(OName)
                            IF MID$(t$, E, LEN(OName(i))) = OName(i) AND PL(i) > 1 AND PL(i) <= 250 THEN good = -1: EXIT FOR 'We found an operator after our ), and it's not a CONST (like PI)
                        IF NOT good THEN e$ = "ERROR - Improper &B value. (" + comp$ + ")": EXIT SUB
                        E = E - 1
                        finished = -1
                END SELECT
            LOOP UNTIL finished OR E = LEN(t$)
            bin$ = MID$(t$, l + 2, E - l - 1)
            FOR i = 1 TO LEN(bin$)
                IF MID$(bin$, i, 1) = "1" THEN f = f + 2 ^ (LEN(bin$) - i)
            t$ = LEFT$(t$, l - 1) + LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(f))) + MID$(t$, E + 1)
        END IF
    LOOP UNTIL l = 0

    t$ = N2S(t$)
    VerifyString t$

    e$ = t$

SUB VerifyString (t$)
    'ERROR CHECK for unrecognized operations
    j = 1
        comp$ = MID$(t$, j, 1)
        SELECT CASE comp$
            CASE "0" TO "9", ".", "(", ")": j = j + 1
            CASE ELSE
                good = 0
                FOR i = 1 TO UBOUND(OName)
                    IF MID$(t$, j, LEN(OName(i))) = OName(i) THEN good = -1: EXIT FOR 'We found an operator after our ), and it's not a CONST (like PI)
                IF NOT good THEN t$ = "ERROR - Bad Operational value. (" + comp$ + ")": EXIT SUB
                j = j + LEN(OName(i))
        END SELECT
    LOOP UNTIL j > LEN(t$)

FUNCTION N2S$ (exp$) 'scientific Notation to String
    t$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(exp$))
    IF LEFT$(t$, 1) = "-" THEN sign$ = "-": t$ = MID$(t$, 2)

    dp = INSTR(t$, "D+"): dm = INSTR(t$, "D-")
    ep = INSTR(t$, "E+"): em = INSTR(t$, "E-")
    check1 = SGN(dp) + SGN(dm) + SGN(ep) + SGN(em)
    IF check1 < 1 OR check1 > 1 THEN N2S = exp$: EXIT SUB 'If no scientic notation is found, or if we find more than 1 type, it's not SN!

    SELECT CASE l 'l now tells us where the SN starts at.
        CASE IS < dp: l = dp
        CASE IS < dm: l = dm
        CASE IS < ep: l = ep
        CASE IS < em: l = em

    l$ = LEFT$(t$, l - 1) 'The left of the SN
    r$ = MID$(t$, l + 1): r&& = VAL(r$) 'The right of the SN, turned into a workable long

    IF INSTR(l$, ".") THEN 'Location of the decimal, if any
        IF r&& > 0 THEN
            r&& = r&& - LEN(l$) + 2
            r&& = r&& + 1
        END IF
        l$ = LEFT$(l$, 1) + MID$(l$, 3)
    END IF

        CASE 0 'what the heck? We solved it already?
            'l$ = l$
        CASE IS < 0
            FOR i = 1 TO -r&&
                l$ = "0" + l$
            l$ = "0." + l$
        CASE ELSE
            FOR i = 1 TO r&&
                l$ = l$ + "0"

    N2S$ = sign$ + l$

Look close at these 3 lines near the top of the demo:

math$ = "&HFFFF0000\"
math$ = "3+5"
PRINT Evaluate_Expression(math$)

With math$ being something simple (like 3+5), all works as intended and we have a program window which prints "8".

IF math$ is the &HFFFF000\ statement, the window crashes so fast, it doesn't even really pop up on my screen...

I'll dig into it. — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Bug, which stop IDE working
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2019, 12:51:21 pm »
Easy fix:

Code: [Select]
REDIM SHARED OName(0) AS STRING 'Operation Name
Set_OrderOfOperations 'This will also make certain our directories are valid, and if not make them.

    INPUT math$
    PRINT Evaluate_Expression(math$)

'Steve Subs/Functins for _MATH support with CONST
FUNCTION Evaluate_Expression$ (e$)
    t$ = e$ 'So we preserve our original data, we parse a temp copy of it

    b = INSTR(UCASE$(e$), "EQL") 'take out assignment before the preparser sees it
    IF b THEN t$ = MID$(e$, b + 3): var$ = UCASE$(LTRIM$(RTRIM$(MID$(e$, 1, b - 1))))

    QuickReturn = 0
    PreParse t$

    IF QuickReturn THEN Evaluate_Expression$ = t$: EXIT FUNCTION

    IF LEFT$(t$, 5) = "ERROR" THEN Evaluate_Expression$ = t$: EXIT FUNCTION

    'Deal with brackets first
    exp$ = "(" + t$ + ")" 'Starting and finishing brackets for our parse routine.

        Eval_E = INSTR(exp$, ")")
        IF Eval_E > 0 THEN
            c = 0
            DO UNTIL Eval_E - c <= 0
                c = c + 1
                IF Eval_E THEN
                    IF MID$(exp$, Eval_E - c, 1) = "(" THEN EXIT DO
                END IF
            s = Eval_E - c + 1
            IF s < 1 THEN PRINT "ERROR -- BAD () Count": END
            eval$ = " " + MID$(exp$, s, Eval_E - s) + " " 'pad with a space before and after so the parser can pick up the values properly.
            ParseExpression eval$

            eval$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(eval$))
            IF LEFT$(eval$, 5) = "ERROR" THEN Evaluate_Expression$ = eval$: EXIT SUB
            exp$ = DWD(LEFT$(exp$, s - 2) + eval$ + MID$(exp$, Eval_E + 1))
            IF MID$(exp$, 1, 1) = "N" THEN MID$(exp$, 1) = "-"

            temppp$ = DWD(LEFT$(exp$, s - 2) + " ## " + eval$ + " ## " + MID$(exp$, E + 1))
        END IF
    LOOP UNTIL Eval_E = 0
    c = 0
        c = c + 1
        SELECT CASE MID$(exp$, c, 1)
            CASE "0" TO "9", ".", "-" 'At this point, we should only have number values left.
            CASE ELSE: Evaluate_Expression$ = "ERROR - Unknown Diagnosis: (" + exp$ + ") ": EXIT SUB
        END SELECT
    LOOP UNTIL c >= LEN(exp$)

    Evaluate_Expression$ = exp$

SUB ParseExpression (exp$)
    DIM num(10) AS STRING
    'We should now have an expression with no () to deal with
    IF MID$(exp$, 2, 1) = "-" THEN exp$ = "0+" + MID$(exp$, 2)
    FOR J = 1 TO 250
        lowest = 0
        DO UNTIL lowest = LEN(exp$)
            lowest = LEN(exp$): OpOn = 0
            FOR P = 1 TO UBOUND(OName)
                'Look for first valid operator
                IF J = PL(P) THEN 'Priority levels match
                    IF LEFT$(exp$, 1) = "-" THEN op = INSTR(2, exp$, OName(P)) ELSE op = INSTR(exp$, OName(P))
                    IF op > 0 AND op < lowest THEN lowest = op: OpOn = P
                END IF
            IF OpOn = 0 THEN EXIT DO 'We haven't gotten to the proper PL for this OP to be processed yet.
            IF LEFT$(exp$, 1) = "-" THEN op = INSTR(2, exp$, OName(OpOn)) ELSE op = INSTR(exp$, OName(OpOn))
            numset = 0

            IF OName(OpOn) = "-" THEN 'check for BOOLEAN operators before the -
                SELECT CASE MID$(exp$, op - 3, 3)
                    CASE "NOT", "XOR", "AND", "EQV", "IMP"
                        EXIT DO 'Not an operator, it's a negative
                END SELECT
                IF MID$(exp$, op - 3, 2) = "OR" THEN EXIT DO 'Not an operator, it's a negative
            END IF

            IF op THEN
                c = LEN(OName(OpOn)) - 1
                    SELECT CASE MID$(exp$, op + c + 1, 1)
                        CASE "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ".", "N": numset = -1 'Valid digit
                        CASE "-" 'We need to check if it's a minus or a negative
                            IF OName(OpOn) = "_PI" OR numset THEN EXIT DO
                        CASE ELSE 'Not a valid digit, we found our separator
                            EXIT DO
                    END SELECT
                    c = c + 1
                LOOP UNTIL op + c >= LEN(exp$)
                E = op + c

                c = 0
                    c = c + 1
                    SELECT CASE MID$(exp$, op - c, 1)
                        CASE "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ".", "N" 'Valid digit
                        CASE "-" 'We need to check if it's a minus or a negative
                            c1 = c
                            bad = 0
                                c1 = c1 + 1
                                SELECT CASE MID$(exp$, op - c1, 1)
                                    CASE "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "."
                                        bad = -1
                                        EXIT DO 'It's a minus sign
                                    CASE ELSE
                                        'It's a negative sign and needs to count as part of our numbers
                                END SELECT
                            LOOP UNTIL op - c1 <= 0
                            IF bad THEN EXIT DO 'We found our seperator
                        CASE ELSE 'Not a valid digit, we found our separator
                            EXIT DO
                    END SELECT
                LOOP UNTIL op - c <= 0
                s = op - c
                num(1) = MID$(exp$, s + 1, op - s - 1) 'Get our first number
                num(2) = MID$(exp$, op + LEN(OName(OpOn)), E - op - LEN(OName(OpOn)) + 1) 'Get our second number
                IF MID$(num(1), 1, 1) = "N" THEN MID$(num(1), 1) = "-"
                IF MID$(num(2), 1, 1) = "N" THEN MID$(num(2), 1) = "-"
                num(3) = EvaluateNumbers(OpOn, num())
                IF MID$(num(3), 1, 1) = "-" THEN MID$(num(3), 1) = "N"
                'PRINT "*************"
                'PRINT num(1), OName(OpOn), num(2), num(3), exp$
                IF LEFT$(num(3), 5) = "ERROR" THEN exp$ = num(3): EXIT SUB
                exp$ = LTRIM$(N2S(DWD(LEFT$(exp$, s) + RTRIM$(LTRIM$(num(3))) + MID$(exp$, E + 1))))
                'PRINT exp$
            END IF
            op = 0


SUB Set_OrderOfOperations
    'PL sets our priortity level. 1 is highest to 65535 for the lowest.
    'I used a range here so I could add in new priority levels as needed.
    'OName ended up becoming the name of our commands, as I modified things.... Go figure!  LOL!

    'Constants get evaluated first, with a Priority Level of 1
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_PI"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 1
    'I'm not certain where exactly percentages should go.  They kind of seem like a special case to me.  COS10% should be COS.1 I'd think...
    'I'm putting it here for now, and if anyone knows someplace better for it in our order of operations, let me know.
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "%"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 5
    'Then Functions with PL 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_ACOS"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_ASIN"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_ARCSEC"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_ARCCSC"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_ARCCOT"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_SECH"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_CSCH"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_COTH"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "COS"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "SIN"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "TAN"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "LOG"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "EXP"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "ATN"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_D2R"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_D2G"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_R2D"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_R2G"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_G2D"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_G2R"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "ABS"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "SGN"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "INT"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_ROUND"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "FIX"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_SEC"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_CSC"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "_COT"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "ASC"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "CHR$"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 10

    'Exponents with PL 20
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "^"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 20
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "SQR"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 20
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "ROOT"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 20
    'Multiplication and Division PL 30
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "*"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 30
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "/"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 30
    'Integer Division PL 40
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "\"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 40
    'MOD PL 50
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "MOD"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 50
    'Addition and Subtraction PL 60
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "+"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 60
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "-"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 60

    'Relational Operators =, >, <, <>, <=, >=   PL 70
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "<>"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 70
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "><" 'These next three are just reversed symbols as an attempt to help process a common typo
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 70
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "<="
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 70
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = ">="
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 70
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "=<" 'I personally can never keep these things straight.  Is it < = or = <...
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 70
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "=>" 'Who knows, check both!
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 70
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = ">"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 70
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "<"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 70
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "="
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 70
    'Logical Operations PL 80+
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "NOT"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 80
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "AND"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 90
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "OR"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 100
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "XOR"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 110
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "EQV"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 120
    i = i + 1: REDIM _PRESERVE OName(i): OName(i) = "IMP"
    REDIM _PRESERVE PL(i): PL(i) = 130


FUNCTION EvaluateNumbers$ (p, num() AS STRING)
    DIM n1 AS _FLOAT, n2 AS _FLOAT, n3 AS _FLOAT
    SELECT CASE OName(p) 'Depending on our operator..
        CASE "_PI": n1 = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288## 'Future compatable in case something ever stores extra digits for PI
        CASE "%": n1 = (VAL(num(1))) / 100 'Note percent is a special case and works with the number BEFORE the % command and not after
        CASE "_ACOS": n1 = _ACOS(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_ASIN": n1 = _ASIN(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_ARCSEC": n1 = _ARCSEC(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_ARCCSC": n1 = _ARCCSC(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_ARCCOT": n1 = _ARCCOT(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_SECH": n1 = _SECH(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_CSCH": n1 = _CSCH(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_COTH": n1 = _COTH(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "COS": n1 = COS(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "SIN": n1 = SIN(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "TAN": n1 = TAN(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "LOG": n1 = LOG(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "EXP": n1 = EXP(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "ATN": n1 = ATN(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_D2R": n1 = 0.0174532925 * (VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_D2G": n1 = 1.1111111111 * (VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_R2D": n1 = 57.2957795 * (VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_R2G": n1 = 0.015707963 * (VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_G2D": n1 = 0.9 * (VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_G2R": n1 = 63.661977237 * (VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "ABS": n1 = ABS(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "SGN": n1 = SGN(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "INT": n1 = INT(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_ROUND": n1 = _ROUND(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "FIX": n1 = FIX(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_SEC": n1 = _SEC(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_CSC": n1 = _CSC(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "_COT": n1 = _COT(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "^": n1 = VAL(num(1)) ^ VAL(num(2))
        CASE "SQR": n1 = SQR(VAL(num(2)))
        CASE "ROOT"
            n1 = VAL(num(1)): n2 = VAL(num(2))
            IF n2 = 1 THEN EvaluateNumbers$ = RTRIM$(LTRIM$(STR$(n1))): EXIT FUNCTION
            IF n1 < 0 AND n2 >= 1 THEN sign = -1: n1 = -n1 ELSE sign = 1
            n3 = 1## / n2
            IF n3 <> INT(n3) AND n2 < 1 THEN sign = SGN(n1): n1 = ABS(n1)
            n1 = sign * (n1 ^ n3)
        CASE "*": n1 = VAL(num(1)) * VAL(num(2))
        CASE "/": n1 = VAL(num(1)) / VAL(num(2))
        CASE "\"
            IF VAL(num(2)) <> 0 THEN
                n1 = VAL(num(1)) \ VAL(num(2))
                EvaluateNumbers$ = "ERROR - Bad operation (We shouldn't see this)"
                EXIT FUNCTION
            END IF
        CASE "MOD": n1 = VAL(num(1)) MOD VAL(num(2))
        CASE "+": n1 = VAL(num(1)) + VAL(num(2))
        CASE "-": n1 = VAL(num(1)) - VAL(num(2))
        CASE "=": n1 = VAL(num(1)) = VAL(num(2))
        CASE ">": n1 = VAL(num(1)) > VAL(num(2))
        CASE "<": n1 = VAL(num(1)) < VAL(num(2))
        CASE "<>", "><": n1 = VAL(num(1)) <> VAL(num(2))
        CASE "<=", "=<": n1 = VAL(num(1)) <= VAL(num(2))
        CASE ">=", "=>": n1 = VAL(num(1)) >= VAL(num(2))
        CASE "NOT": n1 = NOT VAL(num(2))
        CASE "AND": n1 = VAL(num(1)) AND VAL(num(2))
        CASE "OR": n1 = VAL(num(1)) OR VAL(num(2))
        CASE "XOR": n1 = VAL(num(1)) XOR VAL(num(2))
        CASE "EQV": n1 = VAL(num(1)) EQV VAL(num(2))
        CASE "IMP": n1 = VAL(num(1)) IMP VAL(num(2))
        CASE ELSE
            EvaluateNumbers$ = "ERROR - Bad operation (We shouldn't see this)" 'Let's say we're bad...
    EvaluateNumbers$ = RTRIM$(LTRIM$(STR$(n1)))

FUNCTION DWD$ (exp$) 'Deal With Duplicates
    'To deal with duplicate operators in our code.
    'Such as --  becomes a +
    '++ becomes a +
    '+- becomes a -
    '-+ becomes a -
    t$ = exp$
        bad = 0
            l = INSTR(t$, "++")
            IF l THEN t$ = LEFT$(t$, l - 1) + "+" + MID$(t$, l + 2): bad = -1
        LOOP UNTIL l = 0
            l = INSTR(t$, "+-")
            IF l THEN t$ = LEFT$(t$, l - 1) + "-" + MID$(t$, l + 2): bad = -1
        LOOP UNTIL l = 0
            l = INSTR(t$, "-+")
            IF l THEN t$ = LEFT$(t$, l - 1) + "-" + MID$(t$, l + 2): bad = -1
        LOOP UNTIL l = 0
            l = INSTR(t$, "--")
            IF l THEN t$ = LEFT$(t$, l - 1) + "+" + MID$(t$, l + 2): bad = -1
        LOOP UNTIL l = 0
    DWD$ = t$
    VerifyString t$

SUB PreParse (e$)

    t$ = e$

    'First strip all spaces
    t$ = ""
    FOR i = 1 TO LEN(e$)
        IF MID$(e$, i, 1) <> " " THEN t$ = t$ + MID$(e$, i, 1)

    t$ = UCASE$(t$)
    IF t$ = "" THEN e$ = "ERROR -- NULL string; nothing to evaluate": EXIT SUB

    'ERROR CHECK by counting our brackets
    l = 0
        l = INSTR(l + 1, t$, "("): IF l THEN c = c + 1
    LOOP UNTIL l = 0
    l = 0
        l = INSTR(l + 1, t$, ")"): IF l THEN c1 = c1 + 1
    LOOP UNTIL l = 0
    IF c <> c1 THEN e$ = "ERROR -- Bad Parenthesis:" + STR$(c) + "( vs" + STR$(c1) + ")": EXIT SUB

    'Modify so that NOT will process properly
    l = 0
        l = INSTR(l + 1, t$, "NOT")
        IF l THEN
            'We need to work magic on the statement so it looks pretty.
            ' 1 + NOT 2 + 1 is actually processed as 1 + (NOT 2 + 1)
            'Look for something not proper
            l1 = INSTR(l + 1, t$, "AND")
            IF l1 = 0 OR (INSTR(l + 1, t$, "OR") > 0 AND INSTR(l + 1, t$, "OR") < l1) THEN l1 = INSTR(l + 1, t$, "OR")
            IF l1 = 0 OR (INSTR(l + 1, t$, "XOR") > 0 AND INSTR(l + 1, t$, "XOR") < l1) THEN l1 = INSTR(l + 1, t$, "XOR")
            IF l1 = 0 OR (INSTR(l + 1, t$, "EQV") > 0 AND INSTR(l + 1, t$, "EQV") < l1) THEN l1 = INSTR(l + 1, t$, "EQV")
            IF l1 = 0 OR (INSTR(l + 1, t$, "IMP") > 0 AND INSTR(l + 1, t$, "IMP") < l1) THEN l1 = INSTR(l + 1, t$, "IMP")
            IF l1 = 0 THEN l1 = LEN(t$) + 1
            t$ = LEFT$(t$, l - 1) + "(" + MID$(t$, l, l1 - l) + ")" + MID$(t$, l + l1 - l)
            l = l + 3
            'PRINT t$
        END IF
    LOOP UNTIL l = 0

    'Check for bad operators before a ( bracket
    l = 0
        l = INSTR(l + 1, t$, "(")
        IF l AND l > 2 THEN 'Don't check the starting bracket; there's nothing before it.
            good = 0
            FOR i = 1 TO UBOUND(OName)
                IF MID$(t$, l - LEN(OName(i)), LEN(OName(i))) = OName(i) AND PL(i) > 1 AND PL(i) <= 250 THEN good = -1: EXIT FOR 'We found an operator after our ), and it's not a CONST (like PI)
            IF NOT good THEN e$ = "ERROR - Improper operations before (.": EXIT SUB
            l = l + 1
        END IF
    LOOP UNTIL l = 0

    'Check for bad operators after a ) bracket
    l = 0
        l = INSTR(l + 1, t$, ")")
        IF l AND l < LEN(t$) THEN
            good = 0
            FOR i = 1 TO UBOUND(OName)
                IF MID$(t$, l + 1, LEN(OName(i))) = OName(i) AND PL(i) > 1 AND PL(i) <= 250 THEN good = -1: EXIT FOR 'We found an operator after our ), and it's not a CONST (like PI)
            IF MID$(t$, l + 1, 1) = ")" THEN good = -1
            IF NOT good THEN e$ = "ERROR - Improper operations after ).": EXIT SUB
            l = l + 1
        END IF
    LOOP UNTIL l = 0 OR l = LEN(t$) 'last symbol is a bracket

    'Turn all &H (hex) numbers into decimal values for the program to process properly
    l = 0
        l = INSTR(t$, "&H")
        IF l THEN
            E = l + 1: finished = 0
                E = E + 1
                comp$ = MID$(t$, E, 1)
                SELECT CASE comp$
                    CASE "0" TO "9", "A" TO "F" 'All is good, our next digit is a number, continue to add to the hex$
                    CASE ELSE
                        good = 0
                        FOR i = 1 TO UBOUND(OName)
                            IF MID$(t$, E, LEN(OName(i))) = OName(i) AND PL(i) > 1 AND PL(i) <= 250 THEN good = -1: EXIT FOR 'We found an operator after our ), and it's not a CONST (like PI)
                        IF NOT good THEN e$ = "ERROR - Improper &H value. (" + comp$ + ")": EXIT SUB
                        E = E - 1
                        finished = -1
                END SELECT
            LOOP UNTIL finished OR E = LEN(t$)
            t$ = LEFT$(t$, l - 1) + LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(VAL(MID$(t$, l, E - l + 1))))) + MID$(t$, E + 1)
        END IF
    LOOP UNTIL l = 0

    'Turn all &B (binary) numbers into decimal values for the program to process properly
    l = 0
        l = INSTR(t$, "&B")
        IF l THEN
            E = l + 1: finished = 0
                E = E + 1
                comp$ = MID$(t$, E, 1)
                SELECT CASE comp$
                    CASE "0", "1" 'All is good, our next digit is a number, continue to add to the hex$
                    CASE ELSE
                        good = 0
                        FOR i = 1 TO UBOUND(OName)
                            IF MID$(t$, E, LEN(OName(i))) = OName(i) AND PL(i) > 1 AND PL(i) <= 250 THEN good = -1: EXIT FOR 'We found an operator after our ), and it's not a CONST (like PI)
                        IF NOT good THEN e$ = "ERROR - Improper &B value. (" + comp$ + ")": EXIT SUB
                        E = E - 1
                        finished = -1
                END SELECT
            LOOP UNTIL finished OR E = LEN(t$)
            bin$ = MID$(t$, l + 2, E - l - 1)
            FOR i = 1 TO LEN(bin$)
                IF MID$(bin$, i, 1) = "1" THEN f = f + 2 ^ (LEN(bin$) - i)
            t$ = LEFT$(t$, l - 1) + LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(f))) + MID$(t$, E + 1)
        END IF
    LOOP UNTIL l = 0

    t$ = N2S(t$)
    VerifyString t$

    e$ = t$

SUB VerifyString (t$)
    'ERROR CHECK for unrecognized operations
    j = 1
        comp$ = MID$(t$, j, 1)
        SELECT CASE comp$
            CASE "0" TO "9", ".", "(", ")": j = j + 1
            CASE ELSE
                good = 0
                FOR i = 1 TO UBOUND(OName)
                    IF MID$(t$, j, LEN(OName(i))) = OName(i) THEN good = -1: EXIT FOR 'We found an operator after our ), and it's not a CONST (like PI)
                IF NOT good THEN t$ = "ERROR - Bad Operational value. (" + comp$ + ")": EXIT SUB
                j = j + LEN(OName(i))
        END SELECT
    LOOP UNTIL j > LEN(t$)

FUNCTION N2S$ (exp$) 'scientific Notation to String
    t$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(exp$))
    IF LEFT$(t$, 1) = "-" THEN sign$ = "-": t$ = MID$(t$, 2)

    dp = INSTR(t$, "D+"): dm = INSTR(t$, "D-")
    ep = INSTR(t$, "E+"): em = INSTR(t$, "E-")
    check1 = SGN(dp) + SGN(dm) + SGN(ep) + SGN(em)
    IF check1 < 1 OR check1 > 1 THEN N2S = exp$: EXIT SUB 'If no scientic notation is found, or if we find more than 1 type, it's not SN!

    SELECT CASE l 'l now tells us where the SN starts at.
        CASE IS < dp: l = dp
        CASE IS < dm: l = dm
        CASE IS < ep: l = ep
        CASE IS < em: l = em

    l$ = LEFT$(t$, l - 1) 'The left of the SN
    r$ = MID$(t$, l + 1): r&& = VAL(r$) 'The right of the SN, turned into a workable long

    IF INSTR(l$, ".") THEN 'Location of the decimal, if any
        IF r&& > 0 THEN
            r&& = r&& - LEN(l$) + 2
            r&& = r&& + 1
        END IF
        l$ = LEFT$(l$, 1) + MID$(l$, 3)
    END IF

        CASE 0 'what the heck? We solved it already?
            'l$ = l$
        CASE IS < 0
            FOR i = 1 TO -r&&
                l$ = "0" + l$
            l$ = "0." + l$
        CASE ELSE
            FOR i = 1 TO r&&
                l$ = l$ + "0"

    N2S$ = sign$ + l$

I can push the changes into the repo later, and squash this bug with no issues.  This one was rather simple to track down and correct. — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline Petr

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Re: Bug, which stop IDE working
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2019, 01:19:54 pm »
Easy Fix

I'm glad you have a sense of humor.

:)  Easy..... hmmmm.....

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Bug, which stop IDE working
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2019, 01:49:29 pm »
Fix pushed into the repo. — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Bug, which stop IDE working
« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2019, 01:54:04 pm »
If you guys don't want to redownload all of QB64, grab the file below and extract it into your QB64/source folder and overwrite the QB64.bas there with it.  Then use QB64.exe to compile the new QB64.bas (don't compile to same directory as the source, or else you'll need to move the *.exe it generates over to the main qb64 folder).

Once done, you should have a QB64(2).exe which you can now use with the glitch showing up with CONST anymore.  Feel free to delete the old version and rename the new one back to QB64.exe, if you want, and then you're all golden.

EDIT: Removed archive
« Last Edit: August 02, 2019, 09:28:10 am by SMcNeill » — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Bug, which stop IDE working
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2019, 09:36:08 am »
Welp, pushed a fix to the repo for the latest push into the repo -- problem was, when I fixed the crash issue, I fixed it too well!!

CONST tends to jump out to our math routines to do the precalculation for and formula we use for us, but it does toss errors for when things don't work right.  If we try to do math with "dog" + "food", that's going to toss an error, as we're not working with numbers -- but CONST doesn't just work with numbers.  It shouldn't have any issue making that "dogfood"...

Even if it's not valid math, it might still be valid CONST syntax, and when I added the error handling, I simply over-handled it.  We only want valid math errors (such as Division By Zero) to show and stop the process, and not things like "dog" + "food". 

The fix below should correct the over-correction, and only toss an error now when it's actually required/needed. — A github collection of all things Steve!